Monday, September 5, 2011

22 days

Last night Brent and I went to bed to read around 8:30pm and well...lets just say neither of us landed up reading at all, we passed out. We went to bed SO early. I think my pregnancy exhaustion has been passed on to him. I think more or less I am tired because I am pregnant etc, Brent is exhausted because he has been doing his thing plus some of my duties as well. What a good man.

22 days, and no name. How is this possible. We have a middle name (have had the middle name since we were dating). The first name dilemma is that we have two names we both love. We both love each name. My favorite out of the two is name number 1, and brents favorite out of the two is name number 2. I suggested that we just throw it all together and do a double middle name but Brent is against that. I am actually unsure if when we come home from the hospital if this baby is going to be named ha ha. When we talk about names it usually only lasts for 30 seconds and ends in laughter because we are so lost.

Last night as Audrey was dragging the babes playmat around the house having OH SO MUCH fun, we had a moment of realization that we might actually have to fear for our babes life at times. No leaving baby unattended on playmat while Audrey is awake that is for sure. Or when she leans down to give our dog Prada a kiss and she falls on top of her. Yah, scary when you think about her doing the same to a newborn. There is going to be a big adjustment in the converse house pretty quick. She is doing really good with 'gentle' just the extra loving she might try and give baby might endanger the poor thing.

Well my Little Miss is up from her nap so its time for me to do all things that mommies do, play in the kitchen, eat snacks, and try and steal as many snuggles and kisses as I can. Those are the days that make the difference between just a day and a great day.

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