Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Poop Dilemma

So Lil Miss Audrey has decided that everytime she has to poop she will tell us beforehand. This is typically a good thing. She is exactly 16 months. The dilemma is that we have a newborn and there is NO way we are ready to potty train.

She comes to us, grabs her bum and says..'poop' and sure enough 2-3mins later she poops.

She also has been consistently peeing on the potty when we put her on. (She doesn't tell us before she has to pee though if she is in her diaper)

Beckham is one week old and I look at Audrey with my tired sleepless eyes and laugh. How is it possible that she is wanting to go down this road as soon as baby arrives. My goal is to wait until Summer. She will be two then and it just sounds easier. I am just not ready, even though she might be.

Sorry Audrey, with baby in town you are stuck in diapers. (Daddy has a much softer and more patient heart and has been putting her on the potty. I just can't see me going down that road anytime soon. It'll be a big enough adjustment having two babies.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life with two

Day 6, today is Beckham's due date.
Honestly it hasn't been as difficult as I thought. It has been so much fun hanging out as a family and just taking it easy. Not many chances in life to just hang out at home for days on end. It has been quite refreshing. A couple girlfriends of mine arranged for people to bring us meals. Honestly, such a blessing. It has been so weird being on this end of it. I am used to bringing someone meals but not used to receiving as we never had the same sort of thing with Audrey. I almost feel guilty. It is just a different feeling. I think my personality is more much of a giver and I have a hard time receiving but it has been good for me to just sit back and receive during this season. I have had to listen to Brent tell me quite a few times to take a chill pill. Ha ha, I keep feeling like I need to start thank you cards or make people cookies for bringing us a meal. I think the whole point is to relax though. I am such a dork. So glad I have a hubby that balances me out. He is such a keeper.

Anyways my chill little man just woke and needs to eat so i'm off for mommy duty. Wow it feels so much more relaxed the second time around.
<3 love being a mommy

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not so many posts-post baby

The second time around lack of sleep seems to come easier.
The second time around you realize all the things you forgot about
The second time around you remember all the things you thought you would do different
The second time around you cherish the tiny moments so much more
It is all passing by so quickly already.
Can't get enough of our little man

Friday, September 23, 2011


So the countdown ended at 6. Little baby Converse was born September 21, 2011.
The whole story.
I went to my midwife after the previous day having a 'sweep' done and was feeling crampy/some contractions nothing very steady. Wouldn't even be classified as early labor. When I did go in though I informed them about how I hadn't been sleeping at night, barely eating, throwing up, the types of food that I could keep down were pretty much toast and cereal and ice. I was six days from my due date. I was showing signs that it would be any day. We had brought Audrey to Brent's parents house in thinking that it would be any time. Also taking care of Audrey was becomming quite the intense situation with throwing up and no sleep. Lets just say a few times as I 'prayed' in front of the porcelain throne (ha ha) Audrey would take her potty seat and start hitting me with it to get out of the way while she chanted 'Pee, Pee, Pee....' it is quite humorous looking back but in the moment it was almost cry worthy.

At my midwife they did another sweep. They then gave me my options.
a) wait wait wait
b) break my water...if I don't go into labor then I would have to be induced through a oxytocin drip
c) schedule a 'compassionate induction' based on my pregnancy and the state that I was in they would agree to induce me with a OBGYN only because of the hyper amnesis and how I had been doing worse currently

I chose b)

My appointment at my midwife was at 11am. We decided to break the water. They said they would come to our house and do it there and then we would procede

They came to our house around 2:40pm

We chatted about risks, what everything looks like, what to expect etc.

3:15ish they broke my water

3:20 Brent and I went for a 15min walk to encourage things

Brent and midwife (Tina) watch hellskitchen while I take a rest

After 20 mins laying down/them watching the show I come out of the room saying I have had around 4 hard contractions.

3:45 Tina starts timing contractions calling them medium/mild

4pm Contractions are solid and hard (we leave quickly because with Audrey my labor was fast so this one should be much the same)

4:25pm Arrive at Surrey Memorial

I opted out of drugs, Oh Natural. Didn't use them with Audrey and didn't feel like I would need them this time.

6:00pm Tina informs me that I can push if I want to and I inform Tina I am not pushing unless I can push the baby out. She laughs.

6:35pm Tina tells me I can push, I ask 'if I push will the baby come out' haha...i'm such a freak in labor. She says if I push good then yes. Bang bang bang...three pushes later....


