Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kids rooms part two

Kids shared room above. I have matching bedding coming and a whole bunch of nick naxks to spice it up. Trust me it's going to be so cute.

Just started bringing there toys back into the playroom. Coming soon is going to be a 'stage area' with curtains and everything! 

More pictures to come soon!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Upstairs kids rooms/playroom 'redo'

We never really did much for the kids bedroom/playroom in terms of making it nice because they are so hard on things but as they've gotten older we decided to make their space more special and paint and decorate it a little. This is just part one. I never took much of before pictures so you'll just have to use your imagination. 

Beckhams room above 

Audrey's old room/new playroom since they've been sharing a room

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Monkey see monkey do

We made hot cocoa today.
It was bone chilling cold.
Well they were pretending it was coffee 
Like daddy, papa and grandma 

Christmas morning

Every year I tell myself to be mature and go back to sleep, sleep in, don't wake up early on Christmas.

Every year I find myself awake late...up stinking early....

It's not our kids. They crash early and sleep well {even on Christmas}

I'm just SO excited!!!
Yes it's 4am as I type.
I'm just dieing for the Christmas excitement to begin!! Brent would be mad if I went and woke the kids up at 4am wouldn't he?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Desperate times

I bribed my kids to be quiet in the car with a reward of a choclate chips. It worked, it was heaven, it was worth it. Let me tell ya I was desperate for a quiet ride in the car lol. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Things I didn't think id ever say

'Brent can you come to bed and stop shooting the deer out the window at 11:30pm' 

My heart is akwardly bleeding for the deer. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

How I get this for 'free'

So remember those coupons for games/toys. They came in the mail!!!!
Well I wanted to do a trial run {I still have 4 left}

I bought these games 

My cost?
I paid 1/3 of the tax...that's all folks!

4 of these games are going to be Audrey's birthday present. I'm also going to add operation to that pile {they were sold out} and she really wants it!

Pretty pumped! Pretty pumped!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Chickpea cookies-toddler approved

I made some chickpea cookies, oh man utterly delicious! I could eat SO many! The kids LOVED them! They have peanut butter in them so I can't send them to school but they are a great after school snack! 

Audrey hair mayhem

So this happened 
Let's just say major amounts of hair was damaged and broken off in the removal process....

How it happened...that will remain a mystery 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I can't sleep mommy

Ever since beckham was born we had a special connection. I'd always told Brent if when was having a hard time going to sleep it almost seemed like if he 'smelled me' or felt my 'presence' he would drift off in seconds. Fast forward, he's 3.

Not often but sometimes he'll spend 30+ mins legitimately trying to fall asleep.

Then I go up to cuddle him.
He climbs on my chest.
Just how he'd fall asleep as a baby.
Bam. Within seconds. Snoring 
I'm practically a beckham guru.
The problem with this.
He traps me haha
You try and 'roll out' of this snuggle without waking him.
Sometimes I submit and just feel like it's a 'message' mama needs a nap.
This boy is my baby. He is just so darn sweet. As he falls asleep he whispers in my ear, 'moon and back mommy moon and back.' His sweet way of telling me he loves me.{my heart explodes} 

These moments.
They are my riches. My treasure. My life feels the fullest when I have tender moments with my family. I am blessed. 

{I may also had a tear slip out when our pastor mentioned in his sermon there won't be marriage in heaven. I just in all honesty love my family so much. It is my lifes greatest blessing, my greatest joy} 

Hair evolution

For as long as many of you have known me I have had black hair. Black black black. I've loved it. It makes me giggle when people think I'm ethnic haha. I'm a white white girl but the black hair and tanned skin throws everyone off.

One morning approx 18months ago a high end salon was advertising on Facebook that they needed a LONG haired model to do some work on. WELL that sure is me, I sure was ready for a change. So I signed up. Voila the hair evolution began.

It started with a 'mild ombré' then I realized this was it. This was my chance. I would likely stay black my whole life BUT after going this far I might as well better embrace it. So I did. I have 'slowly' brought my hair to almost as light as it's ever been. 

Black, ombré, blonde ombré

What's your fave? It's been a fun process. I even debate maybe going one more time before summer and doing one final lightening job to bring me to the climax of as blonde as I will ever go. 

