Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Taking advantage of being sick

Daddy wanted to go out while I was sick. (yes, I now call my hubby daddy)

He dropped Audrey at Grandmas

Mommy got a few hours to recoup-so lovely!

Gave myself a manicure...ahhhh!

It's hard work being a mom and being sick!

-the colors kind of don't match and kinda remind me of Barney...goes with the new mom theme though right?

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Raw chicks...

Tried to be cheap and bought chicken drumsticks with the skin on. Thought I could save a few bucks and take the skin off myself.



Brent and I did 'de-skin' them and dry heaved the whole time!!

I don't know if I'll ever eat brown meat again...or meat with bones..or meat with least for a few weeks!

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Not all bugs need drugs

Been a mom for 6 weeks
Three 'infections' later
sinus/ear and more
Three prescriptions later
I'm still loving motherhood
It's not nearly as hard as pregnancy!

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Saturday, June 26, 2010


Audrey and daddy going on a coffee date while mommy stays in bed Saturday morning.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Shower Gift

Many thanks to those that were at the shower for me (Audrey). We really appreciate all the gifts, cute baby cloths and playpen!! We will get TONS of use out of it all. Everyone pitched in and bought me(Audrey) a beautiful playpen! Here is a picture of Audrey enjoying it :)

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Audrey usually loves it when I read her books. I'm sure it's not the actual book she likes but perhaps the sound of my voice. Either way it's fun mommy daughter time. I can pretend she likes books already so I can justify all the books I've bought.

Did I mention there is a lady selling her kids book collection and she said she has close to 1000 books...she lives in twassan(however you spell it). I'm thinking of going out there to take a peek..anyone wanna come? It's always more fun with more people!

She has 20 hardcover dr.seuss books in new condition and she said shed sell them for $30. Good deal? Or not a good deal?

I'm a sucker for books!

***usually we read in the rocking chair but she was a lil to squirmy today!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sneak a look at my maternity pictures

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Nap time on the play mat

Audrey is h-core. She loves lifting her head and picking her head up and moving it to the right and then to the left. She likes to kick her legs and try and scoot.

I put her on her mat and after quite an intense workout she passed out for over an hour.

To cute.

Big yawn...

And asleep

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What do babies dream about?

Those lil sleepy smirks melt my heart...they also make me wonder what's going on in that little brain!

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One month of parenthood

In the last month we have learned a lot! Mostly though we have taken the time to sit back and get to know this beautiful little girl god entrusted us with <3

Oh Audrey
In one month you went from 9lbs 10oz to 8lbs 6oz....then you kicked it into gear and at the end of the month you were a complete 11lbs

You learned how to smile LOTs after two weeks

You learned that being on your playmat isn't a punishment it's actually fun

Your neck is so strong and you can hold your head up so well!

You cry sometimes out of frusteration because you already want to crawl!

You have dreams about eating. You get this goofy grin and then start sucking feverishly in your sleep

You make 'talking' noises that melt everyones heart

Your baby squeeks and grunts are so adorable between 8am-11pm after or before they are a lil...not so cute lol

-are finally sleeping more
-learned how to eat dinner as a couple while having a baby
-gone on two dates with you while you slept (with us)
-going to leave you with your first babysitter on Thursday
-learned how to groceryshop with a newborn
-can nurse my baby and walk...boom...talent
-learned how to bath a baby and get all the crevices
-love being your mommy&daddy

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Life of Audrey

Loving the bumbo prematurely

-this is the only toy on the play mat she likes. The rest she ignores lol

Audrey loves bathtime. Good thing cause she's such a sweaty baby she gets one everyday otherwise she gives herself rashes.

Audrey loves to smile :)

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Family picture

I wouldn't say this is our first family picture because it's not...but if it was I would giggle.

Everytime Audrey would cry Brent and I would whip our heads together and plaster on a fake cry or distressed face he he he.

Audrey could sense it I swear because everytime we did it she would stop and we would look mental in the picture and she would be all 'chill' lol

This time we look distressed and she looks ticked off lol. I think it's almost frame worthy ;)

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Snuggly Muffin

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Audrey and her friend

This is Audrey and her friend Cali. They are only 4wks apart. Of course there daddies are holding them as well!

We have a baby boom in our church. 9 newborns and 14 toddlers. It's incredible.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Feelin' Snacky

I'm feeling snacky
It's true
I decided to blog about feeling snacky rather then give in.
I figure blogging about it holds me accountable...

That's to bad I didn't blog earlier when at two different family gatherings I had...

A burger
Two pieces of pizza
And icecream cake...and maybe the fudge inside of my sisters piece of cake lol

Boo-I indulged. That's ok. That's what working out is for out so you can indulge or at least feel less guilty about indulging.

