Monday, March 26, 2012

Girls weekend part 3

The quote that makes me cringe. Certain people that when they found out I was going away for two days/ one night.

'girls are just more equipped to stay home with babies.' and then suggesting that it wasn't the best decision for me to go. I understand that a father who works full time may struggle a little more but they are still his children. We made the choice together, we chose to be parents. The children are 50% me and 50% His.

Brent is my husband. I have faith in him. He is the best father I could ever have dreamed he would be! I trust him with my babies and respect his parenting. I don't know why so many people think that the father isn't capable or shouldn't have to care for the children from time to time. This is the first time I have gone away and left Brent with the babies ever. Audrey is 21 months. It's not like I go away all the time

If I was to divorce Brent (which would NEVER happen, he is my rock an best friend!) we would have shared custody, 50%. That means 50% of the time I would have no kids and would be free to do as I please. Why should my life as a wife and mother be so much more challenging and restricting then if I was a single divorced parent? I feel like many people put pressure on to conform to what they think is right.

Brent knew my heart, he happily an willingly suggested I needed a break from the mayhem. He knew I would be a better mom and better wife if I had a break.

I understand that people have opinions but seriously what works for you and your marriage is great but please don't try and force us to be held to the standards that work for you.

Sorry, that's my vent.

As for the weekend it was great. Thee was no stress of any sort of responsibility. We did as we pleased. Didn't have husbands or babies to feed (we had 8 kids between us three girls!) so it was refreshing to...

-be in a quiet car
-eat a meal without cooking
-eat a meal without feeding another child
-shower alone
-not feel rushed
-not feel like we needed a certain schedule

We were able to share and rejoice in each others blessings. We all have great husbands that bless us daily ad we all have incredible children who are all so unique and precious.

I know it sounds so silly but just the simple joy of talking to other adults was refreshing. So much of our days are spent talking to our children that having 'adult talk' about mundane things was absolutely glorious.

(hubbies are great but they don't want to talk about out silly joys...nail polish , panties, and makeup haha...ok so it wasn't as much adult talk but girl talk)

I did cheat on my allergies and try and stop nursing cold turkey. So at about 6pm last night I started getting a headache, stomach ache, aches, woozy, nauseous, cramps and more...what a bummer. With copious amounts of drugs I was able to get through the night and feel much better this morning and feel even better now that I'm nursing haha. Shoot guess I'm still nursing ladies...this was a conversation that was had many times this weekend if I should stop or keep nursing.

Thanks love for lovingly caring for our babies this weekend and encouraging me to go this weekend even though I wasn't sure if I should. You are such a good man and daddy, Audrey was disappointed that it wasn't Daddy that was home with her when she woke up this morning!

Ps-those two other girls out-shopped me MEGA! It was hilarious!

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