Friday, August 31, 2012

Quote of the day

'da da'
'oh beckham you're talking'-Audrey
'no beckham you don't say mama you say da da'-audrey
'nooooo! Beckham don't do that! You say dada'-Audrey

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


In this storm of having to deal with insurance agents, appliance stores, police and so SO much more. All while renovating, moving and having two babies. I needed to do some banking and today was a day with no naps fr my kids because of all the chaos. Well I am so impressed I wanna cry.

I called coast capital from the parking lot and was ready to cry. My kids just fell asleep. They where a mess before so I really didn't want to wake them up. I called and asked if there was anyway they could send someone out so I could do my banking from the car and not have to wake my kids up and being them in.

Sure enough they where delighted to help. I just want to cry. I was met with compassion and total understanding the lady who came out was a mon and was so sweet and totally understood.

What a blessing. I tell you it's the small things.

And yes I'm away that both my kids are naked ahhaha it's just one of those days. Wasn't a battle I chose to fight ;)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Reno Quote

'anyone can work 16 hour days and renovate a house...all it takes is stamina.'

'I have to admit I couldn't do what you do and I'm fading doing what I'm doing'

'You just need to work on your stamina.' (applying if I had more stamina then I would get the laundry done in a better fashion)

This is when the death glare and laughter started

Ya Brent I'll get to work on my stamina

Sunday, August 26, 2012


11 months & 5 days old
Beckhams is hilarious when you're not watching he table walks like a monkey, he stands around like no big look over and he actually goes limp. I'm pretty sure he is a sucker for being held. A sucker for being in the baby carrier. In the last two months beckhams has spent his life in the baby carrier and car seat and hasn't had much of any opportunity to walk.

Tonight he able walked, let go, then took a step. When he noticed I was watching he actually went limp. When I tried to get him to do it again he pretended he couldn't even stand haha. Just limp like he was asleep. He giggles hysterically. I'm pretty sure he could walk if he wanted to.

He's been mommied and babied to much. He is such a monkey. What a mommies boy! That's it Beckham no more carrying you around, I know you can do it stinker...the cats out of the bag.

The funniest thing is if I'm out of the room when I come back how fast he is table walking and letting go...then to just see him go limp like a newborn when I see him. Hahaa oh beckham!!!

Potty training days

Sitting down and realizing that your toddler peed all over the does a little girl do that.

Standing up and realizing she also peed on the did that happen.

Little things that you didn't imagine.
Praising the lord for our master ensure in our new house...a potty that I refuse to allow anyone to get pee on...or around hahaha

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Audrey's a nudist that's a given. Usually you see her little bum everywhere.

Where does she get it from?

Quote of the day.

'Ah, now that the ESL boys are gone I can walk around naked again'

Let's just said no picture needed haha.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Camping with a
2 year old
A 10 month old
With no hubby
Off we go, wish me luck!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Job description

I didn't know it but here It is...

Professional bum wiper
Professional mommy nurse
Professional crayon artist
Professional pinterest craft for kids mama
Professional disciplinarian
Professional mediator between my two
Professional mess cleaner
Professional chaos manager
Professional potty trainer
Professional chef
Professional 'lousy' maid
Professional bottle maker
Professional Nanny
Professional Chauffeur
Professional assistant to the husband
Professional baker
Professional boo boo kisser
Professional baby on each
Professional deal finder
Professional budget keeper
Professional vacation planner
Professional organizer of events
Professional child/baby educator
Professional laundry do'er (barf)

Not so professional

Project manager
General contractor
Interior designer
General Designer
Errand girl
Budget enforcer
Trade hirer
Trade organizer
Trade 'hurry up'er '

Lunch maker
Food enforcer (serious my boys are going to starve)
Chore trainer (that's right I give them great desserts when they do the dishes)

I'm laying in bed laughing.
I need a vacation.
Or at least a 3 day stretch without laughable mayhem :)


Beckham has a fever of 104, sometimes goes down to maybe 101. Breaks my heart. My kids never get sick so it makes me feel like a new mom. He has no other symptoms other then just tired and sad :(

Saw the doc and since he's not drinking much we have to be careful and maybe go in for IV if he doesn't improve by tomorrow morning.


Just as we were on the uphill climb
A contractor called
Mommy was distracted and in the room...for two minutes

Beckham had a red bum.
I have been putting cornstarch on it.
Audrey saw.
When I was distracted...
Cornstarch hurricane...we call that hurricane Audrey

This is why renos and babies are crazy!

