Sunday, September 29, 2013

Potty training beckham:part 1

Beckham turned two on September 21, 2013 it is now September 30, 2013. 

Beckham has always been super average when it has come to milestones so I didn't want any big high expectations. 

We started a couple months ago giving him a treat once and awhile for sitting on the potty. No expectations just making it not a scary place.

A week ago he started really telling me about when he popped and peed. He would say pee or poop and point to his diaper while he went or after he went.

Fast forward a week. He's taking off his diaper and telling me mid/during pee/poo. So I'm thinking our time in diapers are coming to an end. 

This weekend for the past few days we have spent lots of time on the potty. He hasn't been successful yet but it's all a start.

So now we have to conquer our first potty advisary...daddy. Brent is scared of potty training. More of the responsibility. Maybe more of the idea of.

-him having to be responsible for Audrey for a whole weekend while I potty train
-having to be responsible for potty training Beckham while I watch Audrey all weekend. 

Both Ideas make him apprehensive. Silly daddy. It's not that he's a one of those 'bad dads' who can't handle responsibility it's this extra challenge on top of all the renos and crazy work.

So we will see how long we can post pone beckhams impending potty training for it to align with daddy's perfect schedule lol. Brent did say if I waited till Beckham was 3 he would do the potty training. Part of me wants to wait just to see the all star in action lol. 

Anyways this is a G rated picture of Mr.B spending some quality time with the potty this morning. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beckhams Birthday party Recap

So as I sat down last night I realized that I did a bad mommy move and didn't take even one single picture last night at beckhams birthday party. Shoot. I guess I will have to describe it with enough detail so that when he looks back in the future he isn't disappointed!

Hot dogs 
Veggie platter
Pasta salad 

Beckham ate two raw hot dogs before the party even began. Ha ha. He was a machine. He ate a million cheesies. It was hilarious. 

We were skeptical about having so many lil ones and a fire but it flowed beautifully and was super chill. Around 60 people (kids included) showed up. It was fabulous. Our backyard could even hold more. 

Beckham ran around playing tag and digging in dirt for the bulk of the night. Hence the no pictures. I barely saw them. There was a good range of ages kids so they played beautifully and the older boys were very responsible.

The party was 5-8pm and it got dark before 7pm so I had glow sticks for all the little kids. They had a blast running around in the dark. 

Honestly it was a blast. Beckham was in his absolute glory. It was such a fun time celebrating him. Bonfire birthday party was a success. We will repeat it for sure in the future!! 

It's 7:30 and both babies are still asleep. I'd say parties are good way to tucker them right out. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Beckhams party

Oh dear, this is the first big hoorah at our house. Praise The Lord for sunshine Wednesday because we have 70 people coming to come say 'happy birthday' to our sweet boy. I'm having a little bit of nervousness as our house isn't large but it sure will be cozy if it rains lol. Cheers to celebrating beckham in a big big way. Two is kinda a big deal around here. Ill update on how it all goes...smooth or disaster!

Beckham is two!!!

Beckham just turned TWO!
Oh the little man that he is! I remember being pregnant and praying over him and for him. I loved him since before I even knew he existed. The precious moments of the first time I met my sweet beckham was 1/3 of my favourite and most special movements in my life. 

20 facts about my beckham at two. 