My hair also grows FAST, I have hopped off prob 10 inches in the last 18months. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Don't pee asleep

Beckham was half asleep and tried to go pee. It's always lovely waking up to a pee catastrophe haha. He was so distraught, he just started crying and waiting for me to come. {clearly he couldn't get off the potty without help...otherwise those little toes would have succumb to being 'nastified'}

Poor beckham mommy had to whip out the phone, why you ask? So I could text it to daddy so he could know what I woke up to this morning...maybe that would mean a sympathy back rub. Thanks for taking one for the team beckham!

Eyelashes 3 weeks later

3 weeks ago.
{middle lashes are 'long' and tragically awkward because they are the fake eyelashes that hadn't fallen out yet....when they did fall out it was horrendous!}
My eyelashes got WAY worse, sadly I didn't take a picture because it was horrendous and I was embaressed.

3 weeks later (today)
This picture is poor lighting but honestly it's astounding how fast and thick they have grown back.

I'm not very good at washing my face before bed so in sure you can imagine how little I actually use of 'carprost' I prob only put it on 1/3 of the nights before bed. Haha I did put some in my mascara in an attempt to make myself feel less bad about forgetting so often. 

I really could only imagine how amazing my eyelashes would be if I was consistent and faithful with it. 

**both pictures with no makeup** 

I'll do another picture in a few weeks!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

You're a mom when

You're a mom when...
Even though you dreadddd your yearly pap...you look forward to lounging in a wait room with tea in hand, reading a book (without kiddos). You say a lil prayer the doctor is running late so you can milk it a little longer. The silence is beautiful. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I made this cup of tea at around 9am
It's not 3:43 and I'm finally sitting down to enjoy it....

My bragging moment. It's still hot. My mug is amazing. Seriously. It is perfect for mom life and and the fact that sitting down to enjoy your tea is never predictable haha

The difference between 3 & 4

The difference between age 3 & 4 at Christmas time. 

Audrey remembers last year and the rules that come with the season.

Today we went on our first Christmas outing. Choosing advent calendars 

Audrey's choice 
Any surprise that she chose frozen?

Beckhams choice 
This did surprise me because at this point he really doesn't know what hockey is...this will make his daddy proud though!

So we brought them home and Audrey was more then content to look at it and talk about it excitedly 

Beckham on the other hand thought the calendar started today 
He's feeling like it was a pretty cruel trick buying 'treats' and not being able to open and enjoy them right away.

Staying in my 20s

Haha 30 is coming.
Here is me in my 'anti-aging' mask...
Watcha think...27 forever?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dates with Miss A-simple pleasures

When we were done our errands I asked Audrey what she wanted to do. 'I wanna go on a date and fill up the gas myself, and look at the Christmas things' 

I let her press all the buttons and even pay at the gas station-she was beyond thrilled.

Then we went to target and looked at all the wonderful Christmas stuff. When she was done looking I asked her if she wanted to buy beckham a Christmas present. Of course she did. She looked up all the aisles and talked about what kinda of things beckham likes and didn't like. 

She has such a thoughtful and kind heart. She is generous and kind. I'm so proud of my girl. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#selftea #helovesme

Im not a coffee drinker but when the air gets cold my insides feel so cold and sad. There is nothing that warms my soul like a good cup of tea...well enjoying a cup of tea with a good friend. 

My husband started spoiling me (since we met) but spoiling me with tea once davids tea came to vancouver. I don't get out much (haha!) but with work he's out and about pretty often. He just picks me up sweet things from them once and awhile. It's just a wonderful surprise everytime.

He's made me a junkie, I'm not nearly as inclined to drink my 'non davids tea' now that I have the good stuff. 

I was telling him about the tea advent calendar, how I was thinking if buying it for myself (which is rare because I don't buy davids tea he does haha) anyways....I didn't realize it sells out in an hour in store AND online! What the heck?

Anyways I missed it (and he wouldn't have bought it for me because I said I was going to buy it)

Over dinner I casually mentioned how mega bummed I was.

Well fast forward. He left for work WAY early. It's not totally out of the norm but I felt bad for him.

He came home randomly (it was chaos) I was punishing Audrey for being naughty and everyone was cranky. I was venting to him and he kept smiling. He was so patient (I would have exploded if I was him and cut me off...I can't handle excitement like he can)

He handed me a bag, said 'I got you a surprise!'

I opened it...
NO way!!!!
He craigslisted it. They were going for $100-$150 online (the boogers that hijack them to resell) 
WELL this was from last year!
Brand new!
He snagged it for $25
He drove 30+ mins

This is my love language all entwined into one!

Listening to me
Going out of your way/effort
Not roses 

This is top 5 folks
My heart is so full.