Some pictures from today :)

I have some family pictures and pictures with Brent in them but I'm far to tired after three family gatherings to download them from my camera. Maybe another day!

Happy Fathers Day love!
Hope it was a good first.


Ps- I slept on the couch with Audrey last night so that Brent could get a good sleep on fathers day. That was my gift to him. Sleep. Isn't that what every new parent wants? ;)

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Fathers Day Poems/Fathers Day

10 New Dad Moments

1- changing your first poopy diaper and not knowing to hold Audrey's feet and poop going everywere.

2- holding Audrey's hand while she's crying in the car and having her calm down just from the comfort of her daddy's touch.

3- learning how to hold a baby without being scared and nervous...becomming confident in holding Audrey and how natural it came to you.

4- picking out what Sunday dress your daughter wears to church each week.

5- learning how to survive and live happily with a lot less sleep

6- during audrey's newborn pictures getting pooped, peed and puked on.

7- learning how to dress a baby. Were and how to snap snaps and squeeze squirming body parts into holes as well as color coordinate.

8- dealing with coming from a extreme blue testosterone world and entering gracefully into a pink world filled with estrogen.

9- proudly introducing Audrey to everyone you know.

10- learning how to have a conversation casually in a relaxed demeanor while our doll screams at the top of her lungs.

Thank you for your support
Thank you for your love
Thank you for your gentle touch
Thank you for your strong shoulders
Thank you for sweet eyes
Thank you for being such a great daddy
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for how you love Audrey
Thank you for being honorable
Thank you for being respectable are the perfect dad are the perfect man
So blessed to have you as my husband and the father of our child.
We love, respect and admire you.

Xoxox-from the two ladies in your life!

Brand New Dad
It’s time for happy Father’s Day
And you’re a brand new dad.
You have to get adjusted
As it’s not a passing fad.
It’s time for dirty diapers,
Messy meals and noisy nights.
But also gurgling giggling fun
And smiley, happy sights.
So, welcome now, to fatherhood.
It’s yours, the good and bad.
And I am downright certain
That you’ll be one perfect dad!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright© Denise Rodgers
All Rights Reserved
Photo by Denise Rodgers


Baby Poop Diaper poem: Parental Promise

by S. Goodwin

© Yanik Chauvin - All rights reserved.

Parental Promise

Little baby with poopy pants,
You've put a damper on my romance,
Before your birth, I was Casanova,
With nary a thought on developed ova,
Now Mom won't wear her sexy lace,
Practical cotton has taken it's place,
I, too, am tired from midnight feedings,
I have no energy for impassioned pleadings,
So I will simply go to bed,
"Good night, I love you", is all that's said.
I dream my dream of passed nights wild,
And swear you'll be my only child!

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chunky belly

Chillin with mom and showing all my pretty rolls :)

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Billy Bob Pacifiers

Got the 'crazy soothers'
They are 3month+ but I tried to get her to take it for a photo op but it made her gag so I guess before we get a good funny pic it'll be a couple more months. They are pretty hysterical though!

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Pregnancy Line

Last night I was swimming with my sister and she looked over at me and asked, 'is that line permenent?' Refering to the line many pregnant women get from there belly button down.

I looked down and thought, I sure hope not. I told her I don't know,

Sure enough I went home and googled it. It's not permenent but it takes several months to fade.

Im good with that. I didn't even realize it wasn't gone. That's what little sisters are for. They ask/say what everyone else is thinking.

*picture is not of me. Got it off google so people would know what i'm referring to :)

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Morning snuggles

Morning snuggles-ah. I love snuggles. I love Audrey and my daily morning snuggles. It's a beautiful thing when she scoots up to the crook of my neck and falls into a peaceful slumber.

Oh how I love my daughter

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pretty in PINK

(she still looks beautiful mid-cry)

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Do nursing bras have to be ugly??

No way-they can be sporty, sexy& fun!!!

When I was 40 weeks pregnant I did the dreaded nursing bra shop. Boo. So ugly and pricey! I bought black plain bras. It was depressing thinking that I was going to be stuck in those beasts for a year-ish!

I found Nectar lingerie. They have a brand called 'hotmilk' and 'cake' they are the hottest prettiest nursing bras ever!!!

The dilemma? $80-$100 a pop.

The solution?
Forever yours lingerie.
Same bras(even more selection) and only $60-$70

Maybe many of you are like me and used to the $20-50 bras at La Senza. $60-$70 is still a huge splurge. But the support you get and the frills of still feeling beautiful make me think it's worth the $.

I was impressed
My hubby was impressed
&my mom was impressed lol

All three seals of approval makes it a good buy!

