Saturday, June 8, 2013

Don't drink it

She might smile at you nice.
She might use her manners
Don't be fooled. If she's quiet be prepared.

Today I saw her playing so nice in her kitchen (her play kitchen). I asked her what she was doing. 'Just playing' she replied. My heart melted. A couple minutes passed. I asked if I could play. 'Alright!' She exclaimed excitedly. She handed em some tea. (Pretend). Much to my surprise it had some liquid in it. I asked her what it was. 'Just spit tea's good.' The giggles welled up and couldn't be contained. Failed parenting moment. She's going to do it again I can just sense it lol shouldn't have laughed. The thing was not that she did it...but the quantity of liquid. The time it must have taken. Oh mercy. I am laying in bed writing this and trying not to giggle because Brent is asleep. 

Audrey is me. I was like this as a child. She honestly is the funniest mixture of mischievous with the heart that wants to please. So she does something and really has no NO no idea that its 'wrong, bad, gross or naughty' she almost NEVER does the same thing twice that is a 'no no' but she is creative so there is usually something up her sleeves. She is SO remorseful and gives the most heartbreaking 'sorrys' so needless to says she might get in trouble but usually I am the one that walks away feeling like a 'jerk' because I know in her big beautiful heart she was just trying to live life with zest and explore its full potential. 

Oh Audrey. You make me feel again the way I used to-no inhibitions. You are 3 and I get you, I got your back baby girl even if I gotta give you trouble so you can be a successful adult one day. I hope your zest for life is never bogged down by the 'Debbie downers' of the world. I understand how you just want to experience everything and see the world as a place full of opportunities to make people laugh, light up the room with your smile and dance moves and most of all to explore and live life to the fullest.

Audrey I love you, I am so proud of the girl you are becoming. I hope you know how everytime I punish you I had to go in my room and laugh. One day I hope you read this and know that I would never wish for you to be a boring child. You light up my life and my days. I hope that you get blessed enough to have a little 'Audrey' that tries to serve you some 'spit tea' and keeps you on your toes in the most wonderful way.

1 comment:

  1. Sheena, I want to know if you enjoyed the 'tea'. Audrey said it was good!!
