Friday, October 29, 2010

Escape plans

No more being still in our home...this chick learned how to move and can not be contained...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


• Audrey learned to crawl October 19
• Brent got to go to a hockey game (happy for him :) )
• Audrey has 'cut' two teeth in the last week and a half
• Dreaming of vacation...seems so far away
• I successfully took a nailpolish break. I try and take one annually and it kills me. I hate no polish. I took two whole weeks.

•Blowouts. Everyone in the Converse family is irritable.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Real Jolly Jumper Expressions

Angry about her straight jacket jolly jumper

Soothing herself because she's so upset about the situation

Not sure why we keep trying...perhaps so she can have a complete childhood...what's childhood without a jollyjumper?

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Whose toy?

Prada used to get stuffed animals, squeaky toys and much more for toys. She would tear them to pieces in minutes. It became really expensive. We then decided balls, kongs and old rags would be all she gets.

Along came Audrey. Audrey gets stuffed animals, squeaky toy and a few balls. We punish Prada if she touches her toys.

Audrey has recently become infatuated with Prada ball. Prada shares well...we sorta feel bad for her. Also think it nasty when Audrey goes after Prada's toys...with her crawling we can't always stop her especially when Prada brings Audrey her ball.

I think deep down Prada is raising Audrey to learn to play with her ha ha.

Usually after a couple minutes Prada takes her ball and walks away...Audrey cries...

Maybe they are simply siblings.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello All

So this month I had 501 people checking out my blog from Canada, 89 from the USA, 17 from Kuwait and 4 from Rwanda (plus a few more from various other countries.

I just wanted to thank everyone from being apart of my journey. I started this blog almost a year ago. I was sick in the hospital and reaching out to many of you. You have been there reading along through the HORRIBLE times and the most INCREDIBLE times. Thank you so much for being apart of 'Converse Life' I appreciate you all even if I don't know you.

Brent and I were talking about how a year ago I was in the hospital fighting for my life and my baby's life. I know that sounds dramatic but if you were there you would know how horrible it really was. (Pregnancy and I are not friends.) It is so beautiful how far we (I) have come in the last year. I have learned so much and have grown even more (sadly, including my waistline...)

This new chapter is oh so fun and I hope that you all will stick around while I rant and rave and go off on tangents and i'm sure drama and my dramatic antics will also be involved...;)

Sending out love to you from us.

Am I pregnant?

Am I pregnant or what? Am I just a hormonal mess? I had a pretty lousy day. Audrey is in bed and it's only 7:45 and I have the house to myself.

I watched the show Parenthood while I was feeding Audrey. As I walked her to her bedroom and layed her down in her crib tears started streaming. This is why the name of my blog is, 'Am I pregnant?' I was never a teary emotional woman but ever since September 09 I have these moments.

Why was I crying? Well I'll explain it. I don't want Audrey to grow up. I don't want to face the reality that one day she may say she hates me. I don't want to encounter the day she no longer needs me. Oh man, here come more tears. I don't want to fail her. I don't want any of these things.

At five months old she looks at me with this enthralled and in love look. Oh Lord, why does it end? Sometimes I look at Audrey and wonder if my mom had these moments? Moments were she brushed my hair back in place, tucked my head in the crook of her neck and held me and prayed that this moment wouldn't end. Sometimes I look at Audrey and praise God for entrusting me with this beautiful miracle I can raise for him. It's such a blessing. I love her so much it's incredible. I never knew this type of love existed. Is every child as completely shocked by this love when they are simply a child and only made aware when they themselves become parents? Does this love for your child change or fade with adolescents? How can I be so shocked?

She has changed my life. I am not ready for her to grow up. Not ready to think of anything but these precious moments that rapidly are slipping through my fingers. It goes so fast. These five months feel like they passed as quickly as a dream yet I can't fathom life without Audrey. Life pre-Audrey feel like a lifetime ago.

I feel guilt. I am planning on going back to work in march and I feel like I am betraying my heart and for what? Ambition and prosperity! Gah. I have days like today were I disgust myself. Not because I think it is horrid if Mothers work. More because in my heart it is not for me and my family. I am merely doing it for a season.

