Friday, September 2, 2011


25 lovely things about summer 2011
1-Going to Victoria (baby-free, besides the one in my belly) with Brent <3 it was bliss
2- Having a mom who is always willing to babysit and care for our children. She has blessed us, our marriage and our parenting so much by giving us breaks!
3-Going camping with our churches young families group
4-Hitting the 5 years of marriage milestone, kind of a big deal ha ha. So fun sharing life with my best friend.
5-Playing at the beach as a family (reminds me of what I thought being a parent would be like when I used to think about it as a youth)
6-Picnic dinners at various parks throughout the Summer
7-Tanning in my parents pool during naptime (pure heaven!)
8- Being able to eat lots of HOT DOGS! (my allergies are gone when i'm pregnant so this summer I took advantage)
9- Bought my first magnetic, fridge, moms love <3
10- My cardigan sweaters that are in the mail to support my fall style! So exciited!
11-Many many great playdates
12-Wearing my bikini even though I look like I swallowed a watermelon
13-Berries! Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries. Made breakfast heavenly!
14-Having dad downstairs to watch Audrey when I carry up groceries. Serious its the little things in life. Being pregnant and toting groceries and Audrey up and down the stairs is a pain so the couple times that he watched her while I brought them up was almost magical.
15-One of my best friends got hitched to her prince
16-My bridesmaid dress zipped...PRAISE THE LORD seriously, got me through many SICK nights watching greys anatomy, private practice, and glee.
18-My great massage therapist, when my left hip started hurting throughout pregnancy she made me better...time and time again. Can't wait until tuesday...(next appointment)
19-Audrey's goodnight kisses that make me want to keep her up...for 15 seconds then I put her to bed because heck, this pregnant mom needs to go to bed herself
20-Watching and cooking with Audrey in her play kitchen. So fun. We have had a summer full of pretend eating...she may or may not have slipped a couple of her play utensils in our dishwasher...sneaky muffin.
21-Buying Audrey matching boots (matching to me...similar to mine) for the fall. Sadly I am that mom that has been making her wear them already because they are so cute. She must be so stinking hot sometimes wearing socks and boots. She totally rocks them though ;)
22- Thinking about how exciting losing the baby weight and being skinny way more fun then post baby looking in the mirror and being sad at how its not coming off as fast as you'd hoped.
23-Sharing many 'special' snacks with Brent after Audrey has gone to bed.
24- Kumsheen Rafting on Fathers Day weekend with Brent so fun going on adventures with him.
25-Date night tonight....CHOCOLATE I need to find something fancy that fits a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy....

Great summer...hopefully next will be even better...
Yes i'm pretending this is the end of summer because...
a) ready to wear my boots and cardigans
b) ready for this baby to get out
c) ready to start this next adventure as a mom of 2 under 2!

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