Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hey moriah how you doing?

Sneak Peak

A little peak at our farm house and apple it snobby to say we have a orchard haha? Who wants apples? Did I mention I'm going to get chickens to? Eggs and Apples...we can help you out ;)

Friday, March 30, 2012


Our bible study is reading the book 'boundaries' its a Christian book. It is really opening my eyes to so much. So much that I am absolutely doing wrong. So much that I'd like to do differently. So much that I would like to change for myself and my family.

Change is always hard. I think this book was made for me because it really has pointed every thing I struggle with.

I partly feel ashamed for not respecting boundaries that other people have made.

I partly feel ashamed for being a people pleaser and letting myself suffer in unhappiness because I did not put up proper boundaries.

All in all I am aware now. I'm not sure I have the strength to change. I'm just hoping that I can take baby steps to becoming a stronger healthier me. Also that I can be a more sensitive and aware person in terms of other peoples boundaries.

Seriously if you are a people pleaser or even if you aren't it is a great great book. I recommend it. Only read it of you want your eyes opened though. It's like the matrix you just can't go back and choose not to know haha

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Home day

First day in weeks that we have just stayed home all day!
Its been a beautiful day!
Being a stay at home mom has been way busier then I ever imagined. I so relish in the days that we stay home and I can spend some 1:1 time with each of my babies. Audrey and I made a strawberry banana loaf for us to bring to bible study (sorry love you can't have any, she was pretty disappointed nothing a fake brownie to take her mind off of it though) and Beckham and I had some cuddles and giggles. He has so much personality I just adore it!

Audrey and Beckham have been 'wrestling' haha it's pretty hilarious. Beckham attacks Audrey and grabs her hair with his iron grip. She then says 'hug' and puts him in a headlock. So far no tears, just a concerned mommy. It's far more 'gentle' then it looks. It starts with her holding him, then once he grabs her hair all niceness is out of the window...I think it's slightly humorous that at six mk this Beckham can win.

Our friends are heading off to San Juan for a weekend away, I arranged it for a double couple weekend away for Brent for Christmas but due to family stuff we aren't able to go. So they are going without us. So sad, but still blessed. Even though it was my hubby's gift he knew how much I needed some time away so last weekend I was able to get away. Still would have been beautiful and rejuvenating for us. One day, one day. I just feel bad for the hubs. He blessed me with some time away and after all the mayhem of these past couple years I know he could really use it as well. Brent made a joke that we both found equally funny and was reference to where we send Prada when we go away (the boarding place) and how it would be great if there was a place like that for kids haha. So inappropriate and 100% a joke. We did sit and relish in the idea of being able to have gone with our friends. I don't think we realized how much more challenging getting out together after having a second child would be. If we have a sitter we generally put them down before we leave so they aren't awake or drop them off twenty minutes before bed to minimize the work. We both value quality time and see it being instrumental in a successful marriage and it will be easier soon when we can just budget for a real babysitter rather then depend on family. We are almost there-just want Beckham to be a smidge older. I know it sounds silly but we just aren't at the place were we would feel comfortable with a teenager taking care of our baby.

***picture is audrey helping me make pasta sauce she now wants to help everyday and if Beckham is sleeping I let her! So much fun having a little helper!***

Kid approved recipe!

Chickpea Brownies!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First taste

First taste of ketchup chips
' I want more '
Followed by 'ip ip' her attempt at saying chip.

Turtle Love

'hi turtle, I feed you turtle'


we are playing pretend and she is either a doctor doing surgery or a ring designer haha not sure which one but proud either way!

Audrey took the remote and my phone and said 'spank on bum' proceeded to bend over and spank herself...I'm just grateful she wants to help me parent her haha. Little monkey, you are my spice!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I'm thinking
Oil Rubbed Bronze

Monday, March 26, 2012

Poop Update

Audrey is on medication to soften her stool it makes her unable to hold it in. It is a good thing but also a not so fun thing. We spend a lot of time on the potty and if we aren't quick enough many accidents.

