Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Since we got married 8+ years ago we had been using miss matched hand me down cutlery. 

Nothing wrong with hand me down cutlery. Buttttt seriously NONE of it matched it was 3 different 'sets' bahaha. 

We took the plunge.

Makes me feel like a grown up.

We have enough new cutlery now for 20 people...

Party at the converse house!

Preschool 2014/2015

Commence sobbing. 
I'm going to miss my Mornings with my monkeys 

While I was sobbing I did what I do best...look at old pictures 

Oh my lanta, my firecracker baby is not a baby (I'm still calling her my baby though, until she tells me it's embarrassing)...she's gotten SO big!

Such a fun age, but why it hurts when it feels like they are growing up to fast I'll never know why but it does, it really does. I just wanna wake them up from their nap and smooch and cuddle them... HAHA jokes I would never wake a sleeping babe!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Things I've noticed

The thing about summer is I jump out of bed all warm and fuzzy. The thing about fall is it's cooler so I can hardly bring myself out of the covers without my heart sinking. Oh how I miss the heat heat hear of hot summer days already.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Conversations with B

We took the kids to bike to the park this evening. It was a 'trial run' two kids on a bike sort of deal. I needed to evaluate if it would be safe for me to take them solo on their bikes to preschool. It was a lil hairy at times-the jury is still out on if it is safe or not. 

I walked back with beckham and Brent walked back with Audrey. 

Our chats went like this

'You like my caterpillar mommy?' (He is saying this while riding his bike, while holding a caterpillar)

'Ya bud he's super cool'

'You wanna hold it mommy?'

'Thats ok, I'm good I'll just look at him from here'

'Mommy POOP! POOP mommy'

*since he's not quite 3 I assumed the worse...maybe a sneak attack diarhea fart!*

'Do you have to poop?'

'Mommy the caterpillar is pooping!!!!!'


'Mommy does it have a bum'

'Eveeything living has a bum bud'

'Does it fart?'

*snicker snicker laughter*

'Maybe it does, maybe just a quite one'

'Does it's fart stick?'

'They might stink but maybe you have to be really close to smell it'

**beckham puts nose to caterpillar**

'Ewwwww it farted'

Laughter laughter laughter

Life with boys.