Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Poop Dilemma

So Lil Miss Audrey has decided that everytime she has to poop she will tell us beforehand. This is typically a good thing. She is exactly 16 months. The dilemma is that we have a newborn and there is NO way we are ready to potty train.

She comes to us, grabs her bum and says..'poop' and sure enough 2-3mins later she poops.

She also has been consistently peeing on the potty when we put her on. (She doesn't tell us before she has to pee though if she is in her diaper)

Beckham is one week old and I look at Audrey with my tired sleepless eyes and laugh. How is it possible that she is wanting to go down this road as soon as baby arrives. My goal is to wait until Summer. She will be two then and it just sounds easier. I am just not ready, even though she might be.

Sorry Audrey, with baby in town you are stuck in diapers. (Daddy has a much softer and more patient heart and has been putting her on the potty. I just can't see me going down that road anytime soon. It'll be a big enough adjustment having two babies.)

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