Monday, October 31, 2011

first mistake of a parent of two

When Beckham was born I thought his name was to hard for Audrey to learn. She knew what a baby was so we started to refer to him as 'baby'. People now ask her 'who is that?' and she replies 'this is baby' ha ha shoot. So now she thinks Beckham has no name and he is just 'baby' as sweet and tender as it is her calling him baby I guess after a month we better start teaching Audrey her brothers name...otherwise the nickname baby might just stick and thought would be cruel in middle school ha ha.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So I was driving along a busy road (72nd) for those of you that live in my area you know this area is very busy. A dog darted in front of my car I swerved a little but there wasn't really anywhere to swerve to since there are so many parked cars and steady oncoming traffic.

Sadly I landed up clipping the dog with my car. Oh man the tears. I had Beckham and Audrey in the back. The dog ran away, down the road. I tried to follow and find the dog so I could make sure it was ok and find either the owner or call the SPCA. Anyways the dog disappeared. My conscience has been heavy.

I really couldn't hop out of the car and search for the dog since I had kids in the back and no way of carrying them around while I search for the dog. I had no way of knowing what house the dog came from. After much MUCH contemplation I left and drove away.

Now I lay sleepless lots of nights not because my newborn is awake but because I feel so bad and I just feel so sad not knowing if the dog is okay or not. Oh man, I love animals so it just KILLS me that I could ever be the reason that one could be hurt or dead.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Brent and I hold hands when we pray and this is a sight that Audrey sees everyday.
Sometimes at the dinner table we sit Audrey in her highchair and let her start eating without us while we get the rest of the food on the table. By the time we sit down if we have done this her hands are a MESS and when we go to pray we look at her and just pray ourselves. She has just started about a month ago being VERY offended with we do this. She now says 'ray' which means pray in her baby language. She looks at us with big puppydog eyes and reaches out her grubby dirty hands. How can you refuse your childs request to pray with you even when her hands are as dirty as could be. It is SO sweet. Can't wait till she can she her own little prayers.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

getting naked

'...if you don't pay attention to me i'll take my cloths off.' (Audrey says this with her eyes)

Everytime I nurse Beckham or am not paying attention to Audrey she goes and hides and takes her cloths off and comes back in the room that I am in giggling hysterically.

SHOOT. How to teach her not to take her cloths off because heavens knows I don't need to be putting Audreys cloths back on her all day. Got my hands full enough without dressing her 5 times an hour. Perhaps some duct tape will be on our grocery list *wink wink *

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Fall,
yay for...
crisp fall walks
sunny pumpkin patches
pumpkin spice lattes
knee high boots
cuddles on cold nights with the fire on
drinking tea on cold mornings

Ah fall, I love you because you being here means it is almost CHRISTMAS

naptime victory

knock on wood
knock on wood

nap time victory...
a whole week with two babies and one mommy napping at the same time.

I have figured out the system. Put Audrey down, nurse Beckham, put Beckham down, put mommy down. All in all I land up with over an hour nap myself some days an hour and a half if all goes smoothly.

Makes up for Beckhams 4am barf time...good thing for daddies who sleep on the couch with him and let this mama go back to bed!

so this weekend I had a sleep in as well...
fed Beckham at 11pm
Fed again at 4am
then got to sleep in until 8:30am

doesn't happen often but nights like that are BEAUTIFUL

my gift

My gift to myself...
Going to the washroom
-with the door closed
-with my children on the outside of the door
Getting changed
-with the door closed
-with my children on the outside of the door

Audrey isn't to happy about it and Beckham is usually sleeping but man oh man it is such a glorious gift. To get changed and go to the washroom without kids hanging off of you...or in my case going to the washroom without a toddler hitting you with the potty seat crying 'PEE PEE' haha. It has changed my life...for real.

My next gift to myself...perhaps my new years resolution
'showering alone'
Audrey if she hears the shower/water she goes nuts she loves water...somehow she always lands up in the shower with me. So what a great christmas present to myself it would be to not have to shower with a toddler anymore ha ha.

