Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Beckham don't bite your nails
Because you'll get worms in your tummy and they will come out your bum (yes I did just become my mom)
-I want worms, then I pull them out and play with them 


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Profound Pause

I had to pause today. I had this huge moment with beckham. It started with something and turned into something beautiful. 

Beckham is full throttle. He is a food machine. When meal time comes it's a little dose of chaos. The excitement is there the manners not quite. 

For lunch he had:
Peanut butter on crackers 
Pepperoni sticks 
Apple sauce 
Cherry tomatoes 

Kinda a mish mash. Naptime was approaching and I decided they could have a 'treat' a chocolate protein shake. It's jammed with nutrition but totally scrumptious. 

Anyways I handed it to him. Cup full. He was so excited. Within 10 seconds his jittery excited hands and gulping body threw the cup. Not really threw...but if you saw the mess you'd have thought he'd have thrown it. It litterly flung over my entire kitchen. It was mayhem. 

I looked at him with disappointment. His tears welled up in his eyes. I exasperatedly said 'that's it Beckham go get your blanket it's naptime. If you spill your shake you don't get any more . Get into bed' {we are all about natural consequences}

He sobbed all the way into bed. Proceeded to sob and sob while I cleaned it up. I was mega annoyed. This is not the first time this has happened. If I'm honest fluids get spilled almost daily between one child or the other. 

As I finished cleaning up the mess I shook it off and went to go tuck him for naptime. I crawled into bed next to him. Has quietly crying with the covers over his face. I came up behind him and put my arms around him. He pulled his head out. 

'Mommy do you still love me'

Heart shattered into a million pieces. He believes my love for him is conditional. Conditional on behaviour, conditional on acts, conditional on earning it. Do you see the parallel.

I quietly asked. 'If you spill or make a mess do you think mommy loves you?'


I am a devasted puddle on the floor. 

'Beckham I would love for forever and always, to the moon and back times infinity if you spilled you shake 100 times a day.'

A smile crept on his face 

'You still love me if I do naughty things?'

'Beckham I will love you no matter what you do. I will love you the same everyday. Sometimes mommy gets cranky, sometimes mommy gets disappointed, sometimes mommy gets mad but my love for you is the same.'

'If I bite Audrey you will still love me'


'Yes, but don't bite her because I'll still get mad and discipline you, but I will always love you.'

He took his hand in my hand and whispered 

'Thank you mommy'

Why was this profound. This is me daily. I feel like I constantly fail Jesus. I feel like I am not enough. I feel like I am underserving of his love. Instead of hiding under the blankets sad that I have yet again fallen short I need to take Jesus' hand that he is holding out to me and simply thank him for his mercy, his grace, his forgiveness. I am that 'shake' thrown all over my kitchen. I am that mess that he has to clean up. I am so thankful that I have a Heavenly Father that takes my hand even when I hide away. 

I honestly felt like this was a Jesus moment. He showed me through my son how much a mother loves her child and how it has no conditions. He showed me how eternal his love was for me regardless of my messiness. 

Being a mommy has been a huge gift to me. He has showed me more of who he is and what it means to have a Father and someone to love me without conditions. 
Thank you Jesus for Beckham, thank you for his tender heart. He is such an amazing blessing to myself and our whole family. You knew exactly what you were doing when you gave us him. He is our treasure (one of two treasures you have entrusted with us)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Audreys imaginary friend

Mommy I have a friend named tutu

You do? (Me)

Yup, he came to me when you were sick and daddy was with me 

Oh that's fun (me)

He makes me laugh because he does knock knock jokes

What joke did he tell? (Me)

Knock knock, whose there? Hedge, hedge who... BLESS YOU hahahaha oh Tutu you're so funny (procedes to laugh while slapping her knee)

What a funny guy (me)

He's not real, he's imaginary mommmmm. He's pretend but I like him ok?

Can he give high fives? (Me)

Yup! Tutu give her a high five, it's ok!

*high five to air*

Monday, March 2, 2015

Poop talk

'Mommy if I ate all the cookies you made I would have a ginormous poop. So big it would be a bridge we could walk on. We wouldn't walk on it because it would be stinky poop' 
