Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rain Rain go away!

I'm going to give kitty a bath. (Don't worry I intervened before she got to the baby pool filled with rain water)

The kids beg to play outside rain or shine and I just have a hard time saying no-especially when we have rain gear.

They are so hilarious.
Puddle jumping
Mud pie building
Kitty cat feeding
Rain spout showers (oh mercy no joke!)
-Audrey likes to find where the rain is pouring off the roof. Then she goes under and pretends she's having a shower. Good thing it's bath time after!

Sharing a room?

So I want our kids to experience sharing a room. I thinks it's good for them, I think it's healthy.

I have been thinking about getting them to share sooner then later. Mostly because Audrey try's on everything she owns every time she's alone in her room and takes out every toy.

I figure if they share then I can keep the chaos of there cloths and toys secluded to one room. One room for them to sleep and one room for a playroom.

Last night I had a trial run and they did great sharing a room!
Slept 12 hours! Pretty impressive.

Audrey would have preferred Beckham to sleep in her room with him but I'm doing all this while Brent renovates so I can't be moving his crib.

I think sharing a room is a good life skill (something I maybe still struggle withLOL!)

Mama's Boy

It's not very often that I get 1:1 time with my sweet boy. Ok ok so every Friday I get 30 minutes during Audrey's swimming lesson. Somehow it feels different!

Anyways this morning Beckham was really needy and instead of being frustrated I put on a show for Audrey and took him into my bedroom and we snuggled, played with his airplane and as him a back tickle.

Fact about beckham-he loves back tickles and will lay completely still if you tickle his back (father like son!)

Was so nice having a few peaceful moments with my cutie-pie!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Naptime adventures

I went to go get Audrey&Beckham up from there naps...well Audrey was missing out of her locked bedroom...Beckham's door was open (normally its locked to keep Audrey out during naptime!) ----sure enough wild things are happening in Beckham's crib! These two babies keep me on my toes!

Chores < Bubble bath

Today I'm pooped.
I have a sink full of dishes.
I have a choice---naptime is coming.
Bubble bath or dishes.
Lets be realistic I'm voting for bath time.
If my sense of responsibility kicks in ill land up doing dishes. If only there was a a dishes fairy that would come and do them while I have a bath.

I would marry the dishes fairy!

***added later***
I chose chores over a bubble bath---boo it was a bad choice ;)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fridge protection

My poor fridge
My poor produce
Daily ransacked
How do you childproof this kind of fridge?
I have a monkey in my troop


Sometimes I wonder if Spicy has a harder life now versus before he was adopted lol

Monday, February 25, 2013


Windowsill revamp
We planted paperwhite bulbs and had a blast watching them grow. I planted them during Beckham's naptime with Audrey.

This time I thought maybe Beckham would want to join the fun.

We decided on some 'chives'
Got both kiddos ready....
Ok so maybe Beckham isn't quite ready for planting with dirt. It was hilarious and might have caused me to sweat.

There is no pictures during because there was no free hands during the craziness.

Next time we might revisit planting whole Beckham naps ;)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

BC Rain headquarters

So this weekend Brent spent 18 hours building his office. It's not HUGE but it's big enough+ for what he needs it for.

There were a couple things Brent needed help with---Beckham was pretty cranky so into the ergo he went. He was in heaven all weekend being carried while I helped daddy.

It was quite a success!

Anyways I'm just so SO proud of Brent all the time! Can't believe all he accomplished in ONE weekend! Incredible!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fe fi Fo fum---giant baby terrorizing doll family

I was cleaning in the kitchen and lets just say there was a lot of crashing and grunting....apparently my sweet huge baby got stuck in the dollhouse.

Oh dear oh my, this was quite the site I'm sure you can imagine!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

No vent covers---equal instant entertainment

We are finishing our basement.
Lately it's felt painfully slow.
Slow slow slow
The kids don't watch much TV (we don't have cable)---they do however 'daddy watch)
They love to look down through the vents (that we still haven't put covers on much to my desire for them to be put on...the kids drop, throw...bomb things down them all the time)

Anyways lately you can find one or both of them looking down the vents watching daddy work. It's actually totally endearing and sweet and also quite a distraction for poor Mr.Brent.


Some all-star grandparents met us in horshoebay for some fun (wild and crazy restaurant fun)

We had a lovely time catching up. The kids adore them. It's so darling to see them start forming special relationships!

Before we left Audrey even said...'we go see nama and papa (yes she says Nama haha) and they say happy birthday Audrey...then happy birthday present.'

Oh the giggles we had, they do spoil the kiddos though!

After our visit we headed down to the beach. We played in the sand, convinced both kids it wasn't swimming weather (it's February). Audrey was pushing it---going out pretty deep in her rain boots.