I have till March, to cherish, relish, enjoy and capture every moment with my darling Audrey.

Oh Lord, please equip me to be the woman you desire me to be. Teach me to be the Mother you need me to be to raise my children. Let this love I feel for my children be evident everyday and please let them know how deep and wide it goes.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

One of those days

-The laundry didn't get done (again, sigh) and our cloths our once again wrinkly and clean in a pile waiting to be folded.
-Hubby is going to a hockey game, (I didn't want to go) but pressured him to invite a friend so that I could have a girls night with his wife. That didn't work out so I'm home with baby tonight. Perhaps I'll paint my nails.
-Decided to make baby food to prepare for Audrey. Boiled sweet potatoes and when I blended them I put my hand on the lid. I forgot that I didn't put the cap in the lid so boiling hot sweet potatoes shot onto my hand and gave me a NASTY burn.
- I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Grumble grumble.
-Husband said he bought me something. I was excited. What is it. It's gluten free bread. Usually this would warm my heart and fill my love it reminds me that I'm allergic to everything. Man I miss food. I could bath in Subway sandwiches....yum.

Some positive is
Brent, Audrey, Prada and my gluten free bread still love me on my cranky days.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Monday, October 25, 2010

I can sit

I can sit...and I'm a cowgirl...did I mention I own a rifle...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Jolly Jump?

She doesn't quite get it
She photographs like she enjoys it
In reality she thinks of a jolly jumper like a person with mental illness thinks of a straight jacket...
Were hoping it grows on her...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Our Creepy Crawler

As the seasons change to crisp fall weather we are moving on to a new season as parents.

As of October 19 (her 5month birthday) this chicklet can crawl.

It started slowly and now can freak me out. Baby proofing here we come!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Friday, October 22, 2010

Reflections on a highschool girl

This year my little sister is graduating...
Wow. We are six years apart and I thought this day would never come. I thought so many things and thought life would look a certain way when I was in highschool. I guess these are my reflections and comparison looking back from my highschool frame of mind...

What I thought in highschool;
I thought every successful person got a degree
I thought every person owned a house before they got married
I thought six figures was not very much
I thought you were supposed to date over three years before you got married
I thought every person marries their soul mate
I thought that everybody saves their money
I thought that when you had a baby you could lose the weight in two weeks
I was very confused about male anatomy
I was very confused about lots of biology related things... ha ha
I thought every Christian had a personal relationship with Jesus

Let's just start with this. I am Sheena. I am a special education assistant. I work with kids with different disabilities (physical, cognitive, learning). I am also a therapeutic tutor trained in the Orton Gillingham approach to multisensory learning.I do not have a degree. I love my job. I am currently on maternity leave this year. I am a mom and that is my favorite job. I love being the one to raise my daughter. I am going to go back to work (at least until whenever we get around to #2). I feel really guilty about it but it is truly what is best for our family at this time.

Brent was shocked when we were dating when we talked about marriage and I told him that we couldn't get married until he sold the house he owned with a couple guys and bought out own ha ha. When I mean house I don't mean condo or townhouse. I was firm in my belief that married people own real houses. This coming from a eighteen year old in highschool was and my hostess at ABC restaurant job. We landed up renting for a little bit before we bought our place but don't worry I learned real fast about 'real life' we did the book '10 dates before you say I do'. More for me then anything it opened my eyes. We discussed finances, sex, in laws, spirituality, communication, conflict etc. It was SO great. I learned in one of those discussions about finances...that minimum wage wasn't 100,000 a year ha ha. Oh man...was it just me or are most private school kids this way? So bad. So bad bad bad.

Brent and I got engaged after eight months of dating. Brent told me he loved me after three months. Brent told me he wanted to marry me after two months. We had a whirlwind courtship that was filled with passion and enlightenment. When I say that Brent and I grew up together I mean it. Between 17-23 you grow and change SO much. He is the reason I am the woman I am. He is the man I dreamed about and prayed for. He is my hero. He has laughed with me and supported me threw everything. Brent and I knew really fast that we were meant to be. Everything fell into place in such a God way. I know that God made Brent for me and made me for Brent. He doesn't complete me, because that is God's job but he makes this life that God gave me beautiful and full of adventure.

