Sunday, August 1, 2010

In your own room!

Audrey started her life sleeping in her own room. After about one week I decided it was to much work trekking into her room multiple times a night to feed her.

She got moved into a playpen next to our bed after the first week of mayhem. Life was so much easier with her right beside me.

At 6 weeks she started to sleep through the night every night! (July 1, 2010)

I always told Brent as soon as she is sleeping through the night she'll be back in her room.

Well we knew she was having a sleepover at grandmas on our anniversary so we decided to keep her in our room in the playpen until after. Thought it might be to much change to soon. (sleepover, sleeping in room, sleeping in crib, being without mom)

So July 30, 2010 was her first night in her crib in her own room. She did so good! I thought it would be hard on her but it wasn't! It is a little more distracting with her video monitor and lots more work in terms of getting up to feed her in the morning.

Here is a picture of me stalking Audrey at night with the night vision on the baby monitor!

- what a cute lil profile xoxox

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1 comment:

  1. what time does she go down and then wake up in the morning whats sleeping through the night?? Im jealous my guys stopped sleeping through the night and they will wake up at least once each