We found some mussels. Picked up some shells for our 'treasure' to take home. Daddy found them a starfish---poor starfish---the poking, prodding and abuse it took. RIP starfish ;)

We are beach folk, it was a teaser for us. A teaser for what summer will look like.

Have to admit that I'm still sad sometimes that there is no newborn in our life (there was a newborn in the restaurant and apparently Brent got scared at how my eyes looked like baby fever when we saw it) ....but this babies. It's huge. It's going to be the easiest summer in 3 years! Boo-yah!

Anyways we are pretty pumped for this summer. BBQs, bonfires, hottubs, beach visits, zoo going, and not to mention the wild camping trips with both kids we has planned!

Good times!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mommy time

Lately I've been giving myself 1-2 hours with friends to go for a walk on Mondays or Tuesday evenings. It's been glorious.

Adult conversation
Fresh air
Me time


Burned 990 calories with no effort tonight---just gabbing with my girlfriends.

Empty canvas?

We just had our basement poured.
My thoughts immediately...
Painting party in the basement!
Stripped to the undies
Got wild, messy and out of control.
Such fun! Now if we ever tear the floor up we have a wild memory of 2013-renos&babies! It was an absolute hoot!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Naptime resistance

My perfect sleeper resisted his afternoon nap today. Well that turned into him falling asleep to late. He didn't fall asleep until 4:40pm and well my rule is no sleeping past 5pm otherwise 7pm bedtime is not as easy.

Anyways, so hard to wake a sleeping baby. Had to post this picture. I so often look at him and think he's not a baby anymore---when seeing him sleep though it makes me think he's my little itty bitty baby all over again.

Okay he was never that little---a whopping 9lbs and 9oz over a week early...he's always been a big boy. Oh man. My heart melts. He will always be my baby.

Jack and the bean stock flashback

Ok-so this dollhouse. It's lovely.
What was I thinking?
It doesn't stand a chance against the destructors...the giants...

I watch them play, it's not gentle...
When I envisioned it I envisioned them being careful with it...maybe not climbing it....

Did someone show my kids the movie King Kong----I swear Beckham's goal is to take the 'Barbie' and climb to the top and hoot and holler like a wild ape (no joke).

Brent and I decided not to stress. To teach them to be gentle through this 'experience'. We recognize that it might just get destroyed like the city in Godzilla.

Cheers-to accepting that this dollhouse might not become a family heirloom passed down generation after generation. Also accepting that we may have to replace it after the mayhem and chaos destroys it.

Sweet baby tears

Beckham is my sweet baby.
He just melts me.
He is Audrey's partner in crime but somehow he manages to look at me with those innocent big brown eyes and I go weak.

We believe in discipline and structure. We have never let our children rule the house.

Lately though Beckham has mastered the art of crying with intention to 'win'.

He sees a cookie
He wants a cookie
He cries in a sad way
Somehow a sad cry can work this mama more then a tantrum cry.
Oh dear

Brent's doing some parenting on me. Toughening me up. Making sure I don't let this handsome young man learn how to work anyone with an ounce of heart...

Look at the sad eyes, look at the little hands. The hands covering his mouth is just about the most endearing things (sure he might be WAILING but it's so sweet)

I'm working on not being soft.

I've heard a lot of, 'Sheena you wouldn't have let Audrey get away with that when she was that age...'

Somehow he's still a baby to me...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

17 months

Beckham is 17 months
He 'can't' go down the stairs
He actually can.
He just rathers being carried.
Lets be honest...
I'd rather be carried down the stairs ;)
So today after he went upstairs 18 times
Started crying 18 times so I would bring him down (while I'm cooking)
Time to enable him to be a little more independent haha

Ok, so after teaching him.
The crying continues.
He really just wanted me to carry him.
I took a video as he sobs angrily going down the stairs. Oh man. This little boy is my baby. (Yes, a sobbing video---eek I am that mom. Memories, right?)

Fingers crossed that by the time he's two years old he will happily go down stairs by himself haha. It won't let me upload the video so a lame picture will have to do. I'm far to lazy to use a real computer to blog ;)

Yes in the picture Audrey is showing me proudly that SHE can go down the stairs hahaha

Brownie points?

When you see a chair pushed up to the stove it usually spells trouble.

Little miss Audrey was very good at sharing...

Sharing as she spoon fed little mr.beckham and herself half a tray of brownies.

Guess whose more covered in chocolate?

We bought a zoo?

So we bought a zoo? Ok we didn't buy a zoo but we bought zoo membership passes! It's pretty close to our house so we figured it would be a good investment for family fun through the summer!

