Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beckhams Birthday party Recap

So as I sat down last night I realized that I did a bad mommy move and didn't take even one single picture last night at beckhams birthday party. Shoot. I guess I will have to describe it with enough detail so that when he looks back in the future he isn't disappointed!

Hot dogs 
Veggie platter
Pasta salad 

Beckham ate two raw hot dogs before the party even began. Ha ha. He was a machine. He ate a million cheesies. It was hilarious. 

We were skeptical about having so many lil ones and a fire but it flowed beautifully and was super chill. Around 60 people (kids included) showed up. It was fabulous. Our backyard could even hold more. 

Beckham ran around playing tag and digging in dirt for the bulk of the night. Hence the no pictures. I barely saw them. There was a good range of ages kids so they played beautifully and the older boys were very responsible.

The party was 5-8pm and it got dark before 7pm so I had glow sticks for all the little kids. They had a blast running around in the dark. 

Honestly it was a blast. Beckham was in his absolute glory. It was such a fun time celebrating him. Bonfire birthday party was a success. We will repeat it for sure in the future!! 

It's 7:30 and both babies are still asleep. I'd say parties are good way to tucker them right out. 

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