Thursday, September 8, 2011


We are in the 'TEENS'
This is a milestone!
My last 19(ish) days pregnant for the rest of my life.
Such a strange feeling.
Such a great feeling.
No matter how bad my day is I can take joy in knowing that I don't have to do it again.

Brent has been on a rampage of 'getting his fun out' before baby. He has gone fishing for the weekend, done lots of fun things with friends, he's going kayaking this friday for the day, and more fishing, golfing a few saturdays, and more man stuff... I think it's cute. My turn will come and he will get left at home with two little ones not just one, wink wink.

Audrey is napping, I am blogging, and possibly dreaming of a Disney vacation. Yes, I'm that much of a dork. I love Disney. I can dream can't I ;)

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