Over the last six year we have gone on average from 3-7 weddings every single summer. We have a budget for wedding gifts in our budget...that is how we roll. It's intense. We are so proud to attend the weddings and share in some of the most beautiful moments in these couples lives. When we go we commit to pray for them and be a support to them in any way we can. Sadly we have seen many marriages crumble and fall as well as go through really ruff times (just as many marriages do{go threw ruff times, not crumble}). It breaks our heart it really does. I honestly thought that divorce was stupid and only happened to my silly family. I never understood how devastatingly 'normal' it has become. I am firmly anti-divorce. I believe that God can heal anything. Sadly in many relationships divorce becomes somewhat of a reality. I pray that no more of my friends and loved ones will face this harsh 'reality'.

Um, next one. Lose baby weight in two weeks. Bah. Shaking fist at girls who do. Boo. Audrey is five months old. Granted I have no tried very hard lately. I still am not the woman I used to be. One day. One day.

Anatomy and biology confusion...we'll keep this 'G' rated. After all if Audrey were to read this one day I wouldn't want her to know how confused and naive I really truly was. Let's just say that you can ask me if you want to hear some funny stories and if not 'no comment' ha ha

After highschool I saw many of my friends do things I did not believe that christians should participate in. I realized that the things we vowed we wouldn't do in highschool no longer stayed relevant to most any longer. I refer to this stage of life as the '20 something stage'. I can not really relate because I was a 'stage jumper' but this stage broke me in so many ways. I was so sad for my friends who lost themselves when they thought they were finding themselves. I was devastated even more when we lost contact with their biggest fan, their Savior. I was hurt by many when I would try and keep them accountable. This was thought to be judgmental and critical because I could never understand because I was married. I have a love hate relationship with the thought of a '30 something stage' I think how beautiful it would be to not have deal with the '20 something stage' then I realized that this stage is not specific to a certain age group rather it is more specific with a certain lifestyle.

I thought my friends would be my friends for life. Look around. Are the girls that you traded notes with in highschool the ones you still call your BFF? Man, reflecting back it's astonishing how few stay your friends. I was lost in a haze in highschool. I thought my peers were my BFF's and that all that mattered was them, their opinions and what we did that friday night. How wrong how truly wrong I was. I have less then a handful that I still see and I would not call any of them my BFF's. My husband is my BFF and my God is my go to friend. I wouldn't change it any way now...however I still have flashes were my inner highschool girl wishes I had a absolute best friend. ha ha. So silly I know. Then I smack myself and remind myself that I do just not in the highschool type of way.

Anyways this will have to be cut short because my darling has woken up from her nap and needs to be fed. Oh man. So good to be out of highschool and done with that stage of life. Cheers-can't wait to reflect and laugh at myself again in another six years when I've learned so much more.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Extreme shopping #3 (best yet!)

10 bags of diapers
14 greenworks products
3 mascaras
3 foundations
4 packs of wipes
1 big pack of wipes
3 rechargeable toothbrushes
3 crestwhite strips 3D
2 flameless luminares

How much?
$26 of that was tax...
Only spent $9 before tax!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guess what

66 days till Christmas!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Tonight I came across a blog. A blog of a woman who also had a daughter named Audrey. This woman wrote about her journey in her pregnancy and losing her child. She showed such strength, grace and faith. Her words were powerful and her story moving.

After I finished reading I snuck into my Audrey's room. I took her out of her crib. I cuddled her close to my heart. I shed a tear or two and held back a few more.

I pray for those who have to go threw losing a child. My heart breaks for you. I will never know the right words. No one can never know unless they've been in your shoes. I pray I won't have to experience that and won't ever have to be in those shoes. I pray if I do that my great God would be able to use me like he used this woman, mostly I pray that I'll never have to though.

I'm going to take a few breaths. Look down and count the blessings that are right in my arms.