Beckham William Converse
(the baby that was nameless the first night, we were deciding between Beckham and Bennet. We chose Beckham for in the moment that Brents dad said...'if we call him Bennett can call him Ben.' We did not want to name him Ben so Beckham it was.)

9lbs 9.3 oz 21 1/2 inches
6 days early.

He is our precious little man. We have our prince and our princess.

Baby is doing great and so are we. Audrey loves him to bits and is WAY more gentle then we ever hoped. It is still a learning curve but so far so good! We are loving this new chapter to our life.We can't wait till this new chapter involves a little more sleep but nonetheless is is FABULOUS!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So last night we brought Audrey to Brents parents so that we could leave here there for a bit and finish off the 'before baby' list of things to do. So refreshed to have checked off everything on the list. I have to admit that I didn't think we would ever finish the list. In my mind I thought we would just procrastinate and roll with it once baby arrives.

So yesterday was the day I guessed that the baby would arrive on. Guess I was wrong.No baby yet.

Still up sick at night hence the 4am blogging. So lame.
Can't wait to have my baby in my arms

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Seven days
5am and here I sit
Man, if only I could have a solid nights sleep with no sickness.
I feel totally wasted.
Last night we went and walked 5km at tynehead park, still nothing.
Thought for sure that baby would come.
I know I know I need to stop hoping this baby comes early. Just when you feel as sick as I do it's all you hope and pray for. I just know the peace that comes right after the baby is born and no more nausea and I am dieing for that feeling.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Here I sit during naptime
not in labor
not holding a newborn
8 days until d-day.
My prediction was September 20, tomorrow. I'm going to try and pull out all the stops today in hopes of going into labor tonight. That would be great in my eyes. September 20th just sounds like a good day to have a baby.
Hopefully I will miss blogging tomorrow because
a) I will have a baby
b) I will be in labor
c) I will be crying because neither of the above have occurred ha ha

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Single digits people, single digits!

So this weekend Brent has checked off MANY things off our pre-baby list. He has been super dad, I have been slacker mommy. I make jokes that he is nesting for the both of us. (I seem to not nest, I instead seem to just spend more time in bed prior to labor haha). He is my hero.

We got in one 'last' date before baby. Had a 'appie'(that was me making a joke, appie...happy..get it?) time at Earls and got different appies and shared them! So yummy! I just adore spending time alone with him <3 so refreshing and makes life so much more beautiful.I love Audrey and I love this little baby but man oh man I swear dates are what makes a happy marriage sometimes!

Lately I have been making dinner for Brent and Audrey and hiding out in the bedroom while they eat or just eat cereal. Anything that I spend time smelling makes me HURL and so my main diet is cereal or toast. Man, I have ate SO much toast and cereal in the last nine months. Oh but the beautiful nights that my mom (technically Brent's mom but I always refer to her as mine because I like her just oh so much) has had us over for dinner. For some reason when someone else has made it...I can eat it. (Within reason, strange eh?)

So ready for pregnancy to be done.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


'A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities.'

A quote I read. So true! Everytime I still look at Audrey I just wonder what life will hold for her. I can't wait to hold this baby in my arms and learn all the things that will make it happy and who they are. Such little personalities right from the start. I swear this baby has a way calmer disposition then Audrey already. We call Audrey our firecracker for a reason ha ha. In my personal opinion this baby is going to be calm just like daddy.

I pray that I can be a good mom, I pray that I will teach this baby to walk and love the Lord and have a personal relationship with our savior. May this child be safe and have a long and happy life filled with all that makes them happy. I have so many hopes and dreams for each of my children. This is such a special season just filled with hope and anticipation. I can't wait to have this baby in my arms and introduce (my nameless child) to everyone ha ha.

Tonight Brent and I were talking and we are both indecisive about a few aspects of this babies life. Two major things. We decided to split up the decision making. Apparently it is now my job to decide on the name (we have the names, just don't know the order). Brent has his own decision making job. I love how chill we are the second time. We might very well come home from the hospital with a nameless baby haha.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
if I never have to wake up at 2am
To toss my cookies again
I will be in love

Pregnancy+Sheena=unlimited barfing
Have to admit sometimes I feel bulimic without the whole being skinny part.

Oh Baby, please come.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


12 days until d-day
I am still convinced baby is going to come early but as each day passes I think and laugh to myself this baby is fooling me and that it is actually going to come late.