I'm laughing and crying in my bed.
Sigh. One day when she's old I'll go to her house and cover her in some cornstarch haha ;)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quote of the day

'mommy I want a treat for fart'
This was after she ripped one...
Um maybe no treats for farts.

Two days of no diaper escaping midnight pooing on floor, praise the lord!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baby diapers

Audrey wears diapers at nighttime
Beckham wears diapers
And well....I'm constantly changing every doll Audrey's always 'mommy's turn to change diaper...'

This mama is changing to many diapers

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome Cow, glad you where born

Audrey is in love with our neighbors.
I am feeling SO blessed to have such FABULOUS neighbors! How often can you say that before you even move in!!

Today we went and picked apples at there house and picked two different type of plums. We landed up making a plum/apple sauce! It was deeeelish!

My ESL boys begged me to let them help. Who am I to deny them? Ha ha! They where a great big big help! We made SO much.


At our neighbors house they let us go say hi to the cows. Audrey loves all cows. Big and small. Get her in a huge barn...well the LOUD mooing freaks the poop our of her. She climbs up me and I usually land up carrying her and me wonder woman.

Outside there is about 10 baby houses where the calves stay. They are so cute. Audrey is getting quite familiar with it. She goes up and says hi to all the cows and gives them kisses and hugs. They have windows in there 'houses' and she likes to open them and say 'hi cow, how are you cow'

Sometimes when I ask her 'What do cows make?' and she responds 'eggs' I get concerned. Don't worry Audrey we will teach you...come next aping we will have chickens.

Oh the title of this blog was in honor of the newest cow to be born. SO cute! 3 days old!!

Oh and miss Audrey talked both Esl boys into putting diapers on her stuffed animals. She adorable. They both didn't want to but they couldn't say no to my sweet and spicy Audrey!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


So while I changed beckham I was distracted for about 30 seconds. It was a standard diaper and clothing change...quick quick quick.

I come back 30 seconds later to a peanut butter covered toddler.
A peanut butter covered toddler room.
30 seconds 30 seconds.

At least it's not poop today right.
Sigh. Audrey your spice is overwhelming me today


I keep going by Audrey's door.
Making sure she's asleep
Making sure I can get her to the potty before any mayhem with her diaper and 'bm' occur.

I could honestly cry. How does one person think of all these things.

Most nights I go to bed laughing because she is a monkey. Last night I went to bed defeated. I have no idea how to 'win'

I let her sleep in my bed with me last night. It was so sweet glancing over at her and how peaceful she is when she sleeps...not quiet that innocent when she wakes up haha

Monday, August 6, 2012

Those days

The third day your toddler had taken her diaper off and gotten poop everywhere

The day where she put some poop in her play dishes and 'cooked with it' in her kitchen

The day where you duct tape her diaper on and she still takes it off

The day when she wakes her brother up from naptime.

The day when you feel like you need some alone time

Friday, August 3, 2012

That awkward moment

That awkward moment
When you go in a store
Toddler on your back in an ergo to keep her from smashing tile in the store
Baby on your front...because he's a baby and must be carried...

Toddler pokes baby's eye
Baby is crying
Toddler is bored
Toddler is crying

Squirm squirm squirm they squirm...
Yank yank yank

You walk out and realize your WHOLE neon purple lace bra is hanging out of your tank top. So much so that your tank top is under youre boobs. after all the mayhem...and you where just in the store for 45 mins with only men.

Sigh. One of those days. Shoulda worn a bra that at least matched my tank

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

When life gets you down

Renos are kicking my butt
But when life gets me down I look at my dry wall covered family and smile.

1 more month
I can do it right?


I had company over...
Just as my company arrived...
Audrey took her poop to the brim diaper off and smeared it all over herself and her room. Sigh. Everywhere. Barf. There are no words. Mostly just tears from laughing so hard! Ha ha

Clean it mommy

Ok, so with Brent working 16 hour days everyday I have slacked of a smidgent. it completely stresses Audrey out. Audrey needs a spotless house. If anything is a mess she tells me, she then asks to clean it, if I say she can't then she begs me to clean it...
What two year old does this?
The picture below is a picture of her pointing out some crumbs on the couch and asking...
'mommy you cleannnn it'