Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Grumpies

Brent and I sit back and laugh because we so have a case of the grumpies. It's the lack of sleep, less down time, less breaks and we catch ourselves mid 'grumpy' and realize what is going in and laugh...mostly we land up saying...'again' because its frequent these days.

Brent to be honest isn't a fan of the newborn stage. He struggles with it (cough majorly cough). It's not my favorite stage but because it is probably my last I have been taking time to relish in it a little more. (Enjoying a few extra snuggles etc). Brent on the other hand has taken to sulking a little extra, hiding from the crying a little extra, and I'm pretty sure when he has an excuse to not be home he uses it a little extra haha. Don't get me wrong he is extremely helpful with the kids and totally willing. It's just hilarious though how everyone handles the newborn stage. He is a little like a basset hound these days...those sad puppy dog eyes.

Sometimes Brent holds Beckham and he immediately starts crying as soon as he gets put in his arms. We make jokes that Beckham can sense his fear and reacts.

Poor Brent, he's just ready for the crawling and sleeping through the night stage already...unfortunately for my love we got a ways to go before that stage (ha ha).

Welcome to the Converse house...everyone has there panties in a twist.
Beckham-everyone is rushing him to grow up (and he got circumcised yesterday so he's nto the happiest today)
Audrey- not as much attention
Brent- wants his wife back and the crying to stop
Sheena- could use a little more sleep

Anyone want to visit the Converse house? Aka...we got a case of the Grumpies (the whole lot of us).

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