Monday, April 30, 2012

Can you relate?

Two under two
Two 16 months apart
This is the dream

Some chit-chat

I wonder if you can guess who is who in this text. No fish were bought or flushed in real life.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Daddy's girl

She loves tools
She loves helping daddy
Her and daddy went on a date today, just them two.
She will for sure compete with Beckham to be daddy's little sidekick.
Maybe they both will be daddy's sidekick and I'll get some alone time. Wink wink!


So I've weened him.
He is only nursing 2x a day-he's 7.5 months.
There are...
Days when I miss it
Days when I look at him and don't want to even do the 2x/day
Days when nursing is far easier
Days when bottles are far more convenient

Days when I just relish in the moments with my little sunshine.

Cherishing all the stages
Cherishing all the struggles
Cherishing all the hard choices

I love my little man

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brent's Sleep Talking

Brent talks in his sleep.
He has had some crazy sleep shenanigans. He often talks in his sleep and I'd always forget so I started writting it down in my phone. Well today I am copy pasting it into the blog. He cracks me up. Every once and awhile I'll read him the new list and we have a good laugh. I love going to sleep next to my best friend. I might chat the most during the day but when it comes to nighttime Brent is the extrovert!

Brent in his sleep

How much is 16 gravols

You better be careful or 16 stick figures will just walk right off a roof

2 4 0 hatric

Why would you do that, I didn't do that to you...gross

It's always the most work for the mom when it comes to taking care of babies

The sharks sail in a row towards north


I brought home seaweed snacks and they were a hit! Who would have thought me and miss Audrey would spend the afternoon munching on seaweed! She also likes 'kale chips' a girl after my own heart!

Why would I stop nursing when Beckham is 8 months?

1) Beckham doesn't like to be nursed in public
2) Audrey likes to poke Beckham and ask...'why Beckham bite mommy' this frustrates Beckham
3) if I put a show on and get Audrey a snack while I go nurse Beckham quick...she brings a chair and bangs on my door and cries...' I wanna brother.' 'mommy...Beckham...mommy...I wanna brother.'
4) freedom, freedom glorious freedom!

My breakfast

Rice crackers
Haha, I am trying to be strict with my allergies and man oh man it was the only thing allergy friendly that looked good. So hilarious. Did I mention I ate it in bed during naptime. I'm classy like that haha.

I'm justifying this because this is the 3rd cold and 5th sickness that has gone through our house. Beckham and Audrey both have colds. Man what a brutal season! 5 sicknesses in 2 months. My kids used to have immune systems of steal but man they have had it tough these past two months.

Monday, April 23, 2012


So im slowly stopping nursing.
Beckham is 7 months.
It's a slow process.
The bitter part is he won't cuddle when he gets a bottle. He wants to sit and drink it alone without being touched.
He also likes to give the guilt trip staredown during bottle time...look at that picture. Am I crazy...I see it in his eyes...

My lil wee last baby is growing up, sigh.

If he refuses the bottle I have to fake drink the bottle to make it 'cool' again haha...that's how we roll

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Icecream run!

It was 8pm, Audrey let out a whimper.
It was a beautiful day.
I took my wee girl for her first late night icecream run! She was so surprised and absolutely delighted! Hopefully she doesn't suspect this every night!

Sharing cloths

Last night Beckham soaked through his diaper, Brent changed him at around 6:30am and put him into cloths rather then a sleeper. When I saw him when I wakeup it turned out Brent put Audrey's jeans on can my 7 month old and almost 2 year old be the same size! So crazy!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunny Day

Playing in the mud is good for the soul!
Audrey played at the park and made some friends (another Audrey!) it was a great time. All the kids got filthy. Audrey enjoyed herself thoroughly!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poo potty

Now that Audrey is potty trained apparently it's all her dolls turn to get trained.

'no no dolly you poo potty'

'yay poo potty'

'dolly you treat poo potty'

'no diaper you poo potty'

'mommy dolly to poo potty'

'yay good pee baby'

Zippity dooo dahhh

This is what time both my kids and I woke up this morning.
Seriously it's glorious!

With Brent working long days the longer they sleep the faster the day goes! Sleeping to 9am is such a luxury!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1/4 of a century
Brent came home from work with a nasty flu bug so it's been a messy start. He couldn't pull over and landed up throwing up all over the inside of his truck. I cleaned it up while gagging and laughing.
Happy kinda summed up my last two years...its been filled with barf.

I then went to a family thing and Beckham was starving and I forgot to bring food. He was given a granola bar...then more barf. All over grandpa, all over the floor and soaking all my cloths and beckhams (it was a intense amount haha)

I'm hoping that just because this birthday has been filled with barf that means we got it all our of our system and this year will be barf free.