Oh Audrey, you are a blessing. In these past five months you have blessed me. In my womb you blessed me. I hope that I will be able to deserve this blessing that motherhood and being your mom is.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Little Miss Tooth Girl

A tooth peeked out
Brent called me to tell me
I felt
I looked
I smiled
She laughed
I cringed
She's growing up
Soon no more toothless gummy grandma baby
For now I'll just relish in the now cherish these moments before they go to fast.

Look at those lashes, what a doll!!!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Cradle Cap

I found some 'cradle cap' on Audrey. It's basically the nastiest kind of dandruff ever. You couldn't really tell because she has so much hair and it doesn't really flake it just sticks to the scalp. So this is a photo collection of removing it.

-found it
-washed it
-combed it
-olive oiled it
-baking soda'd it
-washed it

Here she is all 'olive oil'y

Washed it out and still greasy.
(my pics of the baking soda are on my camera so I guess what I'm saying is I'm to lazy to post that one)

It's all gone and she's back to scooting around, getting into stuff and giggling...

another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

For real?

Isn't this a given?
For cloths...and babies...
Found this on a label on Audrey's shirt...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


She found the monitor

You see that arm and face. That arm is grabbing that open mouth is anticipating. Miss Audrey has found it and loves it. We do not. We want this monitor to last for all our chicken nuggets. Silly girl.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***


• Having Bryan come home from Kaleo for thanksgiving
• Getting together with the Morlangs for thanksgiving, was so fun
• Starting the Marriage Course with the Smiths. Such a fun time.
•Consistent nap time on a busy weekend
• Datenight with the hubs, always so refreshing. Man, I love that man.

•Awkwardness. In general as well as some particular awkward moments that were had this weekend.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Friday, October 8, 2010

Belly rolls and bald smiles

So cute. This lil doll makes me melt daily. She is such a sweetheart. She has so much hair but when wet she gives us a glimpse of what she would look like bald.

Oh belly rolls. Only when your a baby can belly rolls be cute! They are so precious!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


•Doing hot yoga for a month with girlfriends. So refreshing and energizing.
•Saving tons of $ on diapers with coupons
•Going to whistler with my lil family. (just the three of us{Audrey slept during the ride up and down!!!})
•Getting my jumbo family picture blown to find a spot.

•Google analytics telling me I had 450ish people checking out my blog this month. Who are you? Thanks for joining me and reading along. Hopefully I can entertain you rather then annoy you.

• it's a toss up between missing church two weeks in a row (miss it!) or no date in TWO weeks (miss it SO bad...hint hint...anyone wanna babysit?)

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

The Pink Blur

Shes moving so fast these days it usually takes a few tries to get a clear shot. Today this was as good as it gets. Her hair is now long enough for bows. It's such a fun age. I've done a few trial ponytails. She's not as fond of those yet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Online Shopping

So I love online shopping.
Baby Gear
Kitchen stuff
House stuff
All acceptable for online shopping. Cloths? Ah. How do you buy without trying on? These days I don't have much time to go to the mall etc etc. There were a few fall/winter things I needed to replace.
A) Cardigansu
B) Vest
Well both these things aren't things that I would be like, 'it makes me look fat' since the are somewhat generic. The cardigan will most likely be worn open. So that's pretty safe. So the problem is that this down vest I bought prob doesn't have stretch. Post baby there is a part of my body that might need a little give. I bought a small but I'm worried that it might be just to small. Every store and brand fits different so I'm just a little nervous. The size chart made me think a small would be correct...cross your fingers.

It was a SMOKING deal...I know if it doesn't fit me this post baby season it soon will so I'm not overly concerned.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ready for eating...

The doctor said to try food a few times before her next checkup so here we go....

We got ready and organized to have a babe eating with us!

Welcome cheerful plates, bowls and cups. You are now apart of our life...well our child(ren)s life. We will wash and sanitize you and perhaps use the occasional cup :)

I love kid/baby stuff. Such happy colors.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Friday, October 1, 2010


Mom those boots rock!

You should totally get them...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***