Friday, May 31, 2013


Tell me wrong. Tell me those dark eyes wouldn't melt your heart. He's my lil heartbreaker. He's going to melt girls hearts one day. One day he will find a girl that he will fall madly in love with...until then ill be happy to be the only love in his life. He doesn't know it but I'm training him to be a good husband before he's even two. Gotta keep up the Converse tradition. Flowers, snuggles, romance and maybe some jewellery here and there. He's going to be a great Prince Charming.

**picture below is him bringing me some flower bouquets** the picture that isnt shown is of me and my heart melting**

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'm not the hugest bachlor/bachlorette fan but I do enjoy it here and there. I saw someone post there top 5 that they thought would 'win' I figured 'what the hay' and I would do the same! Feel free to post your predictions!

Firstly in usually wrong haha and usually most the guys are 'whack jobs' and so who knows. Maybe half way through ill post again who I think is going to win.

Oh the things we do to keep our nights interesting when we are stuck home in the evenings after having kids. 

Here we bachlorette predictions!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring memories of you

I get these moments.
They are usually in spring time.
Daffodils, they used to always brighten up your windowsill, now I use them to brighten up mine with memories of you.
When roses start to fill the air with delightful smells. I remembered how much you adored the soft pink ones. 
When the dogwood trees start to bloom you would tell me how they where always your favorite tree.

You held my hand, you taught me how to be a lady, you embraced me for me and encouraged my quirks. 

I miss you so much during these seasons especially when I look at my sweet Audrey&Beckham. I wish you could have known them, wish you could have held them. I will plant roses, daffodils and dogwoods wherever we live, I will tell my sweet babes stories of me and my grandma. 

It feels like it was just yesterday since our last goodbye, but how my memory has faded such simple things like the memory of your smell and color of your eyes. Although more and more when I look at Audrey, I see a lot of you in her eyes. Good thing I know the brand of your favorite perfume, so everytime I'm shopping all it takes is one spray for the memory of your presence to linger for the rest of the day. 

I pray I can be the woman you where. So strong and loving and sincere. Such a Godly woman. You left me impacted in so many ways. It will be the most delightful day to have your hug again. I'm so blessed to know ill see you again in heaven one day. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


55mins past bedtime
Reason #98 for getting out of bed.
'I have to go poop because I'm farting'
Bah, Friday nights never got classier.

Big Ouchy

Audrey came running into my room this morning. She shouted.'Mommy, Christopher Robin have me a big ouchy on my foot!!' I'm pretty sure she was having some wild Winnie the Pooh dreams last night.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preschool open house

Audrey is 3,
That means in the fall she starts preschool. Oh man how is she big enough to go? I'm a little sad to see her go and a little excited for one on one time with Beckham. 

I took her to Preschool open house at LCS (Langley Christian) today. She was absolutely over the moon excited. She especially loved the science center where they had bugs (in plastic molds) that you could look at with a magnifying glass! She is going to do so fabulous! 

She had absolutely NO anxiety about being there or maybe being left. I'm pretty sure when that time comes that she will be the kid that say, 'ok see ya later mom' while I quietly sob. No more babies. All grown up. Sob. 

I'm excited for her to grow, for her to learn for her to be challenged and develop little relationships!

From bugs to slugs

Last year on her 3rd birthday she was obsessed with 'bugs bugs bugs' it was her favourite book, her favourite show was just zoomed in ants walking across the screen. I'm starting to notice a trend.

She turned 3 on Sunday and is constantly on the hunt for 'slugs'

Bugs I could handle...slugs...well they are much worse. I would totally lose my cool if she came at me with one.

Lets just pray that for her 4th birthday she isn't asking for a snake *shiver*

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Ok, I don't have pity parties (ok maybe sometimes) but honestly I have used the phrase 'I have a one and two year old' more often then I should be proud of.

I have used if to receive grace, I have used it to receive specials treatment, I have used it to get props, I have used it to get deals haha.

