Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Ok, I don't have pity parties (ok maybe sometimes) but honestly I have used the phrase 'I have a one and two year old' more often then I should be proud of.

I have used if to receive grace, I have used it to receive specials treatment, I have used it to get props, I have used it to get deals haha.

I'm SO sad that I can no longer use that line anymore. Haha ok 99% of the time I only used if while on the phone with things like 

-customer support
-customer service 
-bc hydro etc

I used it when they (customer service) where being a pain in the butt. I would go closer to the chaos-so they could hear (everytime I go on the phone chaos happens) then I would whip out the line 'I don't have time to be on the phone...I have a one and a two your old' guaranteed every time miracles would happen. It was bliss. It happened by accident the first time and when I found out how compassionate they were after I said those magic words...I MILKED it this last year. I never had to wait on hold. 

I called someone...I felt it come close to coming out (the phrase)...it was a LIE I no longer have a one and a two year old. I suppressed it and a little tear streamed down my cheek (jokes) haha I no longer have a one and a two year old. If I was going to be super honest. Beckham is closer to two then one so if I was going to 'fib' I would have to say I have a two and three year old.

I have to admit that having a 1&2 year old didnt seem to phase me as much as if phased other. How could I not let them help me? Watch this year be harder...because I won't have  any special treatment haha

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