Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1/4 of a century
Brent came home from work with a nasty flu bug so it's been a messy start. He couldn't pull over and landed up throwing up all over the inside of his truck. I cleaned it up while gagging and laughing.
Happy 25...it kinda summed up my last two years...its been filled with barf.

I then went to a family thing and Beckham was starving and I forgot to bring food. He was given a granola bar...then more barf. All over grandpa, all over the floor and soaking all my cloths and beckhams (it was a intense amount haha)

I'm hoping that just because this birthday has been filled with barf that means we got it all our of our system and this year will be barf free.

Waking up to a hubby who loves me and let's me take care of him when he's sick even though he tries to be tough

Climbing into Audrey's big girl bed for some morning snuggles.

Then some quiet time with Beckham sniffling over baby cloths being grown out of. Tear-sniffle-sniffle, it's going so fast.

I can honestly say this hasn't been a good year. It's been full of beauty but it has been one of those hard seasons. I'm hoping that 25 will be the start of many years filled with confidence, peace and joy.

I'm happy to be 25, I'm happy to say these past two years are done and now I can welcome the next season of life.

We had a date at the gun range (to blast away this years stress haha) and all you can eat sushi planned (Brent knows me so well) due to sickness I am just hoping to do some sewing after the kids go to bed

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