Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bible Study&friendship

We are SO blessed by our friends Daniel and Sung, they have blessed us by babysitting every Thursday so we can go to bible study. This is HUGE!

We feel so blessed by them and there friendship. There babysitting has given so so so much.

A- a night to get out kid free one time a week!

B- a night to get together and focus on our spiritual life and spiritual relationship

C- a time to connect with young families in the same stage of life in or church

D- a time to learn and grow and really be real with one another

E- the ability to commit to a night and not worry about child care falling through

Oh man, my heart feels SO so So blessed by these two! They are SO incredible!

Tonight was our last bible study until fall and these two have faithful watched our kids week after week. SO blessed, seriously! After such a crazy season in life with my pregnancy being able to go to a regular bible study has given me the ability to rejuvenate and for my 'cup to be filled'. Words can not express my gratitude.

Parenthood is such a different season of life and honestly it keeps us grounded and it's SO great. Having bible study after the storm though has helped us be better parents and helped rejuvenate us. We are blessed to have Daniel and Sung and blessed to have such a GREAT group of families that we have gotten to know at our church. My heart is SO warm!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Empty Womb

I have to admit I have empty womb syndrome.

I know we made a deal, no more pregnancies. I just admit that I still have those aches for another baby.
I wish I wish I could get pregnant and it not be complicated. I wish that we could figure out a way to make pregnancy and me friends.
Beckham is 8 months, they would be 17 months apart. Nope nope, we are done. It was a nice thought. Maybe I'll sneak into one of my babies rooms for some sleepy baby cuddles. It still makes me sad that because my pregnancies are so crazy that we aren't able to have as many babies as we'd want. Just for the record if it wasn't for my pregnancies I would have been ready to get pregnant months ago. Instead I've packed up and sold every ounce of baby gear and cloths to avoid the temptation of something that could never be.

Does that ache for another baby ever leave? I guess I shall find out. Maybe that ache will be gone when I'm really skinny and I don't want to destroy my body again ha ha. Perhaps that's the key to closure with my empty womb syndrome.

Two little monkeys

These past couple days have been filled with giggles

Beckham getting STUCK under the pbed, having to coax him out with raisins ha ha

Beckham getting into Pradas food and water bowls and her food container haha

Audrey dragging beckham to play toys

Beckham getting stuck in various tight spots ha ha

I am so blessed and these past few days have gone 100mph buy have been so fun. It's fun watching my monkeys turn into little people who love and interact with one another!

Monday, May 28, 2012

30 day promise

No more cheating on my allergies
No more slacking off when it comes to working out
No more not being able to sleep at night (I figure if I work out like mad I'll be able to sleep better?)

Sigh, I'm posting this to keep me accountable. I'm so SO close, I fit all my normal cloths but right before I got preggo I was at my thinnest. I tried those pants on and still a 'muffin top' sigh.

If I can do this I'm going to splurge on myself! It's true, that's my reward.

30 days of no cheating
30 days of working out
Do-able? Bah, it better be!
Ok ok, I'm a slacker, I will give myself 3 days to bail on working out. One two three strikes you're out...right?

I think I can, I think I can

Quote of the day

Mommy what's that?-Audrey
It's a dinosaur.-me
A Dino...slut?-Audrey
No a Dinosaur...Dino...saur-me
Ohhh a DinoSLUT(slut emphasized)-Audrey
It's a teddy-me
Oooh Bear-Audrey

Haha I give up.

Lil Fairy

Audrey turned two and I got pictures done of her and they turned out SO sweet. She's such a big girl now. Wow, two! Still sad that my two under two days are over! That was a fast 8 months!


We dedicated our wee Beckham to the Lord on Sunday. It went much better this time then last. Audrey SCREAMED like she was being murdered and Beckham just wiggled. What a sweet boy.

We pray that he learns to love Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. He is such a sweet boy and has such beautiful spirit and spunk.

I also realized after that he was wearing his pirate shirt that has a huge skull on it. We are what you could say to be a modern christian family haha.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monkey #1...busted

It's 8:30pm and I hear a noise.
Audrey's been in bed since 7pm.
I see a light flick on.
It's not the first time I've witnessed this.
This time I'm armed with a camera.
This little monkey is my spicy princess.


