Sunday, May 16, 2010

What have I done...

Pineapple(barf-couldn't finish)
Massage(didn't work)
'Accupuncture/massage'(didn't work, and Brent is so strong I'm pretty sure I'm bruised lol)
Long walks(daily-and didn't work)

I'm pretty sure our baby decided the world is to scary and that it wants to stay in my safe womb, little does it know that is not what mommy wants.

This is a picture of my sick confused belly button lol. So gross. It's not popped but it's flush and there isn't a hole any longer. It's so funny looking, I just thought I would document it :) hope you don't lose your appitite looking at this lol.

1 comment:

  1. omg thats nothing! it still looks like a belly botton! Mine was litterally not there anymore flattened to almost paper thin, i was sure it would going to burst open!! but it was so soft
