Monday, May 24, 2010

No babies allowed?

One of the things Brent and I decided before May 19 was that Audrey would have certain 'rules'

-not allowed to sleep in our room
-not allowed to sleep in our bed
-no extended 'swinging'

Well night one at home after no sleep Brent brought her swing into our room and put her into it at 6am. I did not protest. We all slept 1.45 hrs that night. That sleep time was pretty much only when she was in her swing lol.

I've made a routine of every morning at 7am when Brent goes to work I take her into our bed and we nap together. It's bliss. My favorite time of the day.

So far we've broken all our rules-you know what though? I'm pleased and so is she. Rules are meant to be broken!

-cuddled up in our bed. She sleeps with her arms above her head. So precious <3

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. ahh...the rules we make before we actually have the baby! i totally did the same! :)

    and as for swinging, i was stressed right out that ben was over-swinging but you know what? 11 months later, i don't think he's any worse for wear though most naps in his first 4 months were in his swing! it feels like a huge huge deal at the time but when audrey is 5 years old, it won't have mattered! :)

    sounds like you guys are doing great! and i love the name audrey - very very cute! like her!

  2. so what saved my life was swaddeling, but not loosely, you gotta make her like a burrito! the more snug the more comfortable she is, you have to make her feel like shes in the womb so wrapping up tight arms at her side ( thats the big thing) and light rocking or bouching or in the swing, i swear to God she will sleep longer, but shes still very young so bring her with you into bed as much as you need, it gets hard getting up to nurse at night, if you can bring her into bed it helps out a lot so you dont get warn out. But seriously do the swaddle!