I'm SO sad that I can no longer use that line anymore. Haha ok 99% of the time I only used if while on the phone with things like 

-customer support
-customer service 
-bc hydro etc

I used it when they (customer service) where being a pain in the butt. I would go closer to the chaos-so they could hear (everytime I go on the phone chaos happens) then I would whip out the line 'I don't have time to be on the phone...I have a one and a two your old' guaranteed every time miracles would happen. It was bliss. It happened by accident the first time and when I found out how compassionate they were after I said those magic words...I MILKED it this last year. I never had to wait on hold. 

I called someone...I felt it come close to coming out (the phrase) was a LIE I no longer have a one and a two year old. I suppressed it and a little tear streamed down my cheek (jokes) haha I no longer have a one and a two year old. If I was going to be super honest. Beckham is closer to two then one so if I was going to 'fib' I would have to say I have a two and three year old.

I have to admit that having a 1&2 year old didnt seem to phase me as much as if phased other. How could I not let them help me? Watch this year be harder...because I won't have  any special treatment haha

Monday, May 20, 2013


We dragged our heels
We procrastinated 
We did it
We voted.
Brent's been working wild hours and I decided I prob wouldn't unless he came--two kids while voting sounded wild to me!

It was great and in a sense I'm proud I didn't make excuses. As the generations pass we get more and more out of touch of what a privilege it is to be free, free and able to vote. I want to pass down that to my children. That means getting my bi butt there and DOING IT!!!

Audrey Aliena is THREE!

Audrey is still in the 110% for height, 50% for weight...and 50% for head size. 
She is 3 years old and has been wearing a size 4/5 for a long time!

As far as vocabulary goes she speaks in full sentences. The only time we can't understand her is when she is speaking a million miles a minute (like mommy..)daddy can't understand mommy when she talks that fast either.

We asked Audrey for a solid month what she wanted for her birthday. Her only response was 'a candy cane' after more attempts she admitted she wanted 'happy birthday song for me and not Beckham.'

Audrey is so many things
-gentle with babies
-wrestling enthusiast 
-snuggler (this is new this year)
-so so SMART (it freaks us out)
-loves baking 
-love helping daddy with his tools
-helpful (likes to help arey groceries)
-nudist extraordinaire 

She can count to 15
Knows all her ABCs
Knows all her shapes
Knows her colors but is often mixing them up-50% of the time she mixes them up because she thinks its funny
She can count objects and know how many there is even if you take away some.

Audrey is starting preschool in September and I think it will be a fabulous thing for Audrey. Audrey thrives on structure and routine so this is going to be a great experience. She also LOVES a challenge.

Audrey has been in soccer, ballet, and swimming lessons this past year! She is such a great swimmer. Her dance moves...she gets them from her mama. She cracks me up. Haha. Watching her dance makes me dance and well I don't usually dance in public.

My family growing up didnt have a lot of traditions so one thing Brent and I have been trying to do is start some of our own. We really enjoy celebrating one another with the gift of time.

We started the morning with a wild breakfast with loads of whip-cream. Brent loves to spray the whip cream right in the kids mouths. It freaked Beckham out. Audrey was in her glory! She loves anything that involves strawberries, whip cream and syrup-so we had French toast!

Then we opened presents. Some presents where put away to save for a different time (cough when Beckham wasn't awake to destroy them). One thing we bought was glow in the dark bubbles. We plan to keep her up late one night and run around in the field and blow bubbles in the dark! Another gift we bought was candy land the princess version. We want to start family fun time and are SO excited about this game!! Yay 3 is so fun! 

I took Audrey to the grocery store to 'plan' her cake. (She loves to bake with me so I thought it would be the perfect way to spend our morning). Audrey wanted a blue inside for her cake, a yellow outside, a pink middle, then I let her pick out four different kinds of candies in the bulk bin section to put in the middle. I thought she'd do more like smarties and m&ms but she chose full on candy haha it was quite the cake.

She helped with the entire process, the measuring, mixing, baking and decorating. She had a blast. Her came wasn't the prettiest but it was all Audrey!

We then had naptime. Oh glorious naptime.

After the kiddos woke up we took them out for nasty fast food...they loved it. Audrey always asks for 'old McDonald had a farm..' This is how she asks for McDonald's haha. So how do we deny our birthday girl?

