Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Winter Routines

Playing the ice and frost
(Mommy stays on the deck and sips hot tea)
Tea parties with my sweet princess
(Audrey's is mostly warm milk)
Beckmam filthy dirty in the leaves
(Mommy wraps him in a towel to avoid getting herself filthy)

Cold noses
Frozen fingers
Lots of warm treats

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mans man

He is our 'braveheart'
Out wrestles his sister since 9M old
Eats mud
Throws himself in mud puddles & crawls through them
He is our mans man

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Playing in the rain

We are that family
We play in the rain
We jump in puddles
The kids eat dirt
That's just how we roll

Baby Cows

Audrey loves cows
Our neighbors have cows!
They are fabulous and let us come visit!
They had a cute one day old baby bull!
Beckham and Audrey had an absolute blast!

'hi cow, my name is Audrey. I missed you'
'goo bah caw boo goo'
'beckham you say hi cow..'
'goo bah bah '

Christmas tree and the kids

We set up the Christmas tree last night!

This morning Audrey woke up first...she LIT up when she saw the tree. She said 'oh mommy it's merry Christmas.' she danced around and told me how pretty it was and she liked the 'sparkles'

Beckham Wakeup about 7 minutes later...

I went and got him and he loved the sparkle of the tree for about 30 seconds---Audrey BURST into tears...'mommy I don't want beckham it's MY merry Christmas'

I think it may be time to break out the real Christmas story and revisit our nativity set.

A one and two year old---I'm sure we will be working on 'look' 'dont touch' good thing the nativity set is fisher price and mega baby friendly...oh the place we found baby Jesus last year *giggle* Noah also joined the nativity family...the are long lost relatives right?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The Christmas tree along with some knickknacks where set up tonight. It was a fun time with the hubster!!


Beckham has a itty bitty cyst behind his ear. He has had if since he was a couple months old. They (the docs) think its totally find-they just wanted to do a Ultrasound just to make sure. Audrey had one in the exact same spot. Hers went away when she was just little though.

Today we went to get the ultrasound. Just me and Beckham. Man he is so sweet. We held hands and walked in. It was like I only had one child. You almost forget what appts without two can be like.

Everyone ooh'd and awww'd over his little tommy hillfiger jeans, leather elbows on his wool coat and slick little hairdoo. We had so much fun just me and him-almost forgot about the reason we were there.

I love my boy and cherish the time that it is just him and I. Next year when Audrey is in preschool we will have lots of adventures---until then we have our ultrasound date <3

Monday, November 19, 2012

Queen bed

6 foot 4
5 foot 9 1/2
To big for queen bed

I used to say people with king beds have a bad I see clearly...people with king beds are living in a luxuriously beautiful marriage....
One's going to our next house ;) lol!

If you're wondering what is happening in the picture it's me...of course showing Brent who is boss...sheena=kung fu ninja....Rawr! I hog the bed and I'm good with's a glorious art I've mastered!

Christmas Bribery

Brent is a December 1 kind of guy...
When it comes to Christmas tree setup
Sheena is a August 20th girl....

The past few years I have been preggo and had newborns...he's been gracious and indulgent...this year it took bribes and negotiations

'subway' soft choc chip cookies and the tree can GO up!

Whistler <3

-Long walks holding my hubs hand---not toddlers
-Waking up to silence
-Eating and only feeding myself...ok maybe I fed Brent a couple bites once and awhile when it was especially yummy
-Long chats---uninterrupted
-snuggles mid day
-lattes at Starbucks
-laughing together
-smiling and talking about our great kids
-5 year plan dreams
-Having showers without babies with me
-Taking as long as I want to get ready

We were so blessed to go to a conference in whistler this past weekend! So blessed knowing that our babies were being loved and hugged lots while we were gone! Such a blessing to get away with my love, so so refreshed. Was so excited to get home after 4 days away <3

Excited to embrace the chaos and get back to the mayham! Im a little hyper so I can only slow down for so many days! Ready to do ABCs and sing princess songs and all that goes along with being a mommy to my little ones

Here are some pictures from our fabbbbulous time away!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dog groomers visit

Took Audrey to bring Prada to the Groomers and she lost it. Started sobbing 'Mommy don't give away my doggy...mommy I love Prada...' I explained that Prada was just getting a bath but she still would have nothing to do with it. She cried all the way home!

Passport Office

Part 1

So my wallet was lost for a solid week.
Where could it be?
Went through the entire house!
Went through the entire car!
Was quite stressed because I was just in the states so my passport was in my wallet.

One week later we find my wallet near our playhouse outside...hmmm suspicious.

My passport is destroyed from all the rain! Shoot!!!

Part 2
So good opportunity to redo my passport, Audrey's and beckhams!

Took the kids one morning to Costco to get there pictures taken. Audrey wouldn't stop smiling for her picture (so cute) but frustrating! I sternly told her that she was going to get in trouble if she kept smiling (how awful). She had the look of fear for her picture haha. Then beckhams turn-he kept jabbering and keeping his mouth open-darn all these rules. So they told me to walk around and find a sample and maybe we would close his mouth then. 30 minutes later there are samples (kids are getting grumpy). Sure enough 5th picture after sample we get a food enough one. Then my turn. I go to put beckham in the cart...well we grabs my hair and pulls it out! My picture-my eyes to me scream exasperated mommy.

Part 3

Mommy& a 1 year old and a 2 year old in the passport office with no daddy...for three hours.

First hour...sippy cups and snacks were sufficient. Hours two and three where mayham. Ok-my kids are usually really good in public I've never really had one of these moments. They had missed there morning nap annnnd lunch now at this point. Beckham just started to MELT down. Didn't want to walk. Didn't want to sit. Didn't want to be held. All he wanted was to crawl under other people's chairs peek out and HOWL/SOB/SCREAM...after about 1.5 hours of mayham. The government worker told me I could wait outside and they would come get me when it was my turn hahaha..thats how naughty they where...shoot. I laughed and sure enough went out and they came and got me when it was my turn.

As I was walking out...sure enough there was a girl I knew from high school. The horror-in my worst moment of parenthood there was a witness! Bah!

Let's just say naptime was extended...there was icecream wine and a bubble bath!

Swimming lessons

Audrey is in swimming lessons and dance right now. We aren't the parents that want our kids to be in a million activities but with Audrey being in....preschool next year! How is she old enough!!? We just thought 1-2 activities will help transition it.

Also it's lovely for me because it gives me 30mins with beckham and we very rarely get bonding time with my boy<3

Here are a couple pictures

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hello blog world
This last bit has been a big whirlwind.
Audrey has been in dance class and swimming lessons (all on her own!) it's been a blast but for sure made the weeks quite a bit busier!

So I'll catch everyone up but in the meantime. We will tell a favorite SpIcy Audrey story.

Today Brent went to get Audrey up from a nap and worst case scenario...
How did she sneak it in?
Why is it all over her bed?
Her entire body covered in it!
Where is the bottle??

So she snuck nailpolish in her room at some point. We aren't sure when! As I put her to bed and she certainly did not have it then...

When Brent went and found her and all the horror the bottle was NO where to be found..after much searching he coaxed it out of her....

She climbed up and pointed behind her blind. Yup yup sure enough stinkerella hid it behind her blinds!!

So I only go a picture post bath so most is scrubbed off but you get a good idea of the chaos...not to mention the sheets and duvet as she fell asleep covered in nailpolish! Sigh-can only laugh because she is 100% me! (I just won't tell her that till she's 30!)