Monday, May 31, 2010

My new skills

Not sleeping for days on end
Nursing a baby while peeing
Eating while holding a baby
Kissing chubby baby cheeks
Calling my husband daddy
Singing songs that don't make sense
Rocking(I wake up and I'm still rocking lol)
Sensing dirty diapers
Tickling chunky rolls
Becomming a food source

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

'It's ok sweetheart, I have the baby.'

So Brent has been known for his wild crazy dreams and night antics. Since baby Audrey has come he has escalated and changed genre.

I never bring the baby to our bed at night. Brent is 6'4 and I'm 5'9 and we sleep in a queen. Not enough room for this munchkin. We do have a crib/bassinet thing beside our bed for right now and my ubbbbbeer comfy rocking chair.

Most nights I don't get much 'in bed' time. I'm usually in the rocking chair. The rocking chair faces our bed.

Brent lately will jump onto all four limbs in bed and start frantically searching through the covers. The first time I witnessed it I asked him what he was doing.

He responded to me in despair. 'im trying to find Audrey.' he was in such distress.

He does this usually 3x(ish)/night. Luckily I'm usually up trying to soothe our baby to sleep so I am able to help him realize that, 'sweetheart, I have the baby.'

It's so sweet that even in his dreams he worries about Audrey. He can't ever go back to sleep until he knows were she is. So precious <3

What a good daddy.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kissy face

I thought this was the cutest face ever! Her little kissy face. I decided to take a picture because it was just to cute.

10 seconds later while still doing the 'kissy face' she pooped through her diaper, onsie, two blankets, and our sheets.

We now call it the poopy face.

She has brought us so much delight in the last few days! So many firsts and so much fun getting to know this little gem that we anticipated for so long!!!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

No babies allowed?

One of the things Brent and I decided before May 19 was that Audrey would have certain 'rules'

-not allowed to sleep in our room
-not allowed to sleep in our bed
-no extended 'swinging'

Well night one at home after no sleep Brent brought her swing into our room and put her into it at 6am. I did not protest. We all slept 1.45 hrs that night. That sleep time was pretty much only when she was in her swing lol.

I've made a routine of every morning at 7am when Brent goes to work I take her into our bed and we nap together. It's bliss. My favorite time of the day.

So far we've broken all our rules-you know what though? I'm pleased and so is she. Rules are meant to be broken!

-cuddled up in our bed. She sleeps with her arms above her head. So precious <3

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

New parent quote

'sheena, does your breastmilk have seeds in it?'


'then why does her poop look like it has seeds in it?'

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family picture

<3 first family picture
Audrey is three days old

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First walk

Let's do it in pointform lol

-excitement to get out of the house
-blissfully anticipating our first 'family time' without guests
-bundling up our little gem

-all ready
-off we go for a walk to starbucks

-we can still do it

-coffee spilling
-that's ok ditch the coffee, let's perservere

-prada goes bonkers
-Audrey starts crying
-mommy might have shed a couple tears
-daddy tries to save the world

-starts pouring!

I land up carrying Audrey while Brent... drinks his coffee, pushes the buggy, and has Prada on a leash.

Good thing we took pictures at the beginning. lol.

Not a very succesful outing but we'll try again tomorrow lol.

At least Audrey looked stylish.

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Nightvision; blessing or curse?

So I have a video baby monitor.
First night we just turned it on and was like, 'weird, it's so good with the lights on and you can't see anything with the lights turned off. Oh well.' The night progresed with mostly no sleep but it was all good.

Second night.
We figured out night vision. Also figured seeing the baby at night on my monitor makes me slightly OCD. Lol, Brent would constantly say things much the same as this, 'Sheena stop watching the monitor and sleep while you can.'

I'm not sure if it's just because Audrey is so new so it feeds my desire to constantly make sure she is ok. Or maybe it's partly because it's so cool. Perhaps a little 'new toy syndrome' for this mommy. Pretty sure it's a combination of both.

We'll see if night vision gets turned on or off tonight. Mommy might need an intervention from daddy. Just to get some more sleep. :)

-this is a pic of my baby monitor last night. You have to admit night vision is waaaaay cool! Can't you see why watching her is so addicting? Especially when she is cooing and making all those sweet baby noises.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Oh Audrey

We welcomed our beautiful baby girl into the world this week.

She bounded excitedly out to make her grand and long awaited entrance.

She weighs a whopping 9 lbs and 10 ounces

She is 22 inches in length.

She has stunning dark hair and beautiful olive skin. So far her eyes are blue like daddy-they could stil change. She has mommy's pointed elf ears. She is a little heartbreaker and has mommy&daddy wrapped around her finger already.