Reasons it would be nice for baby to come early
-Brent's business's busy season is beginning of October so it would be nice having him home and able to help more in the beginning of this babes life since that is the challenging time
-No more nausea
-It would be GLORIOUS to only throwup when I have the flu rather then all the time just because i'm pregnant. Yes, throwing up for a whole nine months is LAME!
-Eating without feeling yucky
-No more leg spasms at night (or during the day)
-No more Audrey pushing my belly out of frustration because she doesn't fit as comfortably on my lap.
-Snuggles with my hubby without a watermelon between us.
-It'll give me extra few days before Christmas to lose the weight so I can engorge myself with my favorite meal
-I can't wait to meet this little baby whom I have been anticipating for these whole nine months.

TV shows I am going to watch/or test to see if I like
so excited for all the fall shows to start! Blue ones are shows Brent&I watch together
-Americas Next Top Model (not my fave but when i'm desperate i'll watch)
-Vampire Diaries
-The Inner Circle
-90210 (guilty pleasure)
-Gossip girl (oh the cloths! how do I get hooked on these girly shows!?)
-The Event
-Amazing Race
-Hawaii 5-0
-Greys Anatomy
-Private Practice

Shoot, that is a lot of TV how will I ever keep up? I don't ever watch it when its on TV we watch either off our PVR or on a website called icefilms. So lots of these will be good for late nights with baby. Pretty sure some of these shows are going to have to get voted off because that is a lot of shows to watch in a week. That is 14 forty minute shows. That is 9.3 hours of TV a week. (Only 40 minutes because we don't watch commercials because we watch off our PVR or website).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

13-I predict I will have this baby September 20

So I have now learned that if I am going out since there are meals in the freezer Brent will eat them instead of fending for himself. So essentially my skillful planning of going out is kicking myself in the butt because the more I got out and he has to fend for himself the more he depletes my frozen meal stash. Shoot. I need a seriously new strategy. Perhaps i'll put KD in a pot before I leave to encourage him to eat that instead of the glorious meals I have in the freezer. KD has got to be as simple as heating up frozen meals, right? Poor Brent.

I am so excited that all my favorite TV shows are starting up again! I have to admit that during Audrey's nap today I watched 90210, yup I am that cool. Also Parenthood started last night! Ah, I'm so pumped. All that late night nursing is going to be grouped together with late night chick flick TV. Yup, sounds good to me!

Everyday I tell myself 'patience Sheena' because everyday I just SWEAR I am going to go into labor. I don't want to disapoint myself if I do land up going late. I think I should predict the ACTUAL date that I think I am going to deliver on.

September 20...thats the date I choose. So that's still awhile. (6 days). I really do feel like i'm going to go into labor, I thought tonight I might go to the gymnastics gym and do a 'drop in' and perhaps do a little jumping on there trampolines! Sounds a little uncomfortable but sounds like something that could just totally jump start things...if you know what I mean.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I have been on a cellphone 'fast' for a LONG time. Prob almost 6-7 months. It has been beautiful. I really want the Iphone5 so I have been holding out. Well yesterday I had a moment were I thought I shouldn't leave the house without a phone in case I go into labor (my labor with Audrey was really fast and they say that your second is usually faster). So I craigslist searched and bought a phone. Well 'crap on a stick' it was a junker and I should have looked closer because it was no good. So I am bringing it back to the seller tonight (I guilted him...bla bla bla pregnant, tears, labor bla bla bla). So now i'm on the phone search again. I'm just going to go simple. I just need one for emergencies and one that will last me until the GLORIOUS IPHONE FIVE!

On other news, Audrey officially knows

We have decided to move on to learning colors. This morning after my midwife appointment we spent quite a bit of time at the dollorstore. Bought a package (rainbow) of foam paper, a duotang with folders, and velcro. I cut the foam paper into swatches and added velcro to the duotang and the backs of the foam. It is the most handy little thing ever. I figure when she is older we could use it again to learn the order of the colors. It is just great. I can't wait to see if she can figure it all out. I plan to go slow. One color at a time.

ps-at the midwife they said I prob have at least a week to go when they 'checked' me. Oh well, good thing I am working on patience. Ah, patience. The virtue I like the least.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Pictures of the tooth above. Not a clear one, but you get the idea. Poor lil girl.

