Wednesday, May 23, 2012


While Beckham naps I try and do special big kid thing with Audrey. She adores her brother but she thrives when she gets 1-1 time.

Sometimes we paint, bake, play play dough, do crafts, read books and many other things. The other day I picked up some seeds and thought for $1.89 it could be fun to plant seeds and watch it grow together. She loves feeding Prada and our turtles so I think watering etc. will be right up her ally.

Anyways, it was messy as she just turned two and LOVES dirt. It was hard to get her to understand that we don't 'play' in this dirt.

Anyways I'm excited to see if she really enjoys this, I'm hoping she's not to young. I know she'll enjoy the watering but I'm wondering if she will understand the 'growing'

I have intentions to also do the 'bean' in a plastic cup (with paper towel) this summer with her. I'm loving this age.

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