Also I had a chat with Audrey today and she told me how 'daddy farts' and told me 'went in daddy car' so fun that she was able to tell me what happened this weekend.

Then I changes beckhams poopy diaper and she said, 'frick, poop, frick.' over and over. Woooopsy looks like Audrey is ratting you out Brent. Someone said frick when changing some diapers this weekend. I had a good laugh. Brent was so shocked. She then said it again when Brent go home. Her first naughty word...just gla she didn't learn that one from me!

Coming home

All the laundry is done (folded and put away)
The house is clean
The kids are happy

This wife is loved.
Seriously Brent knows how to warm my heart and welcome me home-xoxox


Audrey will only ever watch TV if it's about bugs. Bugs, bugs, bugs is her favorite book! She loves to talk about bugs all the time! I'm a little nervous about her love of bugs but it's pretty cute for now...while the bugs can stay outside!

Girls weekend part 3

The quote that makes me cringe. Certain people that when they found out I was going away for two days/ one night.

'girls are just more equipped to stay home with babies.' and then suggesting that it wasn't the best decision for me to go. I understand that a father who works full time may struggle a little more but they are still his children. We made the choice together, we chose to be parents. The children are 50% me and 50% His.

Brent is my husband. I have faith in him. He is the best father I could ever have dreamed he would be! I trust him with my babies and respect his parenting. I don't know why so many people think that the father isn't capable or shouldn't have to care for the children from time to time. This is the first time I have gone away and left Brent with the babies ever. Audrey is 21 months. It's not like I go away all the time

If I was to divorce Brent (which would NEVER happen, he is my rock an best friend!) we would have shared custody, 50%. That means 50% of the time I would have no kids and would be free to do as I please. Why should my life as a wife and mother be so much more challenging and restricting then if I was a single divorced parent? I feel like many people put pressure on to conform to what they think is right.

Brent knew my heart, he happily an willingly suggested I needed a break from the mayhem. He knew I would be a better mom and better wife if I had a break.

I understand that people have opinions but seriously what works for you and your marriage is great but please don't try and force us to be held to the standards that work for you.

Sorry, that's my vent.

As for the weekend it was great. Thee was no stress of any sort of responsibility. We did as we pleased. Didn't have husbands or babies to feed (we had 8 kids between us three girls!) so it was refreshing to...

-be in a quiet car
-eat a meal without cooking
-eat a meal without feeding another child
-shower alone
-not feel rushed
-not feel like we needed a certain schedule

We were able to share and rejoice in each others blessings. We all have great husbands that bless us daily ad we all have incredible children who are all so unique and precious.

I know it sounds so silly but just the simple joy of talking to other adults was refreshing. So much of our days are spent talking to our children that having 'adult talk' about mundane things was absolutely glorious.

(hubbies are great but they don't want to talk about out silly joys...nail polish , panties, and makeup haha...ok so it wasn't as much adult talk but girl talk)

I did cheat on my allergies and try and stop nursing cold turkey. So at about 6pm last night I started getting a headache, stomach ache, aches, woozy, nauseous, cramps and more...what a bummer. With copious amounts of drugs I was able to get through the night and feel much better this morning and feel even better now that I'm nursing haha. Shoot guess I'm still nursing ladies...this was a conversation that was had many times this weekend if I should stop or keep nursing.

Thanks love for lovingly caring for our babies this weekend and encouraging me to go this weekend even though I wasn't sure if I should. You are such a good man and daddy, Audrey was disappointed that it wasn't Daddy that was home with her when she woke up this morning!

Ps-those two other girls out-shopped me MEGA! It was hilarious!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Girls weekend (part 2)

Fun is being had by us ladies that are free from responsibility...for a weekend

I might come home more tires then when I left from shopping exertion haha but it has been a great time with great friends...that's right lindsay you are my friend! You finally have been promoted haha.

Have to admit I haven't pumped much so I'm about ready to burst and I'm not sure if I'm finished nursing haha. So many decisions! (if I stop nursing maybe I can train Audrey to give Beckham bottles!)