Chipped Tooth Fiasco
So, Audrey fell at my parents house.
Audrey fell and hit her tooth on there granite fireplace (it has a huge ledge)
I shake my head, why oh why.
She cracked one of her front teeth.
I cried more then she did.
I found a dentist that said she might be able to fix it.
Most dentists say they won't
They have months and months of waiting lists
They had a cancellation so we can get in next week for a consultation were they will say 'yes or no'
Then we have to go on a another list if they say yes.
Did I mention we are 15 days from baby.
Such bad timing.
Poor little tooth.
Poor little smile
I know its just a tooth, but she has such a beautiful smile and her adult tooth is still another five years away.
I just feel so so so sad.
I have had many people try and be kind and say its not bad, but I still think it is so sad.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Just a few snaps from my maternity pictures we had done. I had a stinky attitude going into them. I thought I looked to much like a whale. Now looking back I am already glad I sucked it up and did it. Especially if this is our last, it captures such a specific time in our lives as a family. I know I will cherish them!


I missed a day blogging, woops
I have to admit I haven't been feeling so hot, I keep thinking. 'I bet i'm going to go into labor' but then I don't. So sad.
Brent has been a trooper and played 'Mr.Mom' for most of the weekend. I am trying to use the power of positive thinking to get through this week. Perhaps also the art of avoiding making dinner as well.
Monday-Dinner with the Aunts&Cousins
Tuesday-Family Dinner
Wednesday-Shoot, i'll be home. I'll make something easy peasy
Thursday-A girls night
Friday-Shoot i'll be home again
Saturday-Another gathering with friends.
Sunday-Last Summer bonfire

Dinner...2/7 thats totally do-able.

Friday, September 9, 2011


the mid-day nap
I'm trying to figure out if I am actually more rested or rejuvenated after a mid-day nap.
Often when Audrey lays down for her nap I force myself to go rest. I have a hard time settling down on command so I am not sure how much rest I am actually getting. I usually lay there with my eyes closed (I don't let myself open them) and I count backwards from 200 by 3s (odd numbers) 197, 194, 191...usually by 0 I am asleep or I feel like its hopeless. I don't know why this is my routine. When I wake up to Audrey whining to get up I feel like crying almost every time. Sometimes I feel even more tired. I tell myself, 'imagine what you would have felt like if you hadn't slept.' and I go about my day. Well I really don't know, maybe it would be better with no nap? Maybe the interrupted nap makes me more tired. I know when I wake up I feel more sad because I wasn't productive and it feels like I have way more to accomplish in a way shorter amount of time.

It's a dilemma, but to be honest. Today is a new day and I will prob try and nap again. I odn't know how else to get through the day when I feel utterly exhausted when I wake up in the morning. Poor Audrey has such a boring mama these days.

Today is friday, hip hip hooray.
Maybe Saturday afternoon i'll send Brent and Audrey out and take a gravol and have an uninterrupted nap. haha (medicinally induced, so classy). Then I can evaluate the difference between the two. Honestly I think I am just pregnant and therefore I am tired. 18 more days, so do-able. Maybe less, maybe more.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We are in the 'TEENS'
This is a milestone!
My last 19(ish) days pregnant for the rest of my life.
Such a strange feeling.
Such a great feeling.
No matter how bad my day is I can take joy in knowing that I don't have to do it again.

Brent has been on a rampage of 'getting his fun out' before baby. He has gone fishing for the weekend, done lots of fun things with friends, he's going kayaking this friday for the day, and more fishing, golfing a few saturdays, and more man stuff... I think it's cute. My turn will come and he will get left at home with two little ones not just one, wink wink.

Audrey is napping, I am blogging, and possibly dreaming of a Disney vacation. Yes, I'm that much of a dork. I love Disney. I can dream can't I ;)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We taught Audrey to say please for things.
Now when she really wants something she looks up at your with her beautiful eyes and softly, 'pwease' and how do you resist? I am going to have to learn but man oh man she has me wrapped around her pinky when she uses manners! Manners and little kids is just one of the most adorable things ever.

20 days of patience, totally do-able.
Todays plan is
Morning at home, nap while Audrey naps.
Pick up Aunty Chanel
Some bonding and pictures with us three
Back to Grandma and Grandpas to enjoy some tanning/swimming during naptime.
Sounds like an action packed but fun day to me!

Well i'm off to play dolls with my sunshine!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

21 days

21 days,
todays thoughts
will this babe come early
will I be ready
will labor be crazy fast since Audrey's was
will this baby be huge since Audrey was almost 10lbs
will our parents babysit still, two is double the amount of work as one
how will I adjust
how will audrey adjust
how will brent adjust
how will our lives change
is the baby healthy
is the baby ready
is the baby going to be a good sleeper
is the baby going to nurse well
is brent going to have nightmares again (giggle)
when will babe arrive
when will life become normal
when will routine settle
a day of thoughts

I catch myself whispering these words multiple times a day.

