Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How Beckham sleeps best

Oh my heart.
I never want to forget these napping days.
Every other day each kid takes a turn napping in my bed. We snuggle and chat and just be together a little before I insist it's time to close their eyes. These are some of my most tender moments in each day.
I'm not perfect.
I actually fail my kids daily. 
Today I felt sick (cold) and Audrey packed her preschool snack, dressed herself, got her booster from our car and sat on the driveway waiting for Uncle Lenin who was going to take her to preschool. 
I felt guilty as I stood at my window watching my independent girl fend for herself. I also felt super proud. This isn't everyday it's actually more of s 0.05% but still. She just sat and waited so perfectly!

These naptime moments are my time in the crazy day to lay down, relax, snuggle, and pour into my child instead of the usual RUSH rush rush we are normally in. We are still. We are quiet. We are chatty. We are whatever we want to be for those few minutes. Even on my worst day. Naptime isn't just my favourite for 'a break' it's my favourite for those quiet tender moments. I know they are going to fade and be few and far between. Until then I will daily look forward and 'slow down' to get those quiet moments in.

Beckham isn't as chatty as Audrey. He is VERY cuddly. He loves touch. He requests 'tuddle mommy' almost everytime. When he's ready to sleep he pushes away and then requests to hold hands while he falls asleep. 
He's got a whole rhythm. It's heaven. Even on days he makes me crazy those moments melt it all away and make everything fresh. I love these moments. 

Age 3&4 
It's heaven 
They are like puppies, sweet, cute and cuddly! If only they could stay 'puppies' forever!

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