-he is the most cuddly little boy 
-if I help him all day he would never cry for any reason...ever even as a baby this was true
-his favourite word is 'no'
-his second favourite word is 'daddy' although it sounds more like 'dadhee'
-he's a mommy's boy through and through and it makes my heart smile.
-when he's playing he mostly just plays 'daddy' everything he plays is pretending to be Brent. He pretends to landscape, renovate, build, fix and lay flooring haha.
-beckhams best friend is without a doubt best friends with his sister. It is the most endearing thing ever.
-beckhams worst enemy is also his sister haha only part of the time.
-beckhams favourite food is MEAT. Surprise surprise he is a boy boy boy
-beckham has the fattest feet I have ever known to exist. Shoving those sausages in shoes is the hardest thing...I'm often a bad mom and let him go barefoot 
-beckham eats more then any other two year old and as much as most adults. For breakfast he can eat an average of- two bowls of cereal, a banana, and a yogurt 
-beckham is one TOUGH cookie he will fall, bonk or hurt himself and almost never actually cries.
-beckham loves cuddling on the couch and reading books with daddy or mommy 
-beckham hot a big schelich brand T-Rex for his birthday and now he goes around making the dinosaur bite everyone 
-beckham has always been in the 90th-100th percentile for height. He's a tall boy. 
-beckham loves water. Rain or shine if the baby pool has water in it he will diving in it. Clothed or not he's going swimming.
-beckham is a milk guzzler. He can drink at least a litre a day. It's crazy
-beckham has the most gentle heart and sweet spirit. He just wants to make everyone happy. 
-beckham is two and still doesn't like to give kisses with his lips closed. We gladly accept his goobery open mouthed kisses but are eager for him to learn to close his mouth haha.
-beckham is our baby. He will be my forever baby. When he turned two I milked some sweet 'baby' cuddles. I often call him baby. In my heart he will be my forever baby. He is such a sweetheart and I love him to the moon and back. He really will always be my baby.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why things aren't fair.

What a great illustration to show kids why things aren't always 'fair'. Love this. Keeping it tucked away for that day ill need it in a couple years. 

For everyone who loves

I think anyone who
Wants love
Is married
Wants to be married
Who thinks that they fell out of love
Anyone who thinks they deserve love

Love is a action word
Love is a choice 
Read this article!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Oh my Audrey

This morning Audrey came running into my room exclaiming 'I'm naked and its the last week of summer'

I look a little dumbfounded at this point. So hilarious. 

Then she proceeds, 'my privacy is where I feed my baby. I'm bigger so there is milk. That's what the baby eats...right there..' As she points to her nipple.

Never a dull moment in the converse house. Good morning world. I'm off to explain you have to be a mommy to have milk and that dollies don't count. I feel like such a dream crusher. I'm worried if I don't someone might tell everyone today that she has milk in her nipples haha.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cable Wakeboarding

So I planned a hot date for Brent and I. I just love dates with my smoking hot hubby. Doesn't get better. I'm a 'adventure' date go-er. Just dinner is nice and fun to connect. I adore making a life of memories. So I force Brent out of his comfort zone and we create memories for us to forget when we get old. That's what my blog is for. When I lose my memories I can re-read it to remember. Ha ha....I mean its for my children. Okk it's for both of us. I just feel like I am so forgetful now and time goes so fast I might need something to help me along.

Anyways we tried 'cable wakeboarding' I would say I am a 'decent' wakeboarder behind the boat. I can't do flips but I can get air, do surface 180&360's and play around.

Cable wakeboarding has a different feel. Lets just say I never managed to conquer the art of turning around. I looked like a spaz hahaha. I did a few major major headers. BUT I had an absolute blast and laughed myself silly. 

So Brent. How would I describe him. He's a 'in the box guy' he comes out of it for me and then loves it and then the box gets expanded. I'm laughing so hard. He can master almost anything. He is an Allstar. He did fabulous.

Brent=mastered cable wakeboarding
Sheena=looked like I was on drugs 

We went to dinner after and Brent and I were almost obnoxiously laughing about how bad I was and all my massive bails. And maybe about the lack of board shorts I wore and how I kept losing my bottoms.

That date was incredible and hilarious. So glad I married my best friend.  

There is no picture of me on the wakeboard because they are all to hilarious and awful hahaha

Hot Date with lil B

With Audrey in preschool it has give me and Beckham some special time together. It's been so sweet. He just loves to snuggle and read books and be together. He's really enjoyed this 1:1 time and so have I. 

The other day after I dropped Audrey of at preschool I asked beckham if he wanted to go get a treat. He excited exclaimed 'Dah' that's his way of saying 'yah'

We walked to Tim Hortons, I told him he could choose whatever treat he wanted, he pointed for the girl to what one he wanted, gave the girl the money, she handed him a treat. It was precious. He was over the moon. 

We sat at a table and I asked him I he wanted to share. He told me over and over 'noooo' 'noooo' he ate all the sprinkles off the top and then shoved the rest in his mouth. 

