Friday, January 18, 2013

Big boy

Audrey was 9 months when I let her start to feed herself. It was messy but she did great.

Beckham has been wanting to for a LONG time. I know that once you start there is no stopping.

Beckham is 16 months. Well I finally sucked it up and handed over the control.

It's as messy and crazy as I remember but he's in heaven and thoroughly enjoying this new independence. Cheers to more meal time mayhem and our baby turning more and more into a big boy!

Pure bliss

Pure bliss is knowing that you are a big boy because you can feed yourself with a spoon.

Proud mama (never been so proud of such a big mess)


Some days are just dramatic

It's a hard life when you are just one years old.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dancing with daddy

Sweet tender moments
I couldn't help but snap away with my phone.
Audrey asked Brent to dance with her and he sweetly did just that. It was absolutely darling watching her eyes light up in pure joy and admiration for her daddy.
These are the moments that weekends are made for <3

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Morning walk

A morning adventure in the backyard while my littlest naps and my biggest works on 'losing' her morning nap!

The deer where in the backyard so when we went to the barn to feed the kitty (spicy...oh spicy) we saw them and had to go say 'hi deer'.

Audrey did a little ice walking (she said 'mommy I can walk on water') she was amazed!

The sun was shining beautifully, our noses where cold but we could feel the warmth of the sun-it was a beautiful time.

I just love spending special time 1:1 with my sweeties.

The other morning I took Beckham by myself to the doctor for a quick checkup. Well it was utterly delightful having some time for JUST us TWO. He is such a sweet young man who just enchants all the old ladies. I'm pretty sure he's going to be a little bit of a flirt.