(the picture of us with sad faces is because we are sad we didn't et our own bed...and had to share :( boohoo )

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Girls weekend

My hubby graciously has taken the babes for the weekend so I can go away for the weekend.

Shopping in the states with some friends. Should be a good time.

I'm a little sad that I'm going with friends instead of Brent but we just couldn't make it work leaving the kids with anyone. No one is up for the challenge of two under two. (sigh). It just would be easier the first time I leave Beckham to be with Brent. Leaving your baby the first time is always sad to some degree I just remember the first time I left Audrey I had so much peace and reassuring because I was Brent and he knew shag my heart needed.

My hubby knew I needed a break. After being pregnant and so sick I was thrown right into two under two with no help. It was almost like I never got to recover or 'calm'. Brent was in his busiest season of work after Beckham was born so it really was all on me. It's all good though. It's something we wanted. This season just had some unexpected 'curveballs' that we didn't know where coming, that's life though.

I know it's really hard for anyone to understand what it's like to be so sick for nine months. I have to admit my spirit just felt drained after Beckham. So I am glad my love new me well enough to push me to get away so that I can have somewhat of a break before another crazy season in his work then renos.

I am hoping that there is some calm in the weekend. The girlfriends I'm going with are pretty shopping crazy haha. I'm a little nervous. I'm hoping to come back rested not just exhausted from over shopping.

Anyways I'm blessed to have a hubby that loves me enough to know I needed a break. I'm praying Beckham is a good boy for Daddy. I'm praying that this weekend gives me enough of a break to recoup my patience level, so I don't just lose it on some of the people that are making me 'coo coo for cocoa puffs!' (Brent doesn't make me coo coo just for the record, I might make him coo coo though. He just doesn't appreciate my late night giggling as much as you would think he should haha before I married him I told him, 'one thing I can promise you is that I will make sure your life is never boing!' Well I have for sure held up my end of that ;) )

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shopping for cabinets

Audrey makes herself at home while mayhem happens during cabinet shopping.

She played hide and Mommy doesn't seek in the cabinets while I got quotes and went to different cabinet stores.

2 under 2 while cabinet shopping=absolute mayhem!

My boy

He's got that sweet I love you mommy face!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Farmer sheena

So I am going to be a farmer.
Our house is in the ALR and has farm status. Having farm status can save you thousands in taxes....
So why don't you call me housewife/stay at home mom/ farmer...oh ya...I think I am going to get business cards haha.

We have a mini orchard in our yard that apparently produces copious amounts of apples. Well I am a apple sauce maker. I'm thinking chickens, apples and apple sauce.

Brent said as long as the house is clean I can do what I want. Oh the dreams I have. Poor Brent. I'm so excited I for sure waisted this mornings naptime on researching...chicken coops!

I want to...

Audrey's phrase

I want juice
I want dinner
I want brush teeth
I want water
I want treat
I want brush hair
I want wash hands
I want bath
I want poo potty
I want pee potty
I want cry Beckham
I want blow nose
I want read a book
I want play Beckham
I want chair
I want color a picture

For real it's 8:18 and she has already done and requested all these things in the 18 minutes she has been awake.

I'm still groggy from sleep.
I will say it again she is the spice of my life and I love it when things are spiccccy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to entertain your baby

1- toddler tribal dance
2- some intense peek-a-boo

If only I could make Beckham smile the way Audrey can

Cooking with mom

She did so great!
(I adore this age!)
my highlight when the cookies are in the oven Audrey says, 'cookies are hot...blow.' and the whole 10mins she blows on the oven :)
Then she wanted to bring Grandpa a cookie and sharing is so nice so we went and gave grandpa a cookie! She did so good pouring the ingredient and using the mixer(with my help). Such fun!

Door locked, door unlocked, door locked

Why am I posting a picture of a door handle? Today at the doctors Audrey figured out how to lock it. I come to get her out of her seat she's flicks it locked I unlock it through my door I go to get her...she locks it. She is laughing now! (I am not)! This went on for quite awhile...seriously how does my 1 year old figure this out?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I didn't want to post this but oh man this is bad and Audrey will hate me when she's older but here it goes.