Brent's guess is 3 weeks until first steps, mine is 4.5 weeks.

This monkeys is pulling up and letting go on everything!

He is exactly 8 months and 2 days old right now. I guess we will see who wins this bet!


While Beckham naps I try and do special big kid thing with Audrey. She adores her brother but she thrives when she gets 1-1 time.

Sometimes we paint, bake, play play dough, do crafts, read books and many other things. The other day I picked up some seeds and thought for $1.89 it could be fun to plant seeds and watch it grow together. She loves feeding Prada and our turtles so I think watering etc. will be right up her ally.

Anyways, it was messy as she just turned two and LOVES dirt. It was hard to get her to understand that we don't 'play' in this dirt.

Anyways I'm excited to see if she really enjoys this, I'm hoping she's not to young. I know she'll enjoy the watering but I'm wondering if she will understand the 'growing'

I have intentions to also do the 'bean' in a plastic cup (with paper towel) this summer with her. I'm loving this age.

I fail

I failed my new years resolution
The truth is...
I still have not been showering alone.
The before picture was all three of us in there having a shower.
It's hard to get rid of something so efficient. One day I will ban kids in my shower. One day ha ha.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So Beckham for the last 6 month has gone to bed at 7pm and woke up at 5:30/6am nursed and gone back to bed until 8:30am. GLORIOUS, so blessed to have a good sleeper. Well lately he has been waking up ONLY at 7am but after I nurse him he doesn't want to go back to sleep. It makes my heart sad. Brent prefers that. He makes comments that Beckham is the WORSE sleeper because he wakes up at 5:30/6 and doesn't sleep later. I giggle at his innocent unknowing comment. I am thInking I want to start setting an alarm and waking Beckham up at 5:30/6 just so he will continue to sleep in!!! Audrey also sleeps in until 8:30am so it's pretty challenging to keep a 8 month old quiet to let his sister sleep. Let's be honest the room of it is I just want to sleep in until 8:30!

Monday, May 21, 2012


This is our treasure jar.
Audrey ADORES it.
We go for walks.
We pick up treasures.
We store it in the treasure jar.
She likes to look (not touch, its glass and I don't want pine cones and rocks all over the house).
When it's full we choose a couple of our favorites and start again.
She loves being able to bring treasure home!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Second Birthday

My spice
You are TWO
I remember your first moments
I remember your first night
I remember your first birthday
I remember your second year
Today you turned TWO
When I tucked you in tonight you said, 'mommy cuddle' that is a request I almost can never deny. You are my spice, my joy, the reason behind many smiles every single day. I adore you. You are my first baby, my only girl. I love you so much. I'm scared for when you are a teenager. I know we will get through it. I hope you will forgive me when I make mistakes. I know I'm not perfect. I hope I don't embarrass you to much unless it's around boys then I hope I embarrass you enough to scare them away. (Joking...sort of). You are so beautiful and there is so much more to you then beauty. Your smile, your giggles, your incredible sense of humor, and let's be honest you are bright. You have scared me half to death with how quickly you have learned. I sometimes tried to downplay how advanced you are but today is your birthday and one day you will read this. My darling you have it all, brains, beauty and humor. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

You are two.

You can climb a jungle gym with no help no matter the height

You can count to six

You talk in almost full sentences

You make jokes and tickle

You can handle spicier food then daddy

You are working on your ABCs and are doing great! So far you have the first's a start!

You also know lots of colors

You know all your animals and what sounds they make. Your favorite is the tiger because let's be honest you LOVE to ROAR

Audrey so far you have Mommy's private school dance moves you are proud of them though and that's what is important. Maybe I need to learn some real dance moves so I can role model.

When I was pregnant with you I knew when I was sick I was fighting for you. I was praying for these moments. I thank god for every second I've had you and praise the Lord for all the rest of the moments and years we will have.

There isn't a day that goes by that you don't make me burst into giggles.

You make me want to be a better person, a better wife, and a better mom. Thank you Audrey. The moment I knew you were in me, you changed me for the better. I pray that everyday you are alive you will know how very loved you are. Loved by me, daddy, Beckham and most importantly Jesus. He loves you sweetheart.