Here is a sneak peak. If you are scared of seeing bras don't scroll down. Don't worry they are table top not on my body!

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Joining 30 Day Shred Movement

I joined the 30 day shred movement today. 28 days after having Audrey, wearing a bikini twice(after baby) and feeling sad at my poor shape, and feeling the fast approach of my brother trevors wedding I decided it was time to work on my figure.

I have 60 till the wedding(I don't wanna look chubby in family pictures) and another 30 after that for when Brent and I are getting family pictures done. My goal is the 60 days but my wost case scenario is mid September. I'm hoping this is do-able!

-this is Audrey during workout(she wakes up sometimes and looks at me very confused as to what I'm doing)

My 'pre' 30 day shred belly

I'm posting this purely as motivation and accountability to follow threw on my goal and to get back to the place were showing my belly isn't embaressing. By September either way (fit or not fit) I'll post another picture. So either I'll be proud or embaressed again.

Anyways here I go...wish me luck! Hopefully I don't flake out!

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Chunky Monkey

Big cheaks
&big smiles
My darling

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Audrey's wardrobe

Bought 30 hangers for audrey's dresses. Wasn't enough. Wowzers this lil chicklet has a ton of cloths. That doesn't even include her six drawer dresser!

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday My Love

Brent William Converse
Born June 11 1984
Married July 29 2006

26 of my favorite things about the best man in the world!!!

1- you'll always be 'old' to me ;) and hit those big birthdays before me. I'll always be your younger woman!

2- You are really hard to stay mad at and no matter what it is that seems so important to argue about you always seem to make it evaporate by bringing a smile to my pouty, angry lips.

3- You are the one person in the world that I can trust to keep me accountable. You call me out on stuff in a sincere way. I love how honest you are with me.

4- Your work ethic astounds me! You are the hardest working man I have ever met. You are so driven and ambitious. I find that trait very attractive.

5- Your smile. It melts my heart into a thousand pieces. With one smile you can make me weak at the knees.

6- Your eyes. There is one look that you give me that shows me more love then any action ever could. With that look you make me feel safe, secure, loved and ready for anything.

7- How you love god and are the spiritual leader of our family. I respect you so much and will always honor you for it.

8- When you talk to Audrey and call her sweet names. I see your love for our child radiate in you and if warms my heart to watch you with her.

9- When I was pregnant and sick how you took care of me and held my hand through it all. You were a constant source of love, support and encouragement even when the situation was stressfull for you.

10- You are such an amazing provider. I feel so safe and blessed to have you as my husband. You are the breadwinner (or whatever it is called :>} )

11- How you supported me going back to school so I could do something I loved even though we both knew that there was a good chance I would be a stay at home mom. Thank you for making that sacrifice for me and supporting me through it.

12- The way you always do dishes after we have company before I get to it. I always feel so loved when you go out of your way after our guests leave.

13- your patience with me when I need to talk about the same thing 16 times. You are so good to me.

14- the way you sing 'every little things going to be ok' by delirious everytime I'm upset/nervous/stressed.

15- The way you still flirt with me after 5 years just like were dating.

16- your rugged/calloused hands that are evidence that you are an absolute mans man.

17- your 5 o'clock shadow. It's prickly but oh so handsome!

18- your honesty is so absolute. I love how we can be so real with each other.

19- you're my protector. I feel safe with you and know you're always on my side

20- How I know you only say honorable things about me. I know you respect me and I feel blessed that your are such an incredible husband.

21- you are so good at sweeping the floors. I can sweep the floor but man when you do it they ate wicked clean.

22- how you sing to Audrey. All I can say is wow. You are such a great daddy already!!!

23-how you humor my picture taking obsession and respect that I just want to have memories of our lives together(because if I lose it when i'm old at least I'll have pictures he he)

24- Growing up together has been so much fun. Such an adventure. Some people disapprove of young marriages but I couldn't imagine my life any other way. You are my hero and I love being your wife!

25- you are such a good and true friend. You would do anything for those that you love and I think that's very noble because there aren't many people like that anymore.

26- I love that saying 26 things about you is so easy because you are so incredible. I could go on forever. You are my best friend and such a man of god. I respect you and admire you. I know that I am the luckiest woman alive to get to share my life with you. I will love you always and forever!!!

*what a chill daddy (Audrey looks a little troubled)

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Saturday, June 5, 2010


Audrey slept from 10pm-2am then back to sleep from then till 6am. Felt soooo good. Maybe this will become regular!

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Audrey is cute :)

Bah-so hard not to rant and rave about how cute my baby is. She melts my heart continuously!!!

-new hat that she'll have to grow into

All snuggly after a bath

A big yawn that looks like a cry.

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