She is precious and when you kiss her on the forehead the intoxicating smell of baby is what fills the are.

Audrey Aliena Converse
Such a gem
So loved already

Oh Audrey <3

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Prada

Brent bought himself a loaf of cheese bread from cobs to snack on at the hospital when I go into labour. Prada thought it was selfish. When we went out she took it upon herself to express that...

She snuck into the babys room (she isn't allowed down the hallway were the bedrooms are and she for sure knows it)

She took the loaf into the living room.

She devoured the whole thing including parts of the plastic bag.

Brent punished her. Then he sulked about the fact that not only had she ate food but she ate HIS food. I giggled and did not participate in the punishing.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

My tv indulgences

Since I was home ill for 4 months of my pregnancy I got hooked on a whole bunch of shows. If it wasn't for my pvr I would never be able to watch them but with a pvr it makes it soooo much better. Lots of times they sit recorded for sometime and then I'll watch a few(I'm not a crazy tv person-but I do enjoy a good show especially when I don't have to watch commercials).

I'll start with the ones Brent and I watch together :)

-oh Lost, we are truly going to miss you. Brent and I have been loyal Lost watchers right from the beginning.

-this is prob one of brents favorites! I also think it's hilarious. I don't think it is quite as funny as it used to be though. Hopefully they do a little better next season.

All I can say is we are both hooked and looooooooving it!!!

Brent and I both started watching this show and then he decided he wasn't as into it. He'll watch it with me sometimes but I mostly watch it solo. It's all about aliens. I think it's really cool-I'm thinking of buying the old season to watch. Reminds me a tad of xfiles(but it's also totally different)

****now the shows I watch alone tee hee, there are so many lol

This is my weakness-I could go w/o the rest but this truly is my fave sappy teenage indulgence. I only watch it when Brent isn't home so he won't make fun of me lol.

Oh the cloths, the drama, and the fact that they are private school kids lure me and keep me coming back (embaressing I know). I think I could watch this show on mute just to see the cloths!

I only watch because I looooved the old seasons with the original cast. I pretty much only watch it if I'm bored. I'm just justifying it-I do enjoy it otherwise I wouldn't record it lol.

I love chuck.
It's funny
Good action
Always entertaining
Different from anything else on tv(Brent will sometimes watch it with me)

It's a lawyer drama that has 'home life' drama in it as well. Not sure what lures me about it but I do really enjoy it.

***these are my indulgences. Do you have any that are the same as me? I have to admit I never watched this much tv until I got pregnant and was sick on the couch so often. All these shows seem to have me stuck now though. I wonder if I'll continue to watch now that the seasons are over for the year. What shows are your weakness? Do you know of any good shows that are starting up for summer?

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Sweet anticipation is dipping the stick, holding your breath, and looking closely again before showing your husband. It’s lying still for the ultrasound, searching for the nebulous profile of your baby and asking, “Is everything okay?” It’s a sigh of relief when you’re told that it is.
It’s the excitement of announcing the news and seeing the look on your mother’s face when you tell her she’s going to be a grandmother. It’s the prospect of giving life that came from your love. It’s imagining who this little person inside you will be. Will she look like you? Will he have his dad’s eyes? What is her soul’s purpose?
Sweet Anticipation is touching your belly, enchanted with tiny hiccups and kicking. It’s suffering with nausea, heartburn, and gas. It’s wasting days reading lists of names, double-checking and making sure none are forgotten. It’s picking out colors for the nursery, buying a crib and a rocking chair. It’s swooning as you fold each terry sleeper. It’s crying over sappy TV commercials and counting the days.,,b4t0-p,00.html

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

What have I done...

Pineapple(barf-couldn't finish)
Massage(didn't work)
'Accupuncture/massage'(didn't work, and Brent is so strong I'm pretty sure I'm bruised lol)
Long walks(daily-and didn't work)

I'm pretty sure our baby decided the world is to scary and that it wants to stay in my safe womb, little does it know that is not what mommy wants.

This is a picture of my sick confused belly button lol. So gross. It's not popped but it's flush and there isn't a hole any longer. It's so funny looking, I just thought I would document it :) hope you don't lose your appitite looking at this lol.

Doo di doot de doo..

No baby
Had a good sleep :)
Anticipating arrival of Baby C
Brent rolled over this morning and sighed and said 'I just want the baby to come'

It's mutual, mom&dad of this baby are more then ready.

I think this anticipation is harder then the anticipation for Christmas or your birthday. Mostly because you have no idea when. It is so much more exciting then bdays or Xmas-which just makes it that much more exciting :)

Last night I thought I was having contractions (light ones) then it stopped and I fell asleep. Boo

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The tub situation

Well in Brent and my first house we put in a giant soaker tub! Soooo great! It was my friend. It comforted me and soothed me when I needed it most. It was always loyal.

