Friday, September 23, 2011


So the countdown ended at 6. Little baby Converse was born September 21, 2011.
The whole story.
I went to my midwife after the previous day having a 'sweep' done and was feeling crampy/some contractions nothing very steady. Wouldn't even be classified as early labor. When I did go in though I informed them about how I hadn't been sleeping at night, barely eating, throwing up, the types of food that I could keep down were pretty much toast and cereal and ice. I was six days from my due date. I was showing signs that it would be any day. We had brought Audrey to Brent's parents house in thinking that it would be any time. Also taking care of Audrey was becomming quite the intense situation with throwing up and no sleep. Lets just say a few times as I 'prayed' in front of the porcelain throne (ha ha) Audrey would take her potty seat and start hitting me with it to get out of the way while she chanted 'Pee, Pee, Pee....' it is quite humorous looking back but in the moment it was almost cry worthy.

At my midwife they did another sweep. They then gave me my options.
a) wait wait wait
b) break my water...if I don't go into labor then I would have to be induced through a oxytocin drip
c) schedule a 'compassionate induction' based on my pregnancy and the state that I was in they would agree to induce me with a OBGYN only because of the hyper amnesis and how I had been doing worse currently

I chose b)

My appointment at my midwife was at 11am. We decided to break the water. They said they would come to our house and do it there and then we would procede

They came to our house around 2:40pm

We chatted about risks, what everything looks like, what to expect etc.

3:15ish they broke my water

3:20 Brent and I went for a 15min walk to encourage things

Brent and midwife (Tina) watch hellskitchen while I take a rest

After 20 mins laying down/them watching the show I come out of the room saying I have had around 4 hard contractions.

3:45 Tina starts timing contractions calling them medium/mild

4pm Contractions are solid and hard (we leave quickly because with Audrey my labor was fast so this one should be much the same)

4:25pm Arrive at Surrey Memorial

I opted out of drugs, Oh Natural. Didn't use them with Audrey and didn't feel like I would need them this time.

6:00pm Tina informs me that I can push if I want to and I inform Tina I am not pushing unless I can push the baby out. She laughs.

6:35pm Tina tells me I can push, I ask 'if I push will the baby come out' haha...i'm such a freak in labor. She says if I push good then yes. Bang bang bang...three pushes later....


Beckham William Converse
(the baby that was nameless the first night, we were deciding between Beckham and Bennet. We chose Beckham for in the moment that Brents dad said...'if we call him Bennett can call him Ben.' We did not want to name him Ben so Beckham it was.)

9lbs 9.3 oz 21 1/2 inches
6 days early.

He is our precious little man. We have our prince and our princess.

Baby is doing great and so are we. Audrey loves him to bits and is WAY more gentle then we ever hoped. It is still a learning curve but so far so good! We are loving this new chapter to our life.We can't wait till this new chapter involves a little more sleep but nonetheless is is FABULOUS!

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