Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's a beautiful play outside (or be enemies)

My kids. They aren't perfect. They are mostly best friends. Sometimes you get s day like today were they are enemies though.

Audrey awoke from her nap with a zest for life and wanting to play outside. I relate to her. When it's sunny my soul sings to the same beat as hers.

Beckham woke up with different plans. Temper tantrum city. Enemies till the end.

Audrey was gracious and forgiving. Sometimes wide eyes and confused by his chaos. She rolled with it.

She went to give him s shovel, he in turn threw it down the stairs (outside on our patio) and said 'that's the wrong one!'

Goodness gracious she was just being kind. 

She apparently found the 'right shovel' 10mins later. Well well they are best friends. He is happy. She has forgotten his chaos. 

If only we as adults could replicate that kind of forgiveness. That kind of 'forgive and forget'. It truly is amazing to watch.

Some may say I 'lazy mom'd it' by sitting by the sidelines and letting them work it out. I think I am training them to be adults. I want them to work it out on their own. I want them to learn to talk, reconcile and forgive naturally. I am sitting close by ready to jump in if they need me but until they do I'm quite proud to watch them work on their relationship on the sidelines. 

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