Monday, September 23, 2013

Beckham is two!!!

Beckham just turned TWO!
Oh the little man that he is! I remember being pregnant and praying over him and for him. I loved him since before I even knew he existed. The precious moments of the first time I met my sweet beckham was 1/3 of my favourite and most special movements in my life. 

20 facts about my beckham at two. 

-he is the most cuddly little boy 
-if I help him all day he would never cry for any reason...ever even as a baby this was true
-his favourite word is 'no'
-his second favourite word is 'daddy' although it sounds more like 'dadhee'
-he's a mommy's boy through and through and it makes my heart smile.
-when he's playing he mostly just plays 'daddy' everything he plays is pretending to be Brent. He pretends to landscape, renovate, build, fix and lay flooring haha.
-beckhams best friend is without a doubt best friends with his sister. It is the most endearing thing ever.
-beckhams worst enemy is also his sister haha only part of the time.
-beckhams favourite food is MEAT. Surprise surprise he is a boy boy boy
-beckham has the fattest feet I have ever known to exist. Shoving those sausages in shoes is the hardest thing...I'm often a bad mom and let him go barefoot 
-beckham eats more then any other two year old and as much as most adults. For breakfast he can eat an average of- two bowls of cereal, a banana, and a yogurt 
-beckham is one TOUGH cookie he will fall, bonk or hurt himself and almost never actually cries.
-beckham loves cuddling on the couch and reading books with daddy or mommy 
-beckham hot a big schelich brand T-Rex for his birthday and now he goes around making the dinosaur bite everyone 
-beckham has always been in the 90th-100th percentile for height. He's a tall boy. 
-beckham loves water. Rain or shine if the baby pool has water in it he will diving in it. Clothed or not he's going swimming.
-beckham is a milk guzzler. He can drink at least a litre a day. It's crazy
-beckham has the most gentle heart and sweet spirit. He just wants to make everyone happy. 
-beckham is two and still doesn't like to give kisses with his lips closed. We gladly accept his goobery open mouthed kisses but are eager for him to learn to close his mouth haha.
-beckham is our baby. He will be my forever baby. When he turned two I milked some sweet 'baby' cuddles. I often call him baby. In my heart he will be my forever baby. He is such a sweetheart and I love him to the moon and back. He really will always be my baby.

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