Saturday, February 27, 2010

Road rage?

If I was to get road rage it wouldn't be over a bad driver...

It would be over how many speed bumps there are in Fraser heights (huge speed bumps)

It feels like giant steady hiccups while driving.

The baby doesn't like them.

Anyone have a jackhammer?

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pathetically sleepless

I'm sleepless because I wish tomorrow was Saturday

Not sure how that makes sense but it does to my body.

I keep half falling asleep and then before sleep comes I think to myself 'i'm so glad it's Saturday and I can sleep in' then I get startled... ' oh no it's Thursday and not the weekend.'

I have been repeating this cycle for the last 2 weird!

If I could have a wish granted this picture describes it...

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Ear candling explanation

I've had some questions regarding ear candling so I thought I would try and explain...

Ear candling, also called ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy, is an alternative medicine practice claimed to improve general health and well-being by lighting one end of a hollow candle and placing the other end in the ear canal.

One end of a cylinder or cone of waxed cloth is lit, and the other placed into the subject's ear. Usually the subject is lying on one side with the treated ear uppermost and the candle vertical. The candle can be stuck through a paper plate or aluminum pie tin to protect against any hot wax or ash falling onto the subject. The flame is cut back occasionally with scissors and extinguished between two and four inches from the subject. Proponents claim[citation needed] that the flame creates negative pressure, drawing wax and debris out of the ear canal, which appears as a dark residue.

An ear candling session can last from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, during which time a series of one or two ear candles may be burned for each ear.

***all information and pictures were taken from google. I didn't write it. Overall a cool experiance. Brent and I thought it was fun in the same way that science world is fun lol. We may be nerdy though. :) You go away with a clean ear feel and almost like you can hear better. It didn't help my ear infection at all. Oh well. It was a fun thing to try..if your into trying new/weird/gross things.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ear adventure

On google it said if you have an ear infection while pregnant to try ear candeling. I have never done this before. Brent always talked about how cool it would be to try. After work today we had ourselves a date. Ear candeling paired with strawberries :) lol

It didn't clear my ear infection. It was digusting yet cool though. I'll post a picture so you can live vicariously.


-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This past week

My update and complaints include;

Ear infection
Head cold

Crying because;
I feel fat
I feel uncomfortable
During baby dedications?
I feel sick
During certain songs that aren't sad
I keep forgetting things (my brain 'got broken')
I can't bend like I used to

Lol, oh pregnancy you are a big 9 month story I will share and laugh about. Until then I may self pity once and awhile and may also feel especially bad for my incredible hubby who has stood at my side. He gets a lifetime supply of brownie points.

So silly to be over 6 months and have so many early pregnancy symptoms.

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can't help myself

I can't stop buying baby stuff...
It's addicting...
Sometimes I sneak things in the house and Brent catches me and holds me responsible. Usually that ends with me blushing and justifying and him soaking it all up thinking I'm hilarious and rediculous...
I need a hobby so I can stop until our munchkin comes...
Preferably something I can do while laying down since I'm so exhausted these days. Any suggestions? Perhaps couch poatoe? Lol. If it wasn't for Internet shopping I would be safe but these days purchasing is soooo easy! All it takes is one click and, bam!

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sassy cravings

Oh Grapefruit juice!

Sunday morning I woke up remembering that there was just a sip of grapefruit juice left. I woke up and every part of my body was screaming out for it. I turned to brent and asked him if I could finish it off. He smiled sweetly and said yes. I then proceeded to prance into the kitchen full of joy that I was going to have a few sips of grapefruit juice ( if you know me you know I almost never drink juice and never drink pop so this was unnatural!). Brent came in the kitchen just as I had poured it into my cup. He started to make his breakfast. I started to sing about how I was going to drink my juice and how I love my juice. Brent looked at me like, ' you are so weird.' I then sung the final verse of my song...

' I'm going to drink you, your going to go into my belly!'

I looked at brent and....

'and you don't get any'

Brent looked at me like I was a nutcase because I had apparently gone off the deep end. He said something along the lines of ' that wasn't very nice.'

I felt so much remorse about being sassy I offered him the juice. The last of the grapefruit juice. I thought he would be like it's ok enjoy your juice since he knew how much I 'needed' it! Instead he looked at me and smiled and replied...


I open my mouth in awe and slowly handed over the grapefruit juice. My tears were welling up and up and once he had the juice in his hand they began to overflow.

I said ' I'm going to go lie down ' aka ( go cry in bed about the grapefruit juice.)

Brent burst out laughing. I burst out crying harder. The juice remained untouched.

Brent then told me how he was actually kidding about drinking 'my' juice. He handed it back to me and kissed me on the forehead. I still was sniffling. I drank my juice while watching Brent snicker. His wife had truly taken a flying leap off the deep end and landed up a nut job.

About an hour later we laughed about it together. It was a true pregnant memory that I'm not sure we'll cherish but we'll laugh about.

That morning I experianced

1) pregnancy cravings
2) wild pregnancy emotions

Moral =
Don't be sassy
Don't offer your grapefruit juice

-Sheena (plus Brent & baby)

*posted from iPhone