Saturday, January 15, 2011

Audrey update

Audrey crawled into the middle of the nursery on Sunday and stood up all on her own with nothing to hold on to. It was impressive and frightening. She has been standing a lot lately mostly she she starts standing from pulling up on something and letting go. She also took a step and bailed...Brent says it doesn't count until she doesn't bail...shoot. He's like the referee otherwise I make a big deal about everything. Haha.

-The blogging app made me crop the pic. Before you could see she's standing all by herself. Oh well I'm sure you believe me haha

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Don't bite

Audrey popped a side tooth threw and ever since these are common house hold phrases...

Don't bite the couch
Don't bite mom
Don't bite dad
Don't bite the coffee table
Don't bite Prada
Don't bite mommy's shoes!
Don't bite
Don't bite

This is a bite phase and I feel ready for it to be done...I think Prada is ready as well.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This show make me

It's so great and you(I always can) can always relate to someone every episode. It's my naptime joy once a week. I drink tea and watch parenthood. Ah. 10am I love you!

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Dear Playpen

Dear Playpen,
You are beautiful! When I feel old and like all my life includes is baby, vomit and poop you revitalize me. How you ask? You give me the ability to bring my babe and put her to bed and have a night without her anywhere. Ok not anywhere but many places. We were able to have a beautiful new years and many incredible double dates thanks to you. It's like were newlyweds again. Ok that is an exaggeration. It is a beautiful thing though being able to go and hang out with friends without worrying about babysitters. Now if only you could convince restaurants to have 'play pen rooms' and monitors on the table! Can you say billion dollar idea? Ah! Just wanted to thank you playpen for all that you do.

-the converse parents

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This smile

This smile has stolen my heart

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ode to my spice

Hi Audrey,
Thanks for biting me, then deciding you don't want to nurse anymore(ever again). It seems as though you have your own new years resolutions. I'm not fond of your resolution and I'm sure in other years I won't be fond of other things you decide you want. I guess this is practice. Thanks for showing me whose boss and who is not in control. I love you today and always. Mommy needs to work on a virtue now....patience. That's the one. Really all you are doing is helping me be a more virtuous woman.

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It's official

Audrey says mom/mama I don't think she has a clue about what it means but that's fine by me. I'm just enjoying hearing her say mom!

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New years style resolution

Audreys resolution is more pigtails and maybe longer pants ha ha

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Mommy doesn't start until?

Audrey usually sleeps from 730-730. If she gets up earlier she just talks/laughs/plays/fusses(not often) until 7:30 because thats what time Mommy starts at (at least that's what time this mommy starts at). Audrey has started for a whole week sleeping till 8:30 almost everyday. Makes me think of switching this mommy's start time to 8:30 instead...then what if she starts waking up at 7:30am again do I just let her stay in her crib for an hour? For now we'll keep 8:30am a gift and if she wakes at 7:30am it's all good. She after-all naps at time...can't be to greedy!

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Coupon Shopping

Hoarder vs. Frugal

I'm my case I vote frugal

- you know it was a good coupon shop when you turn around and the whole back of your car is FILLED with diapers.

I love free diapers

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Happiest Of New Years

Top five Resolutions

1-starting the 30 day shred again as last time I failed miserably!
2-take Audrey to some sort of play group. So that maybe she'll get used to other people and eventually last longer then 10minutes in the nursery at church.
3-Work on forgiveness and what it means to forgive if thing haven't been resolved and you have to see them regularly.
4-Be more content with were we are at presently in life rather then so eager for future things. Ex. Another baby, another house, traveling. I want to be more content in the moment.
5-Spend time with my best friend everyday. I miss Him. Since Audrey I have not been as faithful. Havent been able to sit through many services and don't read my bible regularly enough. Also our chats really have been shortened. I want to make Him a priority.

Top Five Accomplishments of 2010

1-Becoming a mother. Wow what a joy! I love it!
2-Making Brents parents move up in status to GRANDPARENTS. They went from being parents to grandparents just because of us ha ha.
3- Deciding I love motherhood enough to decide that I will not be going back to work. Not in March and not in the foreseeable future. I might sub but that's it. I love my job so subbing would be such a joy!
4-fitting back into my pre-pregnancy cloths. Granted there are a few pairs of jeans that cause traumatic muffin tops but I avoid them so it's all good
5-Learning that we are a family. We need to put ourselves first and figure out what's best for us and our family. You're never going to please everybody so you just need to do what you think is best and let go. I think I'm finally getting good at it!

Cheers everyone and thanks for coming along with me for 2010! Glad ya'll take the time to read my thoughts, blurbs and rants. Makes me feel loved! Hopefully 2011 will bring about even more growth, fun and adventures for us!!

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