Waking up to a hubby who loves me and let's me take care of him when he's sick even though he tries to be tough

Climbing into Audrey's big girl bed for some morning snuggles.

Then some quiet time with Beckham sniffling over baby cloths being grown out of. Tear-sniffle-sniffle, it's going so fast.

I can honestly say this hasn't been a good year. It's been full of beauty but it has been one of those hard seasons. I'm hoping that 25 will be the start of many years filled with confidence, peace and joy.

I'm happy to be 25, I'm happy to say these past two years are done and now I can welcome the next season of life.

We had a date at the gun range (to blast away this years stress haha) and all you can eat sushi planned (Brent knows me so well) due to sickness I am just hoping to do some sewing after the kids go to bed

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fight weekend was canceled

Due to the fighting haha nope
We just realized we couldn't make all the decisions in one weekend, instead we are going to do 1/week haha and hope we manage.

Today was granite

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fight weekend

This weekend has been highlighted
We called it the 'pre-planned bickerfest'. We decided a few weeks ago to highlight a weekend to make all the decisions on our house that we dont agree on...this weekend.

Yay us, good thing for church on Sunday. Then we can repent from all the hostility of trying to prove the better choice haha.

Why did we do this? To avoid the daily quibble about why dont you like this, why do you like that. So here we go, fight weekend. This is how we rebate.

Ps-hardwood in the bedroom we did a survey and I won 12/20 and I won with Brent. More like we compromised. Hardwood in the bedroom and carpet under the bed. Sometimes it feels like winning when you do a good compromise.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Formula incident from my Spice Girl

I went down the stairs -maybe if I walked slow it took me 10-12seconds and came back up so maybe another 10-12 seconds. The stairs are at the top of this maybe at max I was gone 30 seconds.

In that time Spice Girl got the formula off the counter doused our coffee table, carpet and dog

Are you joking?

After seeing me she had immediate remorse haha. This is what I came up the stairs to haha. 30mins until naptime wink wink

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some kids

Audrey thinks Beckham is her baby, look at her just wheel him around ;)

Audrey also likes to line up 'her friends' while I mop the floors

Audrey and Meeka escaped moms group big deal right? Haha ok they escaped while we were putting on our shows haha. Little monkeys

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hunger games

Read the book-took an entire 3 hour naptime to read and not do chores or cook or anything but read!(what a rarity that both kids slept for 3 only if they are sick apparently haha)

Took my love to the movie tonight

After this mayhem it was so needed to have some time together

Man what bliss it is to be with my

He is truly the calm in my storm

Sometimes I giggle at the thought of me before Brent. Man, then I think of Brent before me. Prob a lot calmer haha. I am like Audrey, spicy.

Here is a cute pic of my boy, loving sitting at the table and eating Cheerios. If I don't bring him to the table while we eat he cries, doesn't want to be left our or just love food like his dad?

Monday, April 9, 2012


I've been training Audrey for her birthday. We sing happy birthday multiple times a day. We sing it to Audrey we sing it to Beckham we sing it to various toys. It always ends with 'blowing out candles' she has mastered it.

I took on a new task.
'how old are you Audrey'
'say two' says me
'one, two, four, nine' says Audrey
'how old are you Audrey?' says me
'say two' says me
'one, two, four, nine' says Audrey
'say two' says me
'four nine' says Audrey
'no say two' says me
'four nine two four nine two four nine two four nine two four nine' says Audrey while giggling

So I have never taught Audrey numbers. I have no idea were 1,2,4,9 came from. She kills me. So hilarious! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled during story time to see if those numbers are in any books.

1.5 months to learn to say two (without 1,4, or 9)

A mess and the flu

Our whole family has been hit by the flu, every symptom we got it. All our friends got it to. It's been one of those flus that goes around. It's been pretty frustrating. Being so weak I can't lift Beckham and piercing headache that Audrey's chatter is agony. I won't even get into the throwing up. The kids haven't had the throwing up but they haven't been themselves that's for sure. Brent's been working long hours so that has left this mama ragid.

Audrey's new phrase is
'mommy it's a mess'
I'm usually so tidy and so clean
She is going place to place in almost distress that its a mess.

So hilarious, guess its a sign of a good clean house that when mayhem strikes and it gets messy it stresses the toddler in the family out.

In all seriousness being sick with kids is so wrong. What a flashback to all the emotions and feelings of pregnancy.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Flu

This mommy got knocked off her feet at around 12:30am last night. Throwing up every 10-20mins until 7:30 this morning and still throwing up this morning.