Today we
Had icecream (Oreo) for breakfast, cupcakes for lunch, some strawberries, birthday sprinkle blondies for dinner. On your birthday you can have why you want and treats all day was what you got. You played hard, swam lots, laughed harder and crashed before 7pm. Early to bed on your birthday. I love you princess. I'm ok with treats all day on your birthday if that is what you want!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Washing special stuffies

Audrey saw her stuffed bear Norra in the washing machine.
She has been screaming ever since.
She pretty much thinks I'm a stuffed bear murderer.
She has been wailing 'Norrrra' for a LONG time. I am tempted to open the washer and just give her the wet bear.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From brat to domestic

If you know me I'll say quite honestly I don't know how I turned out the way I did. Sometimes I blame it on Brent's love languages. His love language as he likes to tell me are
-coming home to a spotless house
-coming home to a great meal
-good good
-lots of baking
-things that are clean
-things that are edible

Oh my Brent. He is the boy that captured a little brats heart. The girl that grew up not knowing anything about cooking or cleaning. I had nannies and mades and parents that weren't home much. I was the opposite of domestic.

I can now proudly say I am one of the most domestic people I know. Sometimes I shock myself. The shock comes out of things becoming my desire rather then just doing it for Brent.

I make everything from scratch. All our baking, sauces, baby food, jams, absolutely everything. It's not very often you will see something in my fridge that wasn't from scratch. Ok my ketchup isn't from scratch. Let's be honest Heinz is the BOMB!

Then cleaning. I am anal. A mess used to not stress me out. Now it will almost make me cry if things are messy. I have two under two so I don't mind a mess but it has to be cleaned up. I want my kids to play and enjoy themselves buy cleaning up after the fun is just apart of it.

I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself. I'm 25 and the amount I've changed since Brent and I have been together is crazy. I never thought being domestic was something to be proud about. I think I am though. I used to think being domestic was a weakness and now I realize how wrong I was.

I am strong. I am domestic. I'm sassy and I'm ok with it. I have a husband who wants to be fed and I'm okay living him in that long as I don't become a beefcake.

Today during naptime I was cutting up 25lbs of strawberries, I'll freeze these for making sauces etc then I'll cut up more for smoothies and buy more to make into Jam. I'm pretty sure I'm more domestic in the summer ha ha.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

First time we have taken a couple hours on mothers day to spend it as a family. It was perfection having some family time. I have missed Brent and it was blissful spending a couple hours just relishing in moments together as a family. So refreshing. God has blessed me. He gave me a husband who gave me two precious little ones that remind me daily of the love we share. We cherish these moments of simplicity and we will look back and reminisce about when the days were long and the months past so quickly as our wee babes grew so fast. Praise the Lord for all the beautiful gifts he has given me. Praise the lord on this beautiful mothers day.

The quote that captures my heart during this season is this

'the days are long buy the years are short'

Friday, May 11, 2012

Park day

Audrey amazes me at the park.
Her coordination in climbing and figuring things out is astounding. Everytime she climbs I get so nervous...I guess it's all apart of her gaining her independence. She is so fearless. She is so full of drive and determination!

Beckham is so relaxed. He is content on the blanket chewing a pinecone or in the swing beside his sister. He is just such a great baby. He's feisty and determined already to do the things his sister does...I'm pretty sure he's king to give her a run for her money soon.

They are such great friends and truly Gods greatest blessing. (besides Brent...who in the world can say they have cute kids and a hunk for a hubby??)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 under 2

Beckham is almost 8 months
Audrey is almost 2!
11 days left of being able to say I have two under two.
Sometimes I get that creepy empty womb feeling. I know it's weird. It's still hard some days knowing that this is it.
Two under two.
I could totally do 3 under 3. Heck I could have done 6 under 6!
If only I didn't have such bad pregnancies.

8 months of having two babies under two. How fast this time has flown. How sweet the relationship has blossomed in 8 months between my two BABIES!

My Audrey
My Beckham
My babies
This time is passing so fast. I'm feeling a little sentimental. I just need more cuddles.


