Tuesday, May 4, 2010

my crossroads

When my iPhone crashed I lost everything. Including all my apps that I didn't sync with my computer. It was a little painful-mostly because I'm cheap and paying for something twice is like hitting your head against a wall over and over (I exagerate). One of the apps I lost was my 'blogger' app. I have never (besides my first blog) used the computer to blog. I much rather blogging from bed (lol). This morning I decided to suck it up and re-purchase the blogger app. When it came down to it I just couldn't buy the same thing twice-instead I purchased a different blog app at a steap $1.99. Hopefully this one is sufficient otherwise I may have to still buy the other one that is a even heavier priced app at $2.99. (lol)

So we'll give it a whirl and see how it goes!

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

1 comment:

  1. im cheep lol i wouldn't get it hah ill go downstairs on the computer to blog lol but your missy are supposed to be off your feet so blog from bed!