We had a blast. I think this year I am going to treasure having special times with just Beckham. He really is my favourite little boy. 

On that note.
I always tell Audrey she is my favourite daughter. I tell Beckham he is my favourite son. Audrey has been telling me over and over that 'daddy is the best daughter' ha ha I'm sure it's meant in a endearing flattering way. 

Audrey&her bike

Audrey has really gotten good on her 'bike' she biked all the way to preschool and back the other day. I had a few heart palpitations as she is fearless but I was so so so proud. Amazing to see her skills develop as she turns from toddler into little girl. Wish I could just press pause. This has been the best summer and I just love my lil sweeties! 

The Color Run

Me and a couple girlfriends headed out this morning and did the color run in Vancouver. It was hilarious and awesome at the same time! We had a blast. So fun to do things with other mommies. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mummy's shower

Somedays I need a shower and didnt wake up before the kids to take one. Ok if I'm going to be super honest I don't ever wake up before the kids to have a shower. 

This is what a morning shower looks like. I start off in the shower with the door open while the kids watch a show. One by one I get bombarded and land up having them having a bath while I quick shower.

It's not relaxing and not really enjoyable.
It's SO efficient. In under 10mins I can shower myself. Shower both kids. Then I get out let the bath fill up and they play while I get dressed. Life of a stay at home mom...or at least life of a lazy stay at home mom. At least we are squeaky clean ha ha. That is until we go play outside and they get covered head to toe!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Preschool for miss A

Audrey has 1 hour of preschool today. She had a blast and could have gone allll day. She is miss independence for sure!!!

I say with her during circle, craft, play time, then we had a chance to ask questions. Her preschool is play based. So not as educationally intense as I'd like but I think it'll be a good fit. It'll ease her into structure and routine. It'll be great for her to have something just for her whole life really revolves around Beckham. 

She has her sweet friends Aviyah and Cali in her class so it's so nice that she already has friends that she's comfortable with .

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mistakes made

First mistake
Daddy left a can of spraypaint in the yard.

Second mistake
Reading a book while kids played happily

Third mistake
Letting the kids play behind the gravel hill where I couldn't see them.

These three mistakes led to Audrey giving Beckham some pink spray paint tattoos 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Warrior baby

We started phase 1 of landscaping.
Lets just say the babies are LOVING all this new mud and dirt. It's made my cleaning list longer but they are so content playing outside its like a brand new toy ha ha. Beckham is in heaven.

20 lil facts

I saw someone else do this so I thought I would copy. 20 lil facts about me-that don't completely revolve around my babies. 

1-I love reading, have read 15 books since April. I feel like that an impressive amount since I have lil ones that consume my time. I'm a well rounded reader, from 'the book of negroes' to Jane Austen to 'Twilight' I love it all just depends on my mood. 

2-I'm a relationship person. What does that mean? I'm committed. I love substance. Fluff & surface level & fake bothers me. Maybe because faking it isn't my strength. I love real, meaningful, fun and sacrificial relationship. I would do anything for those I love. I love laughing so hard it hurts, crying together, adventures, sharing truths about life and being there for one another. 

3-My husband is my best friend. There is no one I'd rather spend time with. He loves me, knows me, and cares for me like I never imagined. I also love that when we started dating I told him 'as long as he has me he wouldn't be bored' I can promise that I have been the spice in his life and the last 8+ years have been anything but boring. Adventures with Brent are what makes my world twirl. He is the calm in my storm and we just fit.

4-Nailpolish. It's my dirty lil secret. While having newborns if I had a hard day Brent would often send me out to buy a new polish. Hehe lets just say my polish collection has grown. 

5-Brent has anxiety attacks when I drive his truck. It makes me giggle. He trusts me in every way but put me in his truck and oh mercy his faith in me plummets. Lets just say I totalled his truck when we only had been dating a couple weeks so he might have some reason for his trepidation.

6-I am a wife, I am a mom...I am a person and I was a person before I was either of those things. Those things that made me 'sheena' before I was a mom&wife are still the things that make me Sheena. I am so much more then just a wife and mom. It is not my sole identity. I feel like so many people let those titles consume them and let everything that made them who they are fall by the wayside. 