Some facts
1) I remember thinking maybe I'll be to sick to help with the kids and I can stay in bed and read. This was at 3am how unrealistic. I'm so weak I can barely lift my iPhone. A day in bed reading sounds so great but not paired with the flu.
2) I'm in utter fear of our kids getting sick because with Brent's long days and me being sick I don't know how I would handle 2 under 2 barfing all day and night.
3) this is what I did for 9 months each time I was pregnant. Why the heck was it so hard to make the choice to be done!? Such confirmation that I can barely handle a flu with kids and I never ever want to be pregnant again.
4) I'm pretty sure I'm drying up (nursing) from dehydration. Shoot. Maybe it'll be a sign that I need to be done nursing.

This is what the flu looks like
Yesterdays mascara
Tired bags
Sad pout
Self pity
Fear of sick kids

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I told Brent I couldn't handle being pregnant again...
So this is how much he loves me!

I'm proud to announce Brent is expecting and I'm thrilled!

Life at the beach

We did the beach thing today
Celebrating Jesus with fish and chips and rejoicing in his creation.

We played in the sand
We played in the water
We took a couple pictures
We are a beach family
I love the beach
Such a blessing to spend such a beautiful day as a family

As we left the phrase of the day came out of our 22 month olds mouth
'bye bye b*tch, muah (kissing noise)'
'you mean bye bye beach right Audrey?'
'ya, bye bye b*tch'

Oh my spice I adore her.

Ouch my heart hurts

When he falls asleep, he melts and breaks my heart daily

Friday, April 6, 2012


We had a Easter scavenger hunt with 14 toddlers and 4 babies. What a great time at friends house celebrating Jesus with all our loved ones!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Aahhhh bliss

A blissful night alone 1) choc chips 2) my first baby, Prada 3) steeling a pair of Brent's 'shorts' 4) letting my wee one sleep in mommys bed after letting her stay up late for mommy daughter bonding

Bugs part2

Seriously all day she talks about bugs. If I knew that there could be peace if I had shows about bugs we would have done this a long time ago. She loves bugs. Tickle tickle bugs bugs bugs haha she loves to creep her fingers like bugs while tickling


Two little monkeys not in bed ;)
And perhaps some server plumbing

So Audrey took off beckhams sweater and pants...voila...they fit as crops...and 3/4 length belly shirt

Then she plays with Beckham and plumbs...just like dad (giggle)

Then she reminds me how she can open doors now and I need to buy more child proofing

Love this life
Love my critters

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


How many monkey does it take to empty daddy's toothpaste over a monkey and a tub! Just one apparently haha

This all happened in the time span of me walking to the linen closet to get a towel for her. She's so fast, I'm thinking athlete in the making. With my athleticism and Brent's height and her monkeyness... A genuine all-star

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


For over our bed in our new house.
$4 for the letters Mr Mrs
$10 for the over sized &
Paint that was already hanging out
$14 for such a fun bedroom piece of bedroom decor

Having fun dreaming of nesting in our new home <3


The sign of a good man is after 6 years going out to get a special treat to bring home to share while watching a show before bed. Seriously, these are the things that warm my heart. (Brent is out getting a treat right now...<3)

I love spending my life with him.
Did I mention that for my birthday he bought me a new solid wood coffee table set for our new house that he is going to refinish to match our 'new style' eek. I'll post pictures. Love that he loves me enough to 'make a home with me'

Baby food swap

I'm partaking in two baby food swaps
#1 was a success
Minus the last minute will it all freeze in time fiasco!

Beckham looks like he is loving green beans but in reality he is unsure of this experience

Monday, April 2, 2012

Phase 1

I know this might sound so basic but I can actually say I don't know how to say no to people especially people I love.

I'm learning to say no and not feel responsible for people's disappointment when I do say no.

If I say yes I am learning to decide that I said yes and I should put my all in and have the best attitude because it was a choice I made and no one forced me

I'm learning to respect other people's 'no' and not be offended or hurt when they say no. I think before since I would never say no I felt hurt when other people said no because I would never have said no to them.

My personality is such a people pleaser and over analyzer so it's so frustrating for me to learn these basic concepts

I'm hoping in the next year to become better at these things and more graceful when it comes to it. Right now it feels like a foreign language.

I feel like as a mother this is a good skill for me to learn when my babies are young as when they get older I will have to say no more often. Also I feel like it will eliminate going to things because I felt pressured into it and being somewhere and totally miserable about having to be there. I am just hoping that this will eliminate feeling like I have committed to way to much. With two babies I just want to be realistic and happy. This is a short season and I have been the sole resin why it's been bonkers-need to learn to say no.

Anyways this is phase 1 of this adventure. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall on my face in this learning process.

Hopefully in time this basic skill will just become a natural thing

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Appliance love

These are our appliances
I'm in love


This is how much I paid for
2 packs of diapers
1 large dish soap
1 foundation

I couldn't afford not to use coupons haha...maybe I can use my diaper savings so justify the stainless steel range I want so bad. I have to admit I've never paid for diapers...ever!