Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Beckham #2

Oh man.
He's 1.
The celebrations are done.
I just wanna cry.
It's gone to fast.
I could have kept him a baby forever!

Ducky themes party
-duck punch
-duck cake pops
-duck ducks
-everything was sweet just like my boy

Rollllll OUT

Beckham love love loves to roll around giggling on blankets...always on blankets. He could amuse himself for a LONG time doing this. He thinks it's hilarious. Oh man his giggle is the best!

Today is his party day so I'm sure I'll post pictures of his ducky themed party

Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday haircut

Lil man gets a birthday cookie and haircut!

Happy Birthday Beckham

1 year ago!
1 year ago I was sitting in my midwifed office right at this time, 10am. We were coming up with a plan. Hi my name is sheena I am ferociously ill during my pregnancies.

Back to 1 year ago.
I was throwing up nonstop and it was getting worse, wasn't sleeping, wasn't able to care for my sweet Audrey. At my midwife appointment we decided that despite being over a week till my due date our best choice was a 'compassionate induction'

They told me to go home get ready and ready set go.

They came to my house.
They broke my water. Lunchtime
20 minutes later labor started.
2.5 half hours later my sweet nameless boy was in my arms.
Ah, joy.
Those 9 months of misery was nothing. I'd do anything for this sweet boy.
He came home from the hospital nameless. Beckham or Bennett where the choices. Beckham became the chosen name.

My sweet boy is 1.
My sweet boy is all boy.
My sweet boy is giggles and wrestling
My sweet boy is laid back and willlld
He is everything I could have dreamed for in a son and I adore him. God new what we needed when it came to a sibling for miss Audrey, he's one tough cookie and can hold his own already haha!

Audrey's big girl room

Audrey's room is all about function.
Play play play
I love it!
It's pink and so fun. My budget was small as after renos there wasn't much left over for 'fun' but I feel like with a small budget I was able to make her room functional and so PRETTY!
It's hard to take pictures of rooms but I'll post one so you can has a glimpse (PS it may never be this clean ever again!)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why we lock Audrey's door

When Audrey goes to bed we lock her in. Just so she has that boundary and can go to sleep...also so she doesn't escape and get into things.

Brent's been renoing
He hasn't been on baby duty in months
I went on a girls night last night
He thought her door 'automatically locked'
(it doesn't)

Let's just say I woke up to nailpolish
On little toes
On our new cabinets
On our new tile
On our stepping stool
On our hardwood as she clearly ran into my room to show me her pretty toes...much to my HORROR!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My little monkey

Audrey is such a monkey.
She makes me laugh so hard.
She recently learned how to
-open doors
-remove childproofing
-unlock bathroom door locks
-unlock 'French door' door proofing

This morning I was changing beckham and when I came back in the kitchen she had scaled the cabinets, climbed on the counter and ate a banana!

She spices up my everyday

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almost done

This whole Reno process has shown me how strong I am, how capable I am. I heard a quote the other day.

'there are only two seasons where children need there parents, when they are children and when they have young children. If you aren't there for them during those seasons they wont need you during rest'

I pray to be the type of mother that is there for my children, patient, giving, kind and tender. I want to be there in the good moments and the bad. I want to be useful and reliable. I pray that I can be all these things for them.

Oh how we love our babies and how fast the seasons go. It feels utterly sad that my moments of being a mom to babies is disappearing so fast. We would have loved to have more babies but with me getting so sick we just don't have enough support to get through another nine months. So blessed to have two babies. My Audrey and my Beckham.

I'm full of flaws and full of quirks but I'll do my best and that's all I can do.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Audrey's first doctors visit (besides checkupa and immunizations)

While I was packing she snagged the Advil, got the lid off and...drank it.

Made for an adventure, poised control, ER visit. She majorly chilled out (has never been that calm!)

She was A-ok. Just kept on observation to make sure. Sure gave this mommy a fright.

Beckham on the other hand hated the hospital. Just wanted to run free...let's be honest running free in a hospital when you are 11 months old is not really a good idea ;)

Quite the long ordeal and for sure has made this moving process go slower.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

No no no

In the back seat if the car...what do I hear beckham saying

'no no no'

Haha oh dear. Besides mama and dada his real first word is NO

Friday, September 7, 2012

Moving with two babes

You know that moment that your packing in the laundry room and both kids are beside you quiet and you realize that Audrey has rubbed nair hair remover all over her legs and beckhams head...

Those are the moments that your eyes bulge in horror. 15 seconds 15 seconds.

I got it he's not bald! Phew. And none was even close to his eyes.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


It's about that time of night when the kids are in bed and the husband will be coming home from his crazy day and I start thinking...

'I better clean up this kid destroyed house before Brent comes home so I can pretend I'm a good house wife'

Let's just say once Brent told me he thought he'd be a better house wife..we would prob starve because saying it kindly 'his kitchen skills lack' but he's a cleaner he's a cleaner and organizer!