Monday, March 19, 2012

11 things& 11 questions

Random things

-I think I tear up everyday when naptime is almost over. I love my kids but that is my only time alone and also my only time I get things done. I am such a extrovert but since Beckham has been born I feel like a introvert only for the reason that I am never alone and am just craving some alone time! That will change though when we start renos! I'll have every evening alone, I'm sort of excited but also sad it's so weird!

-I feel like I'm in a awkward stage of life all my 'best' friends are in that 'single' stage of life so I'm left kind of in limbo, I guess because we got married so young it's kind of put us in a weird place because the people that we connect the most with are usually a decade older then us.

-I adore animals and Brent is my 'leash' he has kept us grounded so that we don't land up with a zoo. I am hoping for some chickens though when we move. Wink wink, hubby!

-I once was this silly girl who didn't even resemble domestic at all. Now fast forward six years, I love cooking, love a clean house and love everything 'housewifey' I'm so silly how did it happen? I never thought this would be a part of who I was!

-When I 'by accident' call Brent by his name he is usually shocked because I never use his name. I call him 'love' or hunnie or husband haha. I giggle to myself if I call him 'love' in public because I usually see those who hate mushiness gag a little.

- I could live off of cereal, I really don't care that much about food. I am in fact fatter because Brent told me eating dinner together was a way he felt love. So every night I make a Brent approved dinner and eat with him. I do enjoy it but I also enjoy skinniness ha ha oh well. My family never really ate together so it wasn't something I valued and now I would be so sad to not eat together everyday.

-I get a little jealous when people say they are going away without there kids I think it's been so crazy I just feel like I need a break. Heck I've said it before I'd be happy in a hotel by myself with with a box of cereal!

-I always thought I would get to choose our home decor but when Brent and I got married I found out he actually has a opinion about that stuff. Last night I asked him about a rug for our new house and he said 'that sounds great' but in reality he was joking! Shoot! I was almost ready to buy it when he burst out laughing and said it was ugly.

-I need about 10 hours of sleep a night or I'm not 'functional'. Sleep is my friend! Maybe this is why I cry when naptime is over because I finished my chores but didn't get a nap ha ha.

-Two babies under sixteen months is busy. I owe the creator of 'dry shampoo' my dignity. I am usually a 'hot mess' and a 'unshowered' hot mess so with dry shampoo I at least look civilized.

-Sometimes I think life would be so fun if we just moved away. It might have challenges but it would be such an adventure. Brent keeps me grounded. The best Christmas we ever had was when we went away just us two. I keep trying to talk Brent into a annual christmas in Hawaii with our babies but he won't give in.

I'm a bath girl. I love the bath. This a picture of me in one of our new tubs this one will be for the kids bathroom! So fun! I can't wait until we move and I can enjoy all our new tubs! (the tub were we live now is 15 inches and has a drain at like 12 inches ha ha so it's the worst.

My Questions:
1. What is your favorite food?
Right now we have so many but one of the top is Pad Thai, I make a mean pad Thai!

2. How many children do you want?
(tear) so many, but due to our situation Beckham and Audrey are our only babies and will be our only children.

3. What is your absolute favorite recipe?
I love something my mom makes called Mississippi Mud, it's got all the good stuff in it. Oreos, cool whip, cream cheese, chocolate MmMm

4. If you could travel anywhere, where would go on your next trip?
I don't care as long as its kid free. I am in need of a little break, give me a light at the end of the tunnel of crazy haha.

5. What is a moment in your life that you feel defines you?
The moment when I said 'I Do' changed me into a wife and the moment that my children were placed on my chest after there were born. These moments made my life no longer at all about me but instead about the three things in my life that I love most.

6. What is your favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice the LONG version!

7. If you could do anything for a living, what would it be?
I really love being a mom. It's not for everyone and there are for sure crazy days. I think if I could change anything it would just be nice to have more help and support. I love this season, it has hard days but I am constantly reminded how fast it is and how I need to cherish this time.

8. What are five things that are in your refrigerator right now?
Baby food-Audrey decided she wants to eat what Beckham eats so I am not only making baby food for my almost six month old but also my toddler, cucumbers, tomatoes, chili paste MmmMm, meat unthawing to be made into dinner!

9. What is your favorite season? Why?
Summer, I'm a sunshine type of girl. September is my favorite because it's still hot and Brent isn't working as much.

10. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Oh my butt, Brent would object but doesn't he have to? It's my 'trouble spot' sigh...I'm working on it!

11. What is your favorite piece of clothing, piece of jewelry, etc?

Clothing-a long cardigan and knee high boots!

Jewelry- my wedding ring, I love it!

***I stole this from another blog that I follow. She is a mom of a little girl that is Audrey's age. So fun being able to read another moms perspective on the same stage of life! If I had more time I'd love to find a blog to follow of someone that is Beckham's age.****

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you used it! I loved reading your answers and list of things! I am also most definitely a bath girl...that is sometimes the ONLY way to relax...I own way too many bubble baths, bath bombs, bath salts, etc. :)
