Thursday, July 18, 2013

Road Rash

Audrey had her first serious accident. She was running down a hill while we were camping and totally 'biffed it'

She split her lip, skinned her elbows, knees, and lip. She cried really hard for one of the first times-usually she shakes if off like a champ. It was crushing. I now understand how a parent wishes they could take the pain on themselves instead of having there child suffer. My heart broke in a million pieces for her. She was really lucky her tooth tooth didnt go all the way through her lip-it looked close! Otherwise we would have been getting stitches!

When the bible refers to Gods love like a father I had a light bulb moment. It makes sense if he loves us like his own children why he would sacrifice so much to take away our suffering. It also makes sense why we are jerks and selfish if we are the children lol.

I always tell Brent he needs to be home more because in this stage. In the right now our kids will never love or need us more then they do now . I heard a great quote a long time ago. 'The only time your children need you is when they are young or when they have young children and if you aren't around during those times they won't need you during the rest'. I guess this is kind of off tangent lol. I will just be sad when the day comes when I won't have any ouchies to kiss, tummies to tickle, lil ones to chase, and hands to hold.

This stage. This summer. I adore it. These ages are just bliss. We truly are cherishing every moment. I think we are cherishing it even more because we know we can't have anymore babies so we just want to hold every moment and milestone close to our hearts as we watch the two most amazing kids conquer the world.

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