Monday, August 30, 2010

Alone during a 'beat weekend'

Brent went to his good friends stag up in Penticton. They had a 'beat car' weekend.

It was a weekend free from estrogen and high on testosterone that's for sure.

What is 'beat car' (ing)? Remember bumper cars as a kid? It's an adult version of that. They bring up old beater cars that barely run and play bumper cars, go off jumps and destroy the cars.

When Brent left I offered him one word of warning, 'You come back to me in one piece, alright?'

I'm happy to say the hubby is home. He has some minor whiplash ha ha but had a great time.

I'm was worried that I might become a young widow and single mom...obviously not concerned enough to take out a huge life insurance policy on him ha ha.

It was my first weekend...

Alone in four years of marriage (usually I plan to go away or have a girlfriend or my sister stay with me)

Alone for a weekend as a mom. Went good. Made me appreciate all Brent does to help with Audrey when he's home.

Alone at night...creepy. Good thing I have a guard dog named Prada

Also my first time going on a date with Brent's brother Bryan. He's going off to bible school and oh were really going to miss him. It was really fun to help him get ready to go and spend some time with him!

Also my first time as a married woman going to church without Brent. I cheated and tagged along with Brent's stellar parents.

Altogether a great experience that left me feeling so BLESSED!

Great hubby
Beautiful Audrey
INCREDIBLE in laws !
Awesome brother (Bry)
No cooking ;)
I ate so much cereal I'm ready to cook a good dinner tonight!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I took a coupon class...
My first coupon deal.
10 softlips chapsticks
Just paid tax!

5 $1 off coupons
10 $2 off coupons
They were originally $3.49 each!
I price matched to $2.50 each.
Saved $35!

Walked away paying $3.00 total (just hst)

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Both WAYS!

3months 7 days...
Can roll tummy to back&back to tummy!

Audrey looking modest after rolling one way...

Audrey looking stuck after rolling the other way...(after she rolls sometimes she gets her hands stuck under her body)

She's hardcore!

Thumbs up from mom! To early for a headshot ha ha.

Sad thing is Brent missed it be like 15seconds. I called him in when she was almost rolled...then he left cause she was taking to long...15 seconds later...ROLL!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Nair, my babysitter enforcer!

I used to use razors.
I had Audrey.
Now I use Nair, I buy the slowest one.

For those max 15 mins Brent is 100% responsible for Audrey. I can't come near her with chemicals or walk around with it on my legs.

I pay for the inconvenience for Brent but it's a good babysitting excuse for me. I go lay on the floor, read a magazine, twiddle my thumbs and relax.

Do you think Brent would notice if I start Nair(ing) my legs everyday?

Ah 15mins, ahh...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh, laundry.

Gone for a weekend and now that I'm home catching up on laundry is insane. I did laundry last Saturday and since I was gone for a weekend this is how much I had to catch up on...

To be honest I have a small load in the dryer left... So crazy that three people an produce that much laundry!!!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Were did my ZZzzZz go?

Home from the weekend away in whistler with the extended family.

Last night Audrey was up every other hour...I'm used to her sleeping 10-11hrs.

Not sure how in going to function today.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yes, you most certainly may hold my baby!

So tired.
A little stressed.

Two family filled weekends.
Lost the baby lottery.

What does that mean?
We have a big, active, sometimes fussy baby. She ain't the choice baby. Not small, not quiet that's for sure, doesn't sleep much, and on the go (sometimes fussy).

After two family weekends with a baby we are fried. Everyone wanted to hold and care for the other babies (not wild Audrey). So we are pooped.

Being busy, doing family stuff, always being on the go is draining with a little one.

Maybe one day we'll have the choice baby. Sure would be a lot easier and 'funner' at family events. Perhaps we would even feel more inclined to attend.

Not sure why being away from home is more work when you have a baby but boy oh boy I'm ready for bed and it's only 3:45pm.

Here is a picture of Audrey pretending to be a choice baby.

It's ok Audrey we choose you even if you're a wild child. You bring spice to our life and make us giggle big time.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cuddly and cute

When it's cold it's fun to dress Audrey warm. More cloths, more accessories, more fun!

Lil painted footsies

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***


Can these really help tone you butt and thighs.

Pre-pregnancy I would never have bought into something like this....

Post pregnancy... A hundred bucks to bump up your butt and help you get back into shape sounds like a good deal.

I do realize I am the target audience. They are marketing me, overweight mom who doesn't have as much time anymore. Hmmm. Is it a scam though? If it was a scam why are each name brand coming out with there version of the 'sketchers shapeups'? These ones are the cutest.

My belly is almost there but my butt and thighs are...alien to if this could help me' shape those areas while working out I might be sold...

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello Asian Church

The facts;

Brent and I live in a suite above a warehouse

An Asian church moved in the warehouse behind us were Prada pees

Tonight Brent is tired so I decide to do him a favor and do the lockup. (lock the vehicles, set the alarm, take prada to go to the washroom)

...I hope you know were this is going.

I sleep in Brents boxers and a lil tank. It's a little trailer trash but I like it and it's comfy.

It's 9pm, whose going to be outside?

I sneak outside and lock the vehicles (yes, in tiny tank and brents boxers)

I proceed to take Prada to go around the side of the building to go to the washroom. All of a sudden Prada bolts.

Hmmm suspicious. Maybe she just really had to go.

Nope she's jumping on the Asian church goers as there service obviously just got let out.

I'm standing there, yup, in boxers and tiny tank. So immodest. So trailer trash.

I persuade Prada inside without making eye-contact with anyone.

Oh Mercy Me!!! So humiliating!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Few words, lots of pictures

Dressed up and serious about it

Baby cellulite...promised I wouldn't put this on facebook but thought it has to go on my blog

It was dangerous taking her in the bath without a diaper but she did good ;) (good as in no explosions, this chick loves being naked!)