Since we moved our tub is miniscule! My tummy (preggo) sticks out a few inches lol. It is no comfy and does not soothe. I compare it's friendship to that of a aquaintence that stumbles upon you crying. They try and soothe you out of obligation but in reality is just akward and uncomfortable.

Well well well. I have no shame. In my last days I have shown up unannounced to my parents (Converse) and invited myself to use there tub. It is beautiful. I think we may have started a long distance relationship.

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Everyone tells me that a sure sign of upcoming labour is nesting (aka cleaning). When people ask me if this has happended and I say no they say I still have a few days then. Well I don't think that's fair. Babys room has been decorated and ready forevvvvvver and there is really nothing left to do.

I think Brent is the one nesting he has just cleaned our place tip to bottom. So if a clean house is what it takes then I shouldn't even be able to finish this blog. Brent has been 'nesting' all week. So it doesn't really give me a chance to clean if everything is already spotless. So i think I might skip this whole cleaning/nesting thing thanks to my super hubby.

I feel like I'm sitting here blogging and when I wasn't blogging I was laying down just waiting for some action (not that kind of action, Brent is scared of the baby at this point lol.) The action I'm talking about is like my water breaking or cramps or something thar will alert me to the fact that; my precious baby is almost here, And I will be put out of my misery finally ( I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about no more insomnia, nautiousness, barfing, aches, and so much more). So exciting!

I'm so excited just to have my little one in my arms. To see what color hair and eyes it has. Whose features it has. Mostly I'm just excited to meet this precious gift god has given to us <3

When when when when when...

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Ready set go?

Last night multiple times Brent 'woke up' in distress because he couldn't sleep because he was supposed to 'catch the baby'.

I went in the babys room this morning to also discover that he had packed my hospital bag and also filled it with snacks.

I've been ready for quite some time but I think it's safe to say baby daddy is quite ready :)

Brent also woke up a few times last night to ask me if I was having contractions. Pretty sure he won't be sleeping during those. He is just so cute. He has my vote for best hubby and best daddy.

I wanted to blog about it because I wanted to remember this memory forever. The days and nights before our precious one arrives:)

- that's a lot of granola bars for you to eat love ;)
-Brent also packed a couple pairs of boxers and a outfit for himself.
-he packed me a nursing bra&yoga pants. Apparently I'll be scantily clad at the hospital-if your planning to visit beware ;)

**this is what he did in his sleep, I'm just teasing I'm going to pack some more clothing for myself ;)

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I did it

I downloaded the other app and was ready to pay the $2.99 for a second time. I pressed download and up popped, 'this app is free because you have previously purchased it' lol wish I knew that from the start-tee hee. Then I prob wouldn't have tried to be a cheapskate and download the $1.99 app.

Here is a pic from my 'new app' that actually shows my preggo toes lol. The other one distorted and did weird things to the other picture.

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Location:In bed

Monday, May 10, 2010

whats worse....

Barfing your guts.... Or Peeing your pants Well how about simultameudly doing both. Yup that's right. I feel no shame. I'm over ripe. I need to pop this little one out. I am excited for these non baby related things.... Sushi Hottubs Getting in shape No nausia No more tears from throwing up(yup throwing up always makes me emotional) Sleeping on my tummy Sleeping on my back (w/o feeling like my spine is being cruuuushed) Shoes that fit And much more

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Boo this app is no good in comparison-do I give up right away or try and get my $1.99 worth out of it first lol. I've posted so many times today trying to figure it all out but I think it's official-it stinks!

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my pudgy pregnant toes

They have 'defleated' quite a bit since I went on mat leave but they are still large. I'm 38wks pregnant. Technically full term. I went with my mom and sister for pedis yesterday. I had my 'tub' filled with cold water and chewed on ice so that I could avoid feeling sick. It worked-hooray!

Thought I would share a pic of the color and design-so fun :)

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my crossroads

When my iPhone crashed I lost everything. Including all my apps that I didn't sync with my computer. It was a little painful-mostly because I'm cheap and paying for something twice is like hitting your head against a wall over and over (I exagerate). One of the apps I lost was my 'blogger' app. I have never (besides my first blog) used the computer to blog. I much rather blogging from bed (lol). This morning I decided to suck it up and re-purchase the blogger app. When it came down to it I just couldn't buy the same thing twice-instead I purchased a different blog app at a steap $1.99. Hopefully this one is sufficient otherwise I may have to still buy the other one that is a even heavier priced app at $2.99. (lol)

So we'll give it a whirl and see how it goes!

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