Saturday, May 15, 2010


Everyone tells me that a sure sign of upcoming labour is nesting (aka cleaning). When people ask me if this has happended and I say no they say I still have a few days then. Well I don't think that's fair. Babys room has been decorated and ready forevvvvvver and there is really nothing left to do.

I think Brent is the one nesting he has just cleaned our place tip to bottom. So if a clean house is what it takes then I shouldn't even be able to finish this blog. Brent has been 'nesting' all week. So it doesn't really give me a chance to clean if everything is already spotless. So i think I might skip this whole cleaning/nesting thing thanks to my super hubby.

I feel like I'm sitting here blogging and when I wasn't blogging I was laying down just waiting for some action (not that kind of action, Brent is scared of the baby at this point lol.) The action I'm talking about is like my water breaking or cramps or something thar will alert me to the fact that; my precious baby is almost here, And I will be put out of my misery finally ( I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about no more insomnia, nautiousness, barfing, aches, and so much more). So exciting!

I'm so excited just to have my little one in my arms. To see what color hair and eyes it has. Whose features it has. Mostly I'm just excited to meet this precious gift god has given to us <3

When when when when when...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. i can't wait to find out that you have had your little one and to meet this child and hear the name and see what baby looks like. SO excited for you and all of these firsts! the wait will be over son Sheena!

  2. my prenatal nurse lady told me she baked like a hundred loads of bread the day before she gave birth