Dare I say...one of the most romantic and meaningful moments of my life. For reals. This man knows me. He loves me. He cares about me. I'm so blessed and humbled. I don't know what I have done to deserve him...I certainly have been procrastinating folding his socks...and leaving my cloths on the ground...I for sure haven't earned his love. 

I'm so blessed he chose me.
So blessed 10 years ago (almost exactly) I asked him to my grad and we started this beautiful journey. Up and down, good and bad, fun and boring, exciting and challenging, smiles and tears. It's been full of everything. At the end of the day I'm so glad we both CHOOSE to love each other. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Adventures in mommyhood

So today was rainy. We were gone most of the weekend. There wasn't much 'calm bonding time' as we floated from event to event. Today I opted to stay home with the monkeys and relish in this stage.

We made playdough.
Round 1 was a sticky messy kind. 
More of a sensory play.
The second we made was a traditional one. They helped with the mixing and adding but I did the 'cooking'
This is beckham pretty pumped about blue playdough!

Parenting preschoolers

'Mommy Audrey hit me'(B)
Audrey did you hit beckham?
'Well he hit me a little'(A)
Beckham did you hit Audrey?
'No no no didn't' (B)
Tell me the truth 
'I didn't' (B)
Audrey did beckham hit you?
'I don't think so' (A)
Beckham did Audrey hit you?
'I don't know?' Said as if he has no idea what I am talking about (B)
Do you guys wanna keep playing?
'Yaaaaaa!!!!' They both yell.

I have no idea what happened. I'm no detective apparently. I'll just take it as a win...and I'm happy to be confused if they are ready to go back to playing peacefully again haha.

How I got this for free part 2

So I'm grocery shopping with beckham and I notice some cereal is on sale $4.99 for a family size box isn't to shabby. I pick it up and notice the coupon on it! I love coupons on cereal boxes.

For every box of cereal you get $20 coupon towards hasbro (games and toys). I was leary about the $ amount. Last year they did the same thing but $5 and I used them to stock up on littlest pet shop and play dough. I gifted many friends these toys for birthday parties and I got them for free!

I bought two boxes because I wanted to inspect the fine print. 

I got home and there is a fine print. There is a limited amount. I read somewhere 20,000 coupons. Anyways I cut the box apart and put in my code to make sure there was still coupons available. There was! Golden!

I went box and bought 9 boxes. I know hoarder right?
He thing is that we will eat the cereal. The cereal is a good price! AND free games for our family and toys for birthday parties make this budget friendly mamas heart so happy!
This was a few of them, kinda annoying that I had to open and cut them all but they are all vacuum sealed so shouldn't go bad. I'm tempted to go back for more and gift all the free toys and games to the Christmas drive. 

Anyways I love free 
Free is a great price!
I'm looking forward to many game days with our family over the years!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How I got this for free...

So I went post Halloween shopping! 
Stocking up for Christmas but in reality I would have given it to them anyways! 75% off costumes are always a good idea! Hours of play and imagination. 

I found beckham a $35 batman costume and it was on sale for $9. Good deal right?!

Well when I brought it to the till it scanned up as $18. Boo! Still good deal? Wrong! Soooo...I told him it had a ticket for $9. He went and checked. I was right. He adjusted it back to $9. (Great deal right?)

So how did I get it for free?
Well I asked him about their SCOPE policy. If an item scans up wrong under a certain price range in almost any big box store it's under SCOPE. 

That means FREE!
So $35 batman costume.
I'm talking the deluxe big muscle one. Cape, belt, mask, the whole shebang!

It pays to know stores policy. I'll have one super happy superhero!

I also went to the dollar store and got
20 capes (black) and 20 masks (2.50 for all!). This lil man is having a batman birthday in...10 months haha!

Friday, October 31, 2014


Started with Prince Charming kissing the hand of his sister the Princess 

Beckham tried to slay the princess 
Trick or treating with fellow princesses 
Where is the dragon that needs slaying?

How does Halloween end?
This is what parents look like at 9pm Halloween night 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Craft Cupboard

My kiddos love crafts. Let's face it...I love crafts!!! I have HUGE pantry cabinets and they get two shelves. Sometimes it's CHAOS in their....today me and the kids as a team cleaned it all up!!! 

More organized and easier to access all the fun!!!
Yay for organization...now let's hope we can keep it this way!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Words by beckham

'Yes beckham'
'Jesus is in my tummy'
'Jesus is in your heart not your tummy'
'No way, he's in my tummy'