Dear Lord, please keep this little baby safe inside of me as long as needed. Help make sure that baby is healthy and happy and that I do all that I can to keep it that way. I know that I want to have my body to myself again but in all honesty is this baby needs to stay longer I am at peace with that. Help Audrey to find the gentleness and calmness to be the big sister that you created her to be. Let us be able to teach her how to safely be a great sister and love this little baby. Bring unity to our family, and our extended family. May this little babes arrival stitch together all the things that were ripped and in need of repair. Mostly I pray that your hand be on this baby from this moment and forever more. May this babe be your child and follow you always. Help me be the parent that you want me to be. Your will Lord, not mine. Your will.

I feel like so often I get consumed with hoping for my wants and needs and desires. I know that it is a simple thing to fall into. I really pray that I can focus on these things in the next few weeks and not the things that I desire. As I grow more, as I get more and more uncomfortable. I want to focus on the fact that this is Gods plan for me, Gods plan for us. He has it all laid out. It will all happen how he wants it to happen and when he wants it to happen. I just am struggling and so it is hard to have faith that it is all in Gods plan. Sometimes I just wish that I could chose the plan. When it comes to the babe though I know that Gods plan is truly the BEST. I will have patience. I will at least try to have patience.

Monday, September 5, 2011

22 days

Last night Brent and I went to bed to read around 8:30pm and well...lets just say neither of us landed up reading at all, we passed out. We went to bed SO early. I think my pregnancy exhaustion has been passed on to him. I think more or less I am tired because I am pregnant etc, Brent is exhausted because he has been doing his thing plus some of my duties as well. What a good man.

22 days, and no name. How is this possible. We have a middle name (have had the middle name since we were dating). The first name dilemma is that we have two names we both love. We both love each name. My favorite out of the two is name number 1, and brents favorite out of the two is name number 2. I suggested that we just throw it all together and do a double middle name but Brent is against that. I am actually unsure if when we come home from the hospital if this baby is going to be named ha ha. When we talk about names it usually only lasts for 30 seconds and ends in laughter because we are so lost.

Last night as Audrey was dragging the babes playmat around the house having OH SO MUCH fun, we had a moment of realization that we might actually have to fear for our babes life at times. No leaving baby unattended on playmat while Audrey is awake that is for sure. Or when she leans down to give our dog Prada a kiss and she falls on top of her. Yah, scary when you think about her doing the same to a newborn. There is going to be a big adjustment in the converse house pretty quick. She is doing really good with 'gentle' just the extra loving she might try and give baby might endanger the poor thing.

Well my Little Miss is up from her nap so its time for me to do all things that mommies do, play in the kitchen, eat snacks, and try and steal as many snuggles and kisses as I can. Those are the days that make the difference between just a day and a great day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


This morning Audrey went on a date with Brent. First time in a long time I have had a break during the day (besides naptime). It is such a nice feeling. What a great husband I have, I am continually reminded what a great man and father he is.

23 days (hopefully less, I know i'm obsessed with having this baby early)

Today we are skipping church and spending the day by the pool and trying to relax before this week starts. It is a holiday but Brent is going to be helping at the church all day Monday. So for me it is sadly just a normal week. My energy level is super low it seems. I guess it doesn't help that I am insanely low in iron and so close to the end of my pregnancy and chasing around a 15 month old. Man oh man, if only I was sleeping at night. Sometimes I think the end of my pregnancy (lack of sleep because of nausea, leg spasms (multiple), peeing etc. is just preparing me for life with a newborn. Getting me in the groove for sleepless nights and being woken up countless times.

Anyways I am looking forward to a relaxing day, hopefully my sister doesn't invite her teenage guy friends over to swim as well. Let's be honest I don't mind sporting the bikini but not in front of her little teeny bopper guy friends....just seems extra awkward. I'm like a walking add for abstinence and birth control in my bikini ha ha.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Things That Are Luxuries When You Are A Parent
-Going to the bathroom alone without anyone banging on the door, yelling 'MaMa...MaMa' or crying...'Peeeeeee'
-Getting ready by yourself without worrying what your little one is getting into.
-Only feeding yourself during a meal.
-7:30pm the glorious time of day when everything gets quiet because the little one that brings many smiles to your face is in bed for the night.
-When your child sleeps in, even 15-30 mins extra is a luxury.
-Grocery shopping without a little one grabbing everything in the cart or better yet grocery shopping solo or just with your spouse. Sometimes grocery shopping can turn into a very fun date night if there is no child present ha ha.
-Date nights, no longer as spontaneous but 1000% more beautiful and incredible
-Not being pregnant, oh to not be carrying a baby around in your womb! Incredible feeling! Have to admit I am excited to never be pregnant ever ever ever again ha ha.
-Getting out of the house, looking at what your wearing and realizing you 'did it' you made it out of the house without kid goober, food or other various 'stains' associated with being a parent.
-Actually being able to sleep when your child sleep instead of laying there wishing you were sleeping/naps.
-The nursery at church. Oh, glorious church services without a child. It's almost like your are slightly carefree again haha. Love that nursery.
-Quiet car rides

