Monday, May 20, 2013

Audrey Aliena is THREE!

Audrey is still in the 110% for height, 50% for weight...and 50% for head size. 
She is 3 years old and has been wearing a size 4/5 for a long time!

As far as vocabulary goes she speaks in full sentences. The only time we can't understand her is when she is speaking a million miles a minute (like mommy..)daddy can't understand mommy when she talks that fast either.

We asked Audrey for a solid month what she wanted for her birthday. Her only response was 'a candy cane' after more attempts she admitted she wanted 'happy birthday song for me and not Beckham.'

Audrey is so many things
-gentle with babies
-wrestling enthusiast 
-snuggler (this is new this year)
-so so SMART (it freaks us out)
-loves baking 
-love helping daddy with his tools
-helpful (likes to help arey groceries)
-nudist extraordinaire 

She can count to 15
Knows all her ABCs
Knows all her shapes
Knows her colors but is often mixing them up-50% of the time she mixes them up because she thinks its funny
She can count objects and know how many there is even if you take away some.

Audrey is starting preschool in September and I think it will be a fabulous thing for Audrey. Audrey thrives on structure and routine so this is going to be a great experience. She also LOVES a challenge.

Audrey has been in soccer, ballet, and swimming lessons this past year! She is such a great swimmer. Her dance moves...she gets them from her mama. She cracks me up. Haha. Watching her dance makes me dance and well I don't usually dance in public.

My family growing up didnt have a lot of traditions so one thing Brent and I have been trying to do is start some of our own. We really enjoy celebrating one another with the gift of time.

We started the morning with a wild breakfast with loads of whip-cream. Brent loves to spray the whip cream right in the kids mouths. It freaked Beckham out. Audrey was in her glory! She loves anything that involves strawberries, whip cream and syrup-so we had French toast!

Then we opened presents. Some presents where put away to save for a different time (cough when Beckham wasn't awake to destroy them). One thing we bought was glow in the dark bubbles. We plan to keep her up late one night and run around in the field and blow bubbles in the dark! Another gift we bought was candy land the princess version. We want to start family fun time and are SO excited about this game!! Yay 3 is so fun! 

I took Audrey to the grocery store to 'plan' her cake. (She loves to bake with me so I thought it would be the perfect way to spend our morning). Audrey wanted a blue inside for her cake, a yellow outside, a pink middle, then I let her pick out four different kinds of candies in the bulk bin section to put in the middle. I thought she'd do more like smarties and m&ms but she chose full on candy haha it was quite the cake.

She helped with the entire process, the measuring, mixing, baking and decorating. She had a blast. Her came wasn't the prettiest but it was all Audrey!

We then had naptime. Oh glorious naptime.

After the kiddos woke up we took them out for nasty fast food...they loved it. Audrey always asks for 'old McDonald had a farm..' This is how she asks for McDonald's haha. So how do we deny our birthday girl?

Brent took Audrey to MTF our last resort and only other place to find the princess's last request...a candy cane. He told me that the people at the store were great and loved that she wanted cAndy canes. They scoured the store and finally found some....(.60 cents for a box)...someone landed up paying for them because they thought it was so cute. Haha 

Next? The ZOO&the train on the zoo!
The kids had an absolute blast! They always do! The zoo is always a favourite.

We got home at 6:30 and put the kids straight to bed. They had the end of there sugar high and crashed and lets be honest Brent and I had a massive sugar crash as well.

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