Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yes, you most certainly may hold my baby!

So tired.
A little stressed.

Two family filled weekends.
Lost the baby lottery.

What does that mean?
We have a big, active, sometimes fussy baby. She ain't the choice baby. Not small, not quiet that's for sure, doesn't sleep much, and on the go (sometimes fussy).

After two family weekends with a baby we are fried. Everyone wanted to hold and care for the other babies (not wild Audrey). So we are pooped.

Being busy, doing family stuff, always being on the go is draining with a little one.

Maybe one day we'll have the choice baby. Sure would be a lot easier and 'funner' at family events. Perhaps we would even feel more inclined to attend.

Not sure why being away from home is more work when you have a baby but boy oh boy I'm ready for bed and it's only 3:45pm.

Here is a picture of Audrey pretending to be a choice baby.

It's ok Audrey we choose you even if you're a wild child. You bring spice to our life and make us giggle big time.

***another day, another chapter to add to the collection***

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sheena, I so totally know what you mean. Ellie Jo is already so particular about how she wants to be held and what attention she wants. She's also a homebody so taking her out of the house too often makes her cranky (she hates her carseat). Our baby might be small, but she sure can scream and keep me busy. Hang in there! Someday we'll miss this :)