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Audrey's bedhead

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What I'm wearing Sunday

Brents brothers wedding is Sunday.

What am I wearing?

Let's start with minor details.
Toes and fingers

Did my fingers in a classic French with flower details and my toes a eggplant purple with tiny flower embellishments

Don't want to forget my ring bling my hubby gave me <3

Now onto the more important details...

My grandmas pearls

The dress(my sisters dress that I stole and got made lace-up)

My shoes

Sadly they are in storage so I'll reveal them another day with perhaps the whole out fit put together.
***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

So much poop

My last few day have been filled with poop. So so so much poop.

This is what motherhood is about, dealing with copious amounts of poop.

One of the poop explosions also included me forgetting my diaper bag. Let's just say Audrey got her bum wiped with a grocery bag and rode bare-bummed home were she proceeded to pee everywhere.

Her car seat has been washed records amounts of times this week. Wow my dear you are record breaking in a not so ladylike category.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ring Bling

Year # 4

Hubby said give me your ring, I gave it up and much to my surprise.....

VOILA....let's just say he diiiiiiiiiid GOOD!!!

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Oh Allergies

Let me name you
Kidney Beans
Green Peppers
Red meat

Once upon a time there was a girl who had a villain in her life named Allergies. She got knocked up and he disappeared. She thought he may be gone for good but in reality once the princess popped out the villain Allergies was sure to return (I'm being a nerd)....but it's sadly TRUE!

For real though it's 'bogus'

Oh well, since I'm allergic to what seems to be everything at least it'll help me get rid of this baby belly faster and probably maintain it.

There is a person in my life who makes me giggle. They think allergies aren't real (even if you get bloodtests). They think they are all in peoples head. Cheers to hearing comments about; being crazy, having an eating disorder, or everything being in my head again. To funny.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

I'm laughing way to hard at my tongue self portraits bah-ha ha. Pretty sure this will be one of those blogs I'm embarrassed about tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When do you stop waiting?

Audrey goes to sleep at 9-9:30pm and then normally she'll wake up at 7am. Then I'll feed he and she'll go back to sleep until 10am.

Well the last few days it's later and later. Last night she went to sleep at 9pm and then slept threw the night. Brent got up and left for work at 7am. I got up and tinkered waiting for Audrey to wake.

She woke up at 8:30!
I feel like this happens all the time! How do I get myself in the routine to sleep until she wakes instead of waking up and waiting for her?! So lame waking up early if you don't have to.

Hmmmm. I guess eventually there will be a standard time.

In retrospect today went way to fast because she woke up at 8:30am and I fed her and then back to sleep till 11:30am. Then bam it felt like today was done!

(she's so huge lol)

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

Monday, August 2, 2010

Camping with a newborn

July 23-25 we went camping with Audrey as well as another couple and there newborn.

We thought it might be a nightmare and had some fears. We thought it may end in going home early if to many things went wrong.

I am happy to report little Audrey is a true HAPPY camper!

There were some bumps; my horrible packing, squirrel getting into my trail mix and me spilling soya sauce all over myself in the car on the way there.

There were some highs; both babies slept soundly threw the night, minimal crying in general for babies, good food, good friends, sunshine, and good times.

We would for sure do it again and plan to!!!

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

In your own room!

Audrey started her life sleeping in her own room. After about one week I decided it was to much work trekking into her room multiple times a night to feed her.

She got moved into a playpen next to our bed after the first week of mayhem. Life was so much easier with her right beside me.

At 6 weeks she started to sleep through the night every night! (July 1, 2010)

I always told Brent as soon as she is sleeping through the night she'll be back in her room.

Well we knew she was having a sleepover at grandmas on our anniversary so we decided to keep her in our room in the playpen until after. Thought it might be to much change to soon. (sleepover, sleeping in room, sleeping in crib, being without mom)

So July 30, 2010 was her first night in her crib in her own room. She did so good! I thought it would be hard on her but it wasn't! It is a little more distracting with her video monitor and lots more work in terms of getting up to feed her in the morning.

Here is a picture of me stalking Audrey at night with the night vision on the baby monitor!

- what a cute lil profile xoxox

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First ROLL!

Saturday July 24 2010
Audrey took her first real roll!!!

We were at the beach at Cultas Lake with friends Josh&Sarah and there daughter Cali.

Babies were laying on a blanket under the umbrella. Audrey started fussing and Sarah and I looked over and she is starting to roll!!!

It looked like she wasn't going to be able to do it because her arm was stuck. I asked Sarah if it would be cheating to move her arm so she can roll easier. Sarah said it was cheating so I refrained.

Meanwhile Audrey is still fussing and trying to roll. We watched for another 30 seconds and ooooover she went! Her first roll (with NO cheating).

Brent was sad that he missed it because he was swimming. I'm sure he'll miss a few more things in the next few years---prob part of being a hardworking dad vs. a stay at home mom.

Go Audrey! You did soooo good!

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July 29

We celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary and our first anniversary as parents!

I was a little apprehensive about leaving Audrey but I knew that it had to be done because the first time is always the hardest!

Audrey did great with Grandma. Brants mom is one of the most tender, patient, gentle and loving women I know so I wasn't nervous about her. I was nervous that Audrey would refuse the bottle and starve. So silly I know.

Anyways we had a blast.
Beautiful hotel
Dinner Oceanside in Granville island
Shopping on Robson
Swimming at the hotel pool and beach
Lunch at Mongolian BBQ
Windsurfing at Jericho Beach

It was delightful!

So nice to spend some time baby free and just enjoy each others company! Oh how I love my man and how I love having fun with him.

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