Its about poop. Stop reading now if you want to.

Audrey won't poop.
Audrey is potty trained.
About three to four weeks ago she just stopped going poop. She won't go on the potty, she refuses to go anything in a diaper (diapers are for babies, duh.)
We have done everything.
No solid foods
Lots of fluids
Fibrous food
Prune juice
Sigh, suppositories once a week.
(Audrey is a picture pinning a screaming ravenous monkey down that maybe has Ebola and giving it a suppository and then forcing it to poop on a potty.)
We are going to the doctor.
I'm pretty sure it's a control thing but man oh man it is a strange thing. Any advice? I've called the nurses hotline I've talked to my doctors office...I'm going to take her do you force a toddler to poop? This is a sentence I never imagined coming out of my mouth.

Cute cousins

So fun watching Audrey and Jacob play, two years apart but still so cute. He calls her baby Audrey.

I wish our babies had more cousins but sadly our families ages are spread and we are all in very different stages of life.

Monday, March 19, 2012

11 things& 11 questions

Random things

-I think I tear up everyday when naptime is almost over. I love my kids but that is my only time alone and also my only time I get things done. I am such a extrovert but since Beckham has been born I feel like a introvert only for the reason that I am never alone and am just craving some alone time! That will change though when we start renos! I'll have every evening alone, I'm sort of excited but also sad it's so weird!

-I feel like I'm in a awkward stage of life all my 'best' friends are in that 'single' stage of life so I'm left kind of in limbo, I guess because we got married so young it's kind of put us in a weird place because the people that we connect the most with are usually a decade older then us.

-I adore animals and Brent is my 'leash' he has kept us grounded so that we don't land up with a zoo. I am hoping for some chickens though when we move. Wink wink, hubby!

-I once was this silly girl who didn't even resemble domestic at all. Now fast forward six years, I love cooking, love a clean house and love everything 'housewifey' I'm so silly how did it happen? I never thought this would be a part of who I was!

-When I 'by accident' call Brent by his name he is usually shocked because I never use his name. I call him 'love' or hunnie or husband haha. I giggle to myself if I call him 'love' in public because I usually see those who hate mushiness gag a little.

- I could live off of cereal, I really don't care that much about food. I am in fact fatter because Brent told me eating dinner together was a way he felt love. So every night I make a Brent approved dinner and eat with him. I do enjoy it but I also enjoy skinniness ha ha oh well. My family never really ate together so it wasn't something I valued and now I would be so sad to not eat together everyday.

-I get a little jealous when people say they are going away without there kids I think it's been so crazy I just feel like I need a break. Heck I've said it before I'd be happy in a hotel by myself with with a box of cereal!

-I always thought I would get to choose our home decor but when Brent and I got married I found out he actually has a opinion about that stuff. Last night I asked him about a rug for our new house and he said 'that sounds great' but in reality he was joking! Shoot! I was almost ready to buy it when he burst out laughing and said it was ugly.

-I need about 10 hours of sleep a night or I'm not 'functional'. Sleep is my friend! Maybe this is why I cry when naptime is over because I finished my chores but didn't get a nap ha ha.

-Two babies under sixteen months is busy. I owe the creator of 'dry shampoo' my dignity. I am usually a 'hot mess' and a 'unshowered' hot mess so with dry shampoo I at least look civilized.

-Sometimes I think life would be so fun if we just moved away. It might have challenges but it would be such an adventure. Brent keeps me grounded. The best Christmas we ever had was when we went away just us two. I keep trying to talk Brent into a annual christmas in Hawaii with our babies but he won't give in.

I'm a bath girl. I love the bath. This a picture of me in one of our new tubs this one will be for the kids bathroom! So fun! I can't wait until we move and I can enjoy all our new tubs! (the tub were we live now is 15 inches and has a drain at like 12 inches ha ha so it's the worst.

My Questions:
1. What is your favorite food?
Right now we have so many but one of the top is Pad Thai, I make a mean pad Thai!

