Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Prada

Brent bought himself a loaf of cheese bread from cobs to snack on at the hospital when I go into labour. Prada thought it was selfish. When we went out she took it upon herself to express that...

She snuck into the babys room (she isn't allowed down the hallway were the bedrooms are and she for sure knows it)

She took the loaf into the living room.

She devoured the whole thing including parts of the plastic bag.

Brent punished her. Then he sulked about the fact that not only had she ate food but she ate HIS food. I giggled and did not participate in the punishing.

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  1. uh oh, make sure you give her lots of attention when the baby comes, prada knows something up, so shes acting up! Make sure you remind her shes still your baby !!

  2. ummmmmmmmmmm PICTURES PLEASE of your beautiful baby girl! :)