7-l am an athlete. I'm not professional. I'm not even good anymore. I have let it fall by the wayside in these years because of the time commitments but I am so competitive it hurts and I love teamwork and comradery. I thrive on it all and it all correlates into life and lifeskills.

8-I never cooked or cleaned before marriage. Ever. I was even banned from the kitchen during seasons because I was that bad. Now-I LOVE cooking. I may even be egotistical enough to say that I think I'm a better cook then most people I know. I owe it all to Brent and his willingness to do all the dishes lol if I had to do the dishes I for sure would be a lazier cook.

9-I'm sentimental. I have a hard time letting go of things of sentimental value. I might have become a hoarder if it wasn't for Brent ha ha jokes. He's good and throwing my sentimental stuff in the garbage...bitter sweet. I just have to close my eyes and walk away. 

10-it's September 1 and I'm already thinking about how I can manipulate Brent into setting up our Christmas tree early. It's just me. I love it up as long as I can (I'm happy for it to come down on New Years I just like it up earlllly...Costco early)

11-I'm social etiquette queen. RVSP, Punctual, Please&Thank you, no party hopping for us. We commit to things and dont bail if something better comes along. Oh this generation. It makes me mental when people don't understand social etiquette. Makes me feel like they think there time is more valuable then mine. *panties get twisted* ha ha I know I'm quirky. *breathe in breathe out*

12-Outside. Oh outside. I am a outside type of girl in every season. Im happy outside no matter the weather (besides heavy wind, heavy wind is a deal breaker). I was the filthy dirty kid in a princess dress. That is how I happily want to raise my kids. Turn that TV off go outside, have some imagination and get dirty---it won't kill you, promise. PS-I secretly think mud wrestling would be fun but I don't know how willing I would admit it to some of my type A friends lol.

13-boots and flip flops. That's it. My fave types of shoes. Can you guess my favorite seasons? That's me to a T! I love boots and LOVE pants tucked into boots!!! Lets just say how hard it is to find long enough I don't care I'm shoving them into boots anyways.

14-If I invite you over and you don't take your shoes off when you come over expect the look of death. That's right expect it. I probably just washed the floor 10 mins before you came and you just ruined it. It slaughters my heart. Take your shoes's not a barn. Maybe this goes along with social etiquette haha 

15-I love ethnic food
Japanese, Thai, Indian, Korean, Mexican, Caribbean....any ethnic food...get in my belly!!

16-People who honestly don't like dessert or sweets boggle my brain. After they say that I'm pretty busy analyzing how that could be possibly true...trying to be healthy is one thing...but to honestly not like the strange

17-I'm a fish. Challenge me to a water treading competition. Ill beat you I promise. I can tread for hours. Even a few weeks postpartum I kicked people's butts. Booyah. 

18-My love language is time. More specifically the sacrifice of time. If someone thought about me and went out of there way to do something special that meant sacrificing time or even sacrificing time to think of doing something it means so much to me I can feel it all the way to my toes. 
Ex. I mention craving raspberries and Brent went out of his way on his way home from work to pick some up for me just because he remembered I had been craving them. So simple but somehow always blows my socks off
Ex. Someone sending me a text saying they know Brent's been working long hours and if they can watch the kids while I get a couple hours to run errands and have some me time. Man that one slaughters my heart into a million pieces. Took time for them to think of me and then sacrificing time to watch the kids. 

I guess I'm simple, grand gestures aren't necessarily the key to my love language it's the simpleness and kindness. 

19-I have a really hard time forming attachments. I just don't get attached to people or things easily. It's probably the thing that I'm working on the most and something that I would like to change about myself. 

20-I love Jesus. He's my Lord and friend. Im disappointed in myself for not spending as much time with him as I should but I also know that's he's right there beside me and understands me better then anyone else. I feel a peace about where I am at and I know there will be seasons that won't be as stagnant. Right now I am continually reminded him of his love and patience as I raise my babies and as I raise them to love and have a personal relationship with him. He is apart of our daily lives. His patience and love for me is a constant reminder of how I should be as a mother. A reminder that I need to continue to seek more patience, grace and love for my sweet lil monkey babies.