Friday, September 2, 2011


25 lovely things about summer 2011
1-Going to Victoria (baby-free, besides the one in my belly) with Brent <3 it was bliss
2- Having a mom who is always willing to babysit and care for our children. She has blessed us, our marriage and our parenting so much by giving us breaks!
3-Going camping with our churches young families group
4-Hitting the 5 years of marriage milestone, kind of a big deal ha ha. So fun sharing life with my best friend.
5-Playing at the beach as a family (reminds me of what I thought being a parent would be like when I used to think about it as a youth)
6-Picnic dinners at various parks throughout the Summer
7-Tanning in my parents pool during naptime (pure heaven!)
8- Being able to eat lots of HOT DOGS! (my allergies are gone when i'm pregnant so this summer I took advantage)
9- Bought my first magnetic, fridge, moms love <3
10- My cardigan sweaters that are in the mail to support my fall style! So exciited!
11-Many many great playdates
12-Wearing my bikini even though I look like I swallowed a watermelon
13-Berries! Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries. Made breakfast heavenly!
14-Having dad downstairs to watch Audrey when I carry up groceries. Serious its the little things in life. Being pregnant and toting groceries and Audrey up and down the stairs is a pain so the couple times that he watched her while I brought them up was almost magical.
15-One of my best friends got hitched to her prince
16-My bridesmaid dress zipped...PRAISE THE LORD seriously, got me through many SICK nights watching greys anatomy, private practice, and glee.
18-My great massage therapist, when my left hip started hurting throughout pregnancy she made me better...time and time again. Can't wait until tuesday...(next appointment)
19-Audrey's goodnight kisses that make me want to keep her up...for 15 seconds then I put her to bed because heck, this pregnant mom needs to go to bed herself
20-Watching and cooking with Audrey in her play kitchen. So fun. We have had a summer full of pretend eating...she may or may not have slipped a couple of her play utensils in our dishwasher...sneaky muffin.
21-Buying Audrey matching boots (matching to me...similar to mine) for the fall. Sadly I am that mom that has been making her wear them already because they are so cute. She must be so stinking hot sometimes wearing socks and boots. She totally rocks them though ;)
22- Thinking about how exciting losing the baby weight and being skinny way more fun then post baby looking in the mirror and being sad at how its not coming off as fast as you'd hoped.
23-Sharing many 'special' snacks with Brent after Audrey has gone to bed.
24- Kumsheen Rafting on Fathers Day weekend with Brent so fun going on adventures with him.
25-Date night tonight....CHOCOLATE I need to find something fancy that fits a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy....

Great summer...hopefully next will be even better...
Yes i'm pretending this is the end of summer because...
a) ready to wear my boots and cardigans
b) ready for this baby to get out
c) ready to start this next adventure as a mom of 2 under 2!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


You know your husband loves food more then anything else in life when you take a bite of the last cinnamon bun that he was saving for his midnight snack. Woops, apparently the bite I took had the most icing as well. Shoot, bad wife move. If you could see Brent's sad eyes you might giggle or you might just go buy him another one. I thought about it, but its after 10 and this preggo needs to sleep. I guess I'll just consider it helping him 'grow' because one day it will be one of the kids that takes a bite of 'daddy's cinnamon bun' and well that will be a weird one to explain ha ha.

My favorite thing is when Brent grocery shops every article of food he buys becomes his. His cereal, his juice, his crackers, bla bla bla. It makes me giggle. He comes home sad sad sad from work when he finds out Audrey had one of his crackers or I had some of his juice. He makes me laugh so hard. Oh Brent, you are my favorite. Life with you will always be filled with passion for food and giggles from me. Maybe in our next house Brent will have his own special cupboard were he can put all 'his food' ha ha.

Blind Side

Is the blindside really sad? I am not one to cry in movies but I am a mess! I decided to watch this movie during Audrey's nap and lets just say five minutes in and all the way through...tears! Wowzers, maybe its just my pregnancy hormones!