We had a blast! The kids where in pure heaven---ok I was in heaven as well. For sure up our alley! Can't wait for warm summer days and many zoo visits!


These past few days when we tell Audrey she can't watch any TV she has figured out a crafty solution.

She grabs her fake 'cellphone'
'Hello you want some TV?'
'Yes, ok, I'll get some TV for you'
'Ok, bye bye'

Then she scrambles over to me or Brent...

'Um, they want some TV. Ok? I get it for them.'

Crafty crafty crafty
Some serious brownie points for creativity at 2.5 years old.

Mommy's turn
'Let me talk to them'

(Audrey hands me the phone)

'Hello, how are you?'
'Good I'm glad. You're tired?'
'Oh you wanna go to bed'
'Ok, I'll go tuck you in'

***look of fear crosses Audrey's eyes***

'Audrey they want bedtime and they wanna go to bed with you. We better go night night'

Audrey-0+brownie points

No free kitty cats

Audrey's quote of the day
'Beckham mommy said we can't have snack. No snacks. We wait for dinner. There are NO free kitty cats----OK???'

Haha oh the laughter that I hid ;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sewing adventure

So Audrey is somewhat of a nudist.
Last summer she was a force to be reckoned with when it came to dressing her! This summer I was thinking easy breezy might help.

I got a sewing machine-yahoo! My dad&linda rock! (Xmas gift) my last sewing machine died when I fell down the stairs with it and it shattered into a million pieces! Boo! So I'm excited to get into if again. I never in a million years would have thought I would be excited about domestic things-lol-but I love it!

I saw a simple pattern for toddler dresses and I decided to do it! I think I kind have went a little nutso! Ordered enough fabric for 13 dresses! Could make some for next year though. Got a smoking price! Each dress works out to under $4 with all material, ribbon, thread! I figure with them being inexpensive I don't have to worry about her wrecking them or getting filthy.

Just ordered them this morning. Nervous, excited and eager for the material to arrive.

(Yup, ordered material online-honestly these days I don't get out of the house much without the babies. Brent's been working like crazy. So I wasn't going to waste what beautiful free time I have in a fabric store. Fingers crossed that its good quality!)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lustful boots

I have this problem
They call my name.
I'm naughty.
I have some beautiful boots.
I love then dearly.

So 2013
Hellooo---we live in a farm house.
We have a barn cat
I'm buying our first chickens in the next week or two!
I'm practically a farmer...
Did I mention the mud on our property-it's crazy. I am that mom in the grocery store in my rainboots most days.

So I bought $12 rainboots.
They died 6 months later
I guess I'm 'vigorous'
Brent thinks buy a little nicer?
I showed him the escalade, Porsche of rain boots.

My 'hunter' lust.
Ok so I first showed him my dream rain boots. I'm so 'country' I have dream boots.

They were $195 and British inspired.
The look of horror was
Ok Porsche rain boots are a no go...

How about a Audi?
So a 'plain' pair that would match everything. On sale $80.

Ok so maybe not the price tag Brent was hoping more. I think he was thinking upgrading the $12 boots to $40 boots.

Did I mention the lifetime warranty?
Did I mention I'm practically a farmer?

Ok-I'm usually a cheapskate but for some reason these boots are calling my name.

I dropped the bday card.
71 days I shall see if I get the 'Audi boots'

I would hurl if I got the 'Porsche' boots---prob not in a good way haha. $200 on rubber boots might stress me out. I'm such a freak. It's 10:54 and so in 1:06mins it's 70 days before I find out about mg 'Audi boots'


Oh man it's been a busy season. Besides renos, work, life and all those lovely things that make every day wild and busy there has been so much more.

Audrey has moved to not wearing diapers at nighttime anymore! Woohoo!

Beckham has his first real cold. I indulged him and babied him like the sweet baby he is! Then after he thought real life might entail being carried around all day---no sitting allowed for mommy...ya right. We nipped that in the butt. ;)

Have done some planting with Audrey, some baking with both my babies, and many other fun crafts!

Our cat has become very social so everyday we go and feed him and play with him---even though mommy and daddy are NOT cat people we somehow have been talking about getting another kitty this summer...(we apparently did buy a zoo)

Our friends baby was born, and big success it did not give me baby made me grin and be so glad it's not me with a baby! I can't wait for a summer with NO babies! Maybe some extra independence for mommy!

Brent is also taking an accounting/bookkeeping course so that has been filling up another evening for us. Oh-vey!

It's been a fun season though, I'm thoroughly enjoying the age of my sweethearts. Beckham is just such a doll. Everytime I take him out of the house he's always flirting with the old lady's. heartbreak center over here ;)

February you are nice but lets skip this crap and get right to summer!!!