Sunday, November 11, 2012

Passport Office

Part 1

So my wallet was lost for a solid week.
Where could it be?
Went through the entire house!
Went through the entire car!
Was quite stressed because I was just in the states so my passport was in my wallet.

One week later we find my wallet near our playhouse outside...hmmm suspicious.

My passport is destroyed from all the rain! Shoot!!!

Part 2
So good opportunity to redo my passport, Audrey's and beckhams!

Took the kids one morning to Costco to get there pictures taken. Audrey wouldn't stop smiling for her picture (so cute) but frustrating! I sternly told her that she was going to get in trouble if she kept smiling (how awful). She had the look of fear for her picture haha. Then beckhams turn-he kept jabbering and keeping his mouth open-darn all these rules. So they told me to walk around and find a sample and maybe we would close his mouth then. 30 minutes later there are samples (kids are getting grumpy). Sure enough 5th picture after sample we get a food enough one. Then my turn. I go to put beckham in the cart...well we grabs my hair and pulls it out! My picture-my eyes to me scream exasperated mommy.

Part 3

Mommy& a 1 year old and a 2 year old in the passport office with no daddy...for three hours.

First hour...sippy cups and snacks were sufficient. Hours two and three where mayham. Ok-my kids are usually really good in public I've never really had one of these moments. They had missed there morning nap annnnd lunch now at this point. Beckham just started to MELT down. Didn't want to walk. Didn't want to sit. Didn't want to be held. All he wanted was to crawl under other people's chairs peek out and HOWL/SOB/SCREAM...after about 1.5 hours of mayham. The government worker told me I could wait outside and they would come get me when it was my turn hahaha..thats how naughty they where...shoot. I laughed and sure enough went out and they came and got me when it was my turn.

As I was walking out...sure enough there was a girl I knew from high school. The horror-in my worst moment of parenthood there was a witness! Bah!

Let's just say naptime was extended...there was icecream wine and a bubble bath!

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