Brent took Audrey to MTF our last resort and only other place to find the princess's last request...a candy cane. He told me that the people at the store were great and loved that she wanted cAndy canes. They scoured the store and finally found some....(.60 cents for a box)...someone landed up paying for them because they thought it was so cute. Haha 

Next? The ZOO&the train on the zoo!
The kids had an absolute blast! They always do! The zoo is always a favourite.

We got home at 6:30 and put the kids straight to bed. They had the end of there sugar high and crashed and lets be honest Brent and I had a massive sugar crash as well.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sweet Things

Fresh home made strawberry pie filling in chocolate bowls

Love for cows and tender moments spent chatting with them about 'how's your day? It's my birthday. You sing happy birthday'

Beckham saying 'hi, hi, hi, buh-bye, buh-bye....'

Afternoon cuddles. I try and stay SO still do it doesn't end.

I taught Audrey to make wishes on dandelions and she LOVES blowing them and wishing for 'birthday candy canes'.

Audrey has been talking about how all she wants for her birthday is a candy cane...well's May...where do I find candy canes!!??

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Peek into our bedroom

Little hands get into mommy's things way to often. Mommy's makeup, lotion, nailpolish and all that fun but way to messy woman 'stuff'

Brent put up some simple shelves so I would have a place to put things. Higher up might not mean childproof-it will give me a couple extra seconds before disaster hits to try and avoid it

Mothers Day

Got kicked out this morning.
Brent handled feeding and dressing the babes and sent me off for a pedi.
It was delightful. To be honest that's where I am right now. Sitting in a massage chair being pampered.

Brent's been pulling some long hours so just having a few minutes to myself while he takes care of the grunt work is absolutely a treat. We are planning to have a beautiful but simple family day today.

With Brent working long hours we haven't had much time as a family (he's been working 6:30am-10pm+) so it's just such a treat to have him home!

We are going to take the babies to the pool and go swimming and get some treats. Naptime will include curling up on the couch with the hubby and watching a movie. That's perfection in my eyes!

I love my little family and feel so blessed for each of them. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Creative punishments are delightful
At least this morning they are.
Audrey got into my lotion and had SO much all over her hands. I then decided that a natural consequence was to 'put the lotion to use' so it wouldn't be wasted.

Hello lovely leg massage.

Ok-she didn't really learn her lesson. When she was done she was ecstatic that she got to 'play lotion' haha but this morning I'm choosing to believe this is a win-win!

It is Mother's Day weekend-if there was an appropriate weekend for massaging mommy as a consequence this would be the weekend.

Happy mothers Day!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Monkeying Around

My wild nudist monkeys playing outside on this glorious May Day. Got to be the most uncomfortable way to 'swing' but hey whatever floats your boat. Beckham has been loving playing 'hide and seek' in the playhouse. He thinks he's the KING of the castle when really he's my little rascal!

Behind the scenes

---behind the scenes---
How do you shower when you have to wild monkeys. Strapped into high chairs with enough snacks to last for a 5 minute get it done shower. This is the glamorous 5mins a day I get. Brent's been working till 10pm so simply luxuries like showers are scheduled-planned and maybe not as relaxing as they used to be.


Sometimes life needs a surprise.
Sometimes it needs to roll with it.
Tonight we will throw a curve ball
This mama quits
It's to hot to cook.
Eggs&toast that's dinner.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Summer Parenting

I say 'keep your cloths/shirt/bathing suit/pants/panties on' more then anything else in a day.

My highlights are the dandelion bouquets my children pick for me hourly.

I stopped worrying about tanlines. Realistically I'm usually carrying one baby or another so the tanlines I'm going to get will be childsized haha.

I'm no longer the 'sharing referee' I am now that 'don't splash/spray your brother/sister' referee.

Naptime has turned from cleaning time to tanning/reading time. Sorry hubby I'm on vacation.

I keep the kids outside all day so the only mess I have to clean up is outside.

We have an 'outdoor potty' that's just how we roll. I ain't bringing my filthy kid inside to use my clean 'unlived in' house. Haha. It's an actually potty-not just the grass so don't worry.

Heck. If all my kids wear is bathing suits do you know how much less laundry I have.

Summer parenting is the thing that brings me joy. Winter parenting is depressing. Summer is my favorite!!!