He said dada
Brent wins
We have a 'da-da'er'
7 months
He crawls
He says dada
He seriously chases Audrey
He's a mama's boy.
Oh Beckham I adore you

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tile factory

We went to a custom glass tile factory to look for backsplash tile, tile for the tub surround and trim. It was such a cool place so many options and designs. I'm having so much fun envisioning our new are some samples


So Brent's parents are building Audrey a sandbox for her birthday. I finagled it to work perfectly. I didn't even mean to. I was looking for sandbox plans. Well I found a playhouse plan that had a sandbox! Perfection. So Brent's dad is going to build the sandbox and platform this summer and next spring brent will build the house. The platform will have a ladder, slide and Rockwell. Seriously I could squeal with excitement. I feel like things for the kids is FAR more exciting then anything I could buy for me!!

The playhouse will also have a swing set attached. This is a picture from the plans...

Seriously eeek!


What are we going to use our airmiles for since our babies keep us grounded...
A new patio set
A play structure (I'll post about this another day)

This morning I'm shopping for a patio set...trying to find one that is cute and will grow with our family!

Audrey really wanted a swing ha ha

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Work Joke

My idea of a work joke is
My husband starts working at 6:30am and is still working at 8:30pm what a work joke that is. Boo.

Mothers day

Brent asked me what I want to do for Mothers day...

My response
-I don't want you to work (he has been working Saturdays and Sunday's)
-I want a day were we are both home parenting or maybe even you are parenting more then me
-I want to do something outside
-I want ZERO social agenda.
-I just want to spend the day as a family of four.
-I want to feel bored so time moves slower

We haven't had any days that have been normal in months. I told Brent the most 'relaxed' I've been in the last few months is when I had the flu and trust me that wasn't relaxing.

I was looking at the forecast and our possibilities of outdoor activities are endless with this sunshine! Bring on the sunshine!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


A day to shower my babies with kisses and play all the games and toys they want. A day filled with extra cuddles and perhaps a park visit or two!

It's been such a busy couple months filled to the brim with things that in the long run aren't important. Today I'm having a day of just pure fun with my two little monkeys.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Nothing warms my heart like when I see my little ones loving on each othe. So precious.

My system

Brent doesn't read my blog so im safe ;)

Bed hogging=me
I am feeling like with my 6'4 hubby and me being over 5'9 a queen bed is agony.

Brent likes to sleep close to me.
He doesn't like it if we sleep face to face. (i use this to manipulate him)
If he is facing my side of the bed I face him to chase him back onto his side.
Then I crowd him and he flips over. This way he gets 1/3 of the bed on the edge of the bed and I get a glorious 2/3.

We need a king bed, for real

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A special breakfast

On your birthday
On the day of your party day
You deserve a breakfast of champions!
Made Miss Audrey a nutella brownie with cream cheese frosting! Celebrating Audrey today!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ready to party

We have been practicing! She's got the candle blowing and saying happy birthday to herself down!


Testing testing
Yup we almost have a two year old!
Testing out the castle before her party

Ready to party

We have been practicing! She's got the candle blowing and saying happy birthday to herself down!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Daddy woke up my monkeys at 7:15 by crashing around downstairs. Sigh. Rough start. It's rough when they normally sleep until almost 9am and you have to have them miss naps in order to bring trades through our Reno project for quotes alllll day. Sigh. This is a Sheena pity party and you are invited!

While I was changing Beckham I heard Audrey gulping. I had just gave her a cup of milk so I didn't think anything of it. I turned around and found her 'gulping rapidly' a brand new jar of strawberry freezer jam! She was quite pleased and quite covered in jam...into the bath we go.

The picture I posted the other day about...'we used to want the world and now we just want to pee alone..' the plus side to never peeing alone is the incredible encouragement and clapping that happens everytime I pee. 'Yay per, good job mommy, good pee, you get pee treat' clap clap clap...makes you feel good even if you have been using a potty for over 23 years haha.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

King bed

'Brent are you awake'-sheena
'ugh, yes'-brent
'I think we need a king bed'-sheena
'for real I need more room I think we have to get a king. I keep waiting all night for you to go to work so I can have the whole bed.'-sheena
'are you joking?'-brent
'no, all I want is to spread out and so I just feel like I am waiting for you do go to work so I can sleep'-seems
'your crazy, go to sleep sheena'-Brent