Friday, October 21, 2011

boy oh boy

I never knew I would enjoy dressing a boy...
straight legged distressed jeans
DC skater shoes
European styled cloths shits and onsies
Dresspants with suspenders
sigh...these are just a few of my recent purchases...
Nursing in the middle of the night has really increased my online shopping!

Way more fun then I thought!

Having kids is like being ten years old all over again. They are my dolls and we get to play dressup every single day. Being a mom is seriously the most fun ever. Minus the poop explosions!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Grumpies

Brent and I sit back and laugh because we so have a case of the grumpies. It's the lack of sleep, less down time, less breaks and we catch ourselves mid 'grumpy' and realize what is going in and laugh...mostly we land up saying...'again' because its frequent these days.

Brent to be honest isn't a fan of the newborn stage. He struggles with it (cough majorly cough). It's not my favorite stage but because it is probably my last I have been taking time to relish in it a little more. (Enjoying a few extra snuggles etc). Brent on the other hand has taken to sulking a little extra, hiding from the crying a little extra, and I'm pretty sure when he has an excuse to not be home he uses it a little extra haha. Don't get me wrong he is extremely helpful with the kids and totally willing. It's just hilarious though how everyone handles the newborn stage. He is a little like a basset hound these days...those sad puppy dog eyes.

Sometimes Brent holds Beckham and he immediately starts crying as soon as he gets put in his arms. We make jokes that Beckham can sense his fear and reacts.

Poor Brent, he's just ready for the crawling and sleeping through the night stage already...unfortunately for my love we got a ways to go before that stage (ha ha).

Welcome to the Converse house...everyone has there panties in a twist.
Beckham-everyone is rushing him to grow up (and he got circumcised yesterday so he's nto the happiest today)
Audrey- not as much attention
Brent- wants his wife back and the crying to stop
Sheena- could use a little more sleep

Anyone want to visit the Converse house? Aka...we got a case of the Grumpies (the whole lot of us).

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

two under sixteen months

today was humorous

-ate her friends potty seat (actually took two whole bites and consumed it...barf...)
-ate a crayon
-dumped brents coffee on herself head to toe
-lost a shoe in the parking lot on our way into a appt (so i'm the parent that shows up with her kid in one shoe and barefoot on the other fall)
-Ate her second old spice deodorant stick

-pee fiasco
-barf boy

I sit down at 7:51 and giggle
I am loving life with two
I guess I'll never be short on things to blog about...
did I mention that I always think I smell like sour milk because
a) barf boy barfed on me
b) breastfeeding...the is messy in the beginning ha ha

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011


my goal everyday is to make it up until 8pm
why 8pm?
Audrey goes to bed at 7pm.
Then after 1 hour with hubby, I don't feel like i've completely ditched him ha ha.
Every night this week my bedtime. I love it (even thought I miss my hubs)

7:55pm (current time)
I have five minutes of blogging until I can guilt free call it a night and go to bed.

Beckham is a doll. I have been spoiling him quite a bit because I know he is probably our last. I know its going to bite me in the butt but I just can not resist. I am not one of those people who LOVES to hold everyone elses babies but boy oh boy do I LOVE and ADORE my own. I just can't get enough of his cuddles and snuggles. I think the extra hormones and being sentimental about being done has contributed but man oh man this kid has captured my heart.

3 more minutes until I can go close my eyes.

Today we had a cleaner. She was here three hours. It feels so refreshing....although I feel like I could have accomplished a lot more in three hours then her ha ha. Isn't that how it always goes..the feeling like you could have done more. Right now I am simply relishing in the fact that my hubby loves me and hired someone to help me out for the next few weeks. Whatever she got done is all stuff that I don't have to do (glorious)

7:59 almost bed time
Serious by 8pm I'm wasted.

I submitted my maternity paperwork and Beckhams baby 'government/birth certificate' stuff. I felt like that was efficient. As I slipped in the paperwork....I said to myself. Thats it his name is Beckham. It's done. No changing it now. No Bennett. Beckham William Converse. That is my boy. Breathe in Breathe out. Done. We named you! The child that was nameless in the hostpital is not OFFICIALLY and PERMANENTLY NAMED!