Monday, May 31, 2010

My new skills

Not sleeping for days on end
Nursing a baby while peeing
Eating while holding a baby
Kissing chubby baby cheeks
Calling my husband daddy
Singing songs that don't make sense
Rocking(I wake up and I'm still rocking lol)
Sensing dirty diapers
Tickling chunky rolls
Becomming a food source

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. HOw are you not sleeping?? She should be able to sleep now for 2-3 hours at a time at night. Make sure you sleep when she is sleeping. You will need it and sleep is good for both you and Audrey.

  2. agreed, you should be sleeping, and she should be too, sleep is important for brain development she should be asleep more then shes awake. I only peed once while nursing lol now a days the boys follow me in the bathroom and stand up by the tub, its so intrusive haha

  3. Last night was the first night she slept longe then 2 hours. She really doesn't like being alone in her bed. I havnt been sleeping that well-I have been fighting a fever/chills and just when she stirs I stir. It'll prob just take time.

  4. That happened to me too, but its really important for them to get used to their bed or u will have major troubles later on. We had Tyson in our room until he started grunting in his sleep, I figured that my sleep was important as well and thats when he went in his crib, just turn the monitor on and they'll cry when they need something. Hope you feel better soon :)