2. How many children do you want?
(tear) so many, but due to our situation Beckham and Audrey are our only babies and will be our only children.

3. What is your absolute favorite recipe?
I love something my mom makes called Mississippi Mud, it's got all the good stuff in it. Oreos, cool whip, cream cheese, chocolate MmMm

4. If you could travel anywhere, where would go on your next trip?
I don't care as long as its kid free. I am in need of a little break, give me a light at the end of the tunnel of crazy haha.

5. What is a moment in your life that you feel defines you?
The moment when I said 'I Do' changed me into a wife and the moment that my children were placed on my chest after there were born. These moments made my life no longer at all about me but instead about the three things in my life that I love most.

6. What is your favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice the LONG version!

7. If you could do anything for a living, what would it be?
I really love being a mom. It's not for everyone and there are for sure crazy days. I think if I could change anything it would just be nice to have more help and support. I love this season, it has hard days but I am constantly reminded how fast it is and how I need to cherish this time.

8. What are five things that are in your refrigerator right now?
Baby food-Audrey decided she wants to eat what Beckham eats so I am not only making baby food for my almost six month old but also my toddler, cucumbers, tomatoes, chili paste MmmMm, meat unthawing to be made into dinner!

9. What is your favorite season? Why?
Summer, I'm a sunshine type of girl. September is my favorite because it's still hot and Brent isn't working as much.

10. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Oh my butt, Brent would object but doesn't he have to? It's my 'trouble spot' sigh...I'm working on it!

11. What is your favorite piece of clothing, piece of jewelry, etc?

Clothing-a long cardigan and knee high boots!

Jewelry- my wedding ring, I love it!

***I stole this from another blog that I follow. She is a mom of a little girl that is Audrey's age. So fun being able to read another moms perspective on the same stage of life! If I had more time I'd love to find a blog to follow of someone that is Beckham's age.****

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Favorite 'app'

It's the source for lots of inspiration when it comes to all the planning we are doing regarding renovations :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Night night miss Audrey

Audrey was having quiet time and this is how I found her when I went to get her ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So our closing date is July 1
That's a ways away (it's march 13).

We are hoarders

We have bought:
A tub for basement
A chandelier for over our table
Cabinets for the basement
A wine cooler our kitchen
Laminate for basement
Tile for basement

It makes me giggle.
Once renos start we won't have time to shop so busy busy shoppers we are. Finding good deals here, finding good deals there. It looks like this...

'Brent I saw a good deal on _____'
When can you pick it up?
I stay home (sick, cough cough) with our babies (sick, sneeze sneeze).

Soon we will not be sick and it will sound more like this...

'Brent I found a good deal on ____'
And I take off and he watches the muffins or I'm real life it would prob mean I tote both muffins to go get my good deals ;)

It's so fun, I forgot how much I love envisioning our home and seaming of how we will design, decorate and redo it! Love love love, not excited for being a single parent during renos!

It'll all be worth it.
We are so buying chickens.
Audrey is going to collect eggs.
Soon life will be in October haha.

Love turtles

These turtles are pets that Brent bought me when I was in high school, I figured he must love me because turtles last 30 years and they were...'ours' well over six years later out daughter loves to feed them and give them kisses (from the outside don't worry) its so fun! Love the reminder of our whirlwind romance that is a forever thing-xoxox

Two lil teeth

5 months
Showing of his lil chicklets

Monday, March 12, 2012


Toddler is jealous of the babyhood you are feeding your 6 month old...why not just submit to purée! Purée for everyone...even daddy?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

House news-day 8

It's officially we just got news, all is signed! We now own two houses and both are on 48th! Let the adventure begin!

Friday, March 9, 2012


So put in another offer on Wednesday. It was a done deal. Not signed. Then last night (Thursday night) at 10:20pm we heard that someone else put in a BIGGER offer, how much bigger? Let's just say they offered them over asking with absolutely NO subjects...


They called us.
They wanted to honor our offer and go forward with us. They weren't asking us to pay more money (our jaw dropped, who does that?)
They did want us to remove all subjects.

