Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Second Birthday

My spice
You are TWO
I remember your first moments
I remember your first night
I remember your first birthday
I remember your second year
Today you turned TWO
When I tucked you in tonight you said, 'mommy cuddle' that is a request I almost can never deny. You are my spice, my joy, the reason behind many smiles every single day. I adore you. You are my first baby, my only girl. I love you so much. I'm scared for when you are a teenager. I know we will get through it. I hope you will forgive me when I make mistakes. I know I'm not perfect. I hope I don't embarrass you to much unless it's around boys then I hope I embarrass you enough to scare them away. (Joking...sort of). You are so beautiful and there is so much more to you then beauty. Your smile, your giggles, your incredible sense of humor, and let's be honest you are bright. You have scared me half to death with how quickly you have learned. I sometimes tried to downplay how advanced you are but today is your birthday and one day you will read this. My darling you have it all, brains, beauty and humor. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

You are two.

You can climb a jungle gym with no help no matter the height

You can count to six

You talk in almost full sentences

You make jokes and tickle

You can handle spicier food then daddy

You are working on your ABCs and are doing great! So far you have the first's a start!

You also know lots of colors

You know all your animals and what sounds they make. Your favorite is the tiger because let's be honest you LOVE to ROAR

Audrey so far you have Mommy's private school dance moves you are proud of them though and that's what is important. Maybe I need to learn some real dance moves so I can role model.

When I was pregnant with you I knew when I was sick I was fighting for you. I was praying for these moments. I thank god for every second I've had you and praise the Lord for all the rest of the moments and years we will have.

There isn't a day that goes by that you don't make me burst into giggles.

You make me want to be a better person, a better wife, and a better mom. Thank you Audrey. The moment I knew you were in me, you changed me for the better. I pray that everyday you are alive you will know how very loved you are. Loved by me, daddy, Beckham and most importantly Jesus. He loves you sweetheart.

Today we
Had icecream (Oreo) for breakfast, cupcakes for lunch, some strawberries, birthday sprinkle blondies for dinner. On your birthday you can have why you want and treats all day was what you got. You played hard, swam lots, laughed harder and crashed before 7pm. Early to bed on your birthday. I love you princess. I'm ok with treats all day on your birthday if that is what you want!


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