Thursday, April 25, 2013

What's new?

So much laundry if you enter the laundry room I can't guarantee you will safely exit...

We let the kids play for hours with underlay and the bag it came in-who needs toys anyways?

We love the zoo-I took another picture of us on the 'train' and thought it was a cute way to look at last year and how much the kiddos have grown and (sob) I have she'd lol

Some epic playtime with daddy is always a fave for Audrey and perhaps enough to give mommy a couple heart palpitations

Found a bargain on a darling dress for my princess

Monday, April 22, 2013

Backyard bonfire

We have been having some bonfires on nice nights. It's my favourite thing to do! Well I came up with the idea to eat dinner outside and do s'mores for dessert with the babies. It was a blast. They ate an obscene amount of marshmallows and chocolate and lets face it most of the graham crackers landed up in the fire, the garbage and crumbles all over Brent and I. Haha graham crackers just can't compete with marshmallows and chocolate with a 1&2 year old.

The next day all the kids wanted to do was 'play fire' haha which doesn't sound the safest but I made sure it was 1&2 year old safe. They mostly just stacked wood and begged for marshmallows and maybe shed a few tears when I said there were no marshmallows today.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Home with our babies

As much of a wonderful time we had-home is best. We were so excited to see our babies! They are our sweethearts. We were so excited to hear there little legs and steps run towards us in excitement. They leaps, the jumps and the squeals of excitement to see us again! I know when they are teenagers they won't feel the same. Until then we will cherish and remember moments like these.

Being sprung right back into parenthood was easier then I thought. I was sick as a dog (still am). The adrenaline snaps right back and enables you to chase your babies even when you feel on the verge of death. So funny, oh motherhood.

The kids are so happy to be back home, back in there beds. They have been playing outside and playing together so nicely. So fun to watch them enjoy this beautiful weather and get some good old fashioned vitamin D!

Child labor!

That's right---you scrub that tub 😜starting chores young


Brent surprised me with taking me to Seattle for two days just us two. It was beautiful! Felt like we were newlyweds again-running around carefree without any responsibility.

The sad part-we both had nasty colds.
The best part, we did what we wanted when we wanted-no schedule!!

We hit a freak snowstorm in April while driving to Seattle! It was pretty cool! We had a blast! I read a whole book that weekend.

Brent bought me the most beautiful necklace-it just screams 'sheena' I'm so excited to wear it to something. It was such a refreshing weekend! Oh man exactly what we needed!

Brent splurged and got me mani/Pedi's while he ran a couple work errands. Then we spent the weekend relaxing, reading, hot tubbing, indulging at Cheesecake Factory and so much more!

If this is 26-bring it on! I've been sceptical about 26, sounds old and maybe boring 😜 but I think ill take it in stride lol. I'm just not eager for grey hair or wrinkles...I told Brent if I get wrinkles I might get bangs. I'm pretty sure he thinks bangs are worse then wrinkles!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cough cough

I don't know what happens to me. I get sick and then I look at the bed and I want it all. In a perfect world Brent would dress in a loincloth(Tarzan or Green style robe works for me) and just flex while I slept and recuperated from my sickness. That way he would be something nice to look at, comforting that he was close, but I'd get the WHOLE bed to myself. This is my dream world. This might also be the high on cold meds Sheena talking. Even medicated I sometimes am glad Brent doesn't read my blog-he might be mortified sometimes. Haha.