A leap of faith that our finances would work out.
A leap of faith that we wouldn't need a more thorough inspection...
A leap of having faith.

What does our house look like today.
It looks like faith stretches you
It looks like faith is crazy

Kids are crying, we are booking appointments with banks, meeting with realtors, Parents (us as in brent and i not our parents haha) are a little short...not in height but in patience.

We are trusting that this is Gods plan for our life. We are trusting that in this leap of faith we are on his path. We are looking at this next year and praying for more faith and patience. In a year were we were crying out for normal we just signed a contract for MEGA renos (aka me signing away having a hubby...looks like I'll be doing the single mom thing). We went from hospital visits and barely seeing each other last year to this year signing up to barely see each other and just focus on getting through this season.

When I re-read this last paragraph I go...oh no what have we done. Last night when we went to bed and prayed about this decision we had peace when we agreed that we felt this was the right choice. We just have to believe that the peace came from our God and that he will get us through this exciting but insane time.

This is day six
Day six in the beginning of this crazy chapter. This is the day were we decided normal wasn't important this year ha ha.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


All I want for my birthday is
To go on a trapeze
And maybe a love ring....
Hint hint brenty baby

Sick day

2 babies 16 months apart
2 babies under twenty months
This is what we look like on a sick day

I look...special
Not my classiest moment lol

This is a memory...
Carrying 16lbs+28lbs
How many lbs will I lose today?
Is this why people thought I was nuts getting preggo so fast with my prince?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

When babies have colds

They need more

Day 3/4

Put in offer number two
On Sunday.
I can't sleep in anticipation
So I okay games
And dream....

What are the chances I can talk that handsome hubby into an all white kitchen!?

It is now morning of day 4
I think I'm losing my mind

Sleeping baby

Something about a sleeping baby that melts my heart. Lil man and lil girl have colds so we are spending the day at home with lots of cuddles <3 oh my heart has so much love for Miss A and Mr B Jr. (my heart is also overflowing with love for Mr. B Sr.)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tea party

Audrey and daddy having a princess tea party

Oh my spicy one...

Today oh man there are no words, maybe just a few tears. There are some days in parenting when I just need to give it up to God because I actually don't know what the right thing is again. I hate having to punish Audrey, and more then anything I hate when a day requires a lot of punishment. It doesn't happen super often but when it does my heart is just so sad.

Her big sad eyes when she has done wrong
Her sassy 'no no no no' when she is being defiant
Her hug and pat on the back when she is saying 'sorry'
Her tears when she gets a spank.

My heart is so sad.
Today has been filled with those.

During beckhams second nap I took a breather and then joined Audrey for some much needed play time. Just the two of us. Read some books, did sown baking, played in her kitchen, had some cuddles and sang some songs. In hind site I wish I had seen that all this beautiful girl needed was some one on one time. I'm sorry dearest Audrey, I'm still a rookie mom.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sitting -5months

Beckham has mastered the sit...'look mom no hands!'

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Beckhams in bed
Audrey's in bed
Mommy is in bed


Audrey wanted to play 'pretend bedtime' in the playpen we had setup for a friends baby, after a long day with minimal naps I was fine with encouraging this game for 45 mins! It was the most restful pretending game so far!!

The house

So after some time away
We decided we might be able to make that country home work
Put in a new offer
Drew up some floor plans
Created a budget
Crossing our fingers

Scared about the three months of renos and not seeing my hubby much, feeling lonely, doing this parenting thing solo for awhile. There are pluses and minuses to every situation!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Date Night

Glorious date night, so great sharing a meal with no babies! Thanks Grandma! You are toooo sweet!!! We went to Washington Avenue Grill and had yummy food delightful conversation (lots about our sweet babes, so hard not to talk about them!)

Ps-it's true I'm blogging at 6am, I blog when I nurse. Beckham sleeps from 7pm-6am nurses goes back to bed till 8am! I feel like he's ready to give up the 6am feed but when Audrey did that she started waking up at 7:30, I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I've been spoiled this past few months, both kids sleeping